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How am I supposed to vote on this ? No wonder our nation is so ****ed up !


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My brain hurts from a massive overdose of double-negatives, at the polls !

I think I just allowed al-Quaeda and illegal aliens to take over our country, without knowing it !

What am I supposed to do when I get to the polls, and get options like this ??? :

Do you oppose the ban that negates the prohibition of deleting the exemption of the lack of voids in the process of preventing rejected efforts to kill the vote to remove the amendment to the State Constitution which will disallow ownership of real property by aliens ineligible for citizenship ?




It took me a half hour to figure out if I'm voting to allow or not allow illegal aliens to own property !

Why don't they just ask if I want them to have property ?

But no, thanks to "Negatives times 20", people have no idea what they're voting for, and the majority of the time, end up voting FOR something they're against. A big reason why our nation is so messed up !

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You've heard of a double-negative ?

Well, what am I supposed to do when I get to the polls, and get options like this ??? :

Do you oppose the ban that negates the lack of voids in the process of preventing rejected efforts to kill the vote to remove the amendment to the State Constitution which disallows illegal aliens to own real estate ?




It took me a half hour to figure out if I'm voting to allow or not allow illegal aliens to own property !

Why don't they just ask if I want them to have property ?

But no, thanks to "Negatives times 20", people have no idea what they're voting for, and the majority of the time, end up voting FOR something they're against. That's why our nation is so messed up !

Huh. I'm in Florida, which seems to have a very similar initiative on the ballot, but the wording is a whole lot clearer on mine.

I agree with you. Somebody really wants to make things complicated. (Or there's some well-intentioned but stupid law that says it has to be that way.)

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it's the 2% rule at work. you have to be 2% smarter than whatever object you're working with to be successful at your given task. that's why many aren't good w/ master lock combinations.

The problem is, for the people who aren't smart enough to figure it out, they're not going to be discouraged from voting on it and skip it, but rather they're probably going to UNKNOWINGLY vote incorrect on it.

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The problem is, for the people who aren't smart enough to figure it out, they're not going to be discouraged from voting on it and skip it, but rather they're probably going to UNKNOWINGLY vote incorrect on it.

one of the reasons i hate rock the vote campaigns. we need less, not more.

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Do you oppose the ban that negates the prohibition of exempting the lack of voids in the process of preventing rejected efforts to kill the vote to remove the amendment to the State Constitution which disallows illegal aliens to own real estate ?

Holy crap....first whoever wrote this should be shot.

Second...what does the yes vote mean, and what does the no vote mean.

I've read it about 15 times and still get lost in the middle.

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That sentence should be taken out back and shot. That is a disgrace. Though I'm sure there's some idiotic rationale why it was purposefully written in such a convoluted fashion. :doh:

My guess is that when it was decided to send it to a public referendum that the representatives who opposed (not even sure what that means with that sentence) the referendum were able to affect the language in such a way that it would be incredibly confusing making people read the first part then the last part i.e. "do you oppose the ban on illegals owning property". That's my guess, but as I stated earlier I can't make heads or tails out of that thing.

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My brain hurts from a massive overdose of double-negatives, at the polls !

I think I just allowed al-Quaeda and illegal aliens to take over our country, without knowing it !

What am I supposed to do when I get to the polls, and get options like this ??? :

Do you oppose the ban that negates the prohibition of deleting the exemption of the lack of voids in the process of preventing rejected efforts to kill the vote to remove the amendment to the State Constitution which disallows illegal aliens to own real estate ?




It took me a half hour to figure out if I'm voting to allow or not allow illegal aliens to own property !

Why don't they just ask if I want them to have property ?

But no, thanks to "Negatives times 20", people have no idea what they're voting for, and the majority of the time, end up voting FOR something they're against. A big reason why our nation is so messed up !

At least you figured it out. It might as well have been written in french to me. I had to get someone to explainit to me.:doh:

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Was the wording in both English and Spanish? or just the si/no option?

Just curious - because if you cant figure out yes=si, then I assume you wont be able to read the paragraph you are supposed to be voting for.

That's the funny part, the do NOT translate all that crap, but they DO translate your response YES or NO - and ironically NO in English is NO in Spanish, like the Hispanics really need help with that.

If a Hispanic person needs interpretation for Yes or No, then how will they understand all that other crap with no translation, considering fluent English-speaking people could not figure it out ?

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Amendment 1

Repeal of Alien Land Law

Official title: Relating to Property Rights/Ineligible Aliens

What it would do: Delete an outdated provision of the state Constitution that authorizes the Legislature to regulate the property rights of ineligible aliens."

You should know: In 1926, Florida voters amended the state Constitution to ban Asian immigrants from owning and inheriting property. Florida's "alien land law" was typical of more than a dozen such state laws passed in the United States between 1862 and 1965. While the measure was intended to prevent Japanese farmers from leasing or owning property, it does not appear that the constitutional provision was ever enforced because it was never codified into the Florida statutes. Most states subsequently did away with such provisions, but a group of University of Cincinnati Law students discovered in 2001 that Florida, New Mexico and Wyoming still had anti-Asian land laws on the books. Wyoming and New Mexico repealed their alien land laws in 2001 and 2006, leaving Florida as the only state with an alien land law still on the books.

Proponents: Eighty-three state representatives and 39 state senators supported sponsor Sen. Steve Geller of Hollandale Beach, who introduced the push to delete "bizarre" and "racist" wording from the state Constitution. Other supporters include the Organization of Chinese Americans, other minority rights advocates and immigrants rights advocates, and Florida TaxWatch.

Opponents: In a May 2007 vote, 31 members of the Florida House of Representatives opposed striking down the law. Anti-immigrant sentiment appears to have at least something to do with their thinking. Rep. Mitch Needelman (R-Melbourne) told the Miami Herald that lawmakers were giving up what could be a useful immigration-fighting tool.

Financial impact: None

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Yes means illegals can own land. No means keep it the way it is.

Yes - liberal

No - conservative.

1) The measure doesn't mention illegals in any way.

2) So, your definition of "conservative" is "prohibitions on the ownership of property"?

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My definition of conservative is the correct definition, meaning stay the course.

Even when (at least in the case of the similar initiative in Florida) "stay the course" means "opposing the removal, from the State Constitution, a Jim Crow law that was specifically placed there for the purpose of preventing all them Chinese from moving here"?

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Even when (at least in the case of the similar initiative in Florida) "stay the course" means "opposing the removal, from the State Constitution, a Jim Crow law that was specifically placed there for the purpose of preventing all them Chinese from moving here"?

Here's how to settle this: which party wants you to vote yes and which party wants you to vote no?

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According to the interweb - the actual language of Florida Amendment 1 was this:

Proposing an amendment to the State Constitution to delete provisions authorizing the Legislature to regulate or prohibit the ownership, inheritance, disposition, and possession of real property by aliens ineligible for citizenship.

Seems straightforward to me.

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