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Don't blame J. Campbell, blame the offensive line(Merged)


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NO WAY' date=' this was a game where campbell had to step up. The team needed campbell to carry them in this one and he let the team down.[/quote']

Had to carry a team when your O-Line looks just like swiss cheese. It's not that one single person has to carry the team.

The TEAM has to carry itself. Tonight they didn't.

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its a chest match.. they knew we are coming with portis. we got to start the game passing. we played checkers tonight, while they played chest


Ben, is that you? Did the cheerleaders distract you again? :silly:

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I'll place this one mostly on a banged up Samuels and abandoning the run with a RT that can't pass block. The end result----> Campbell on his back and no TDs.

We can't go pass happy with tackles that can't pass block. DURRR!!

That was the root of the problem right there.

After that, Campbell could get into any sort of rythm.

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I am starting to get concerned that this offense is based on the same 10-15 plays and it is up to our team to have the personnel to make them work.

After the Eagles game, our offense has just not looked the same.

True, we put up a lot of yardage on some bad teams, but we haven't been able to score TDs

Tonight we played against the #1 defense and got handled, but I wouldn't even be concerned if we had done what most other teams had done when playing garbage teams like the Browns, Rams, & Lions.....

It is the fact that we basically looked lackluster against them that has me most concerned.

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Everyone deserves a little blame most, however, i'd say lie with the OLine and the receivers. The line rarely gave JC more than 3 seconds and when u combine this with the fact that our receivers looked absolutley sluggish and got no seperation, the result is JC gets sacked or hit on almost everyplay. Sure JC deserves some criticism cause he was high or indecisive at time, but hell if i got beat up like he did today id be a bit off too.

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The Steeler's qbs made something happen, and they had a ton of pressure in their faces, too. Campbell cannot be totally absolved of that performance.

There's a difference. We played well defensively at the beginning of the game but we didn't punch them in the mouth. The Gnats punched them in the mouth for four quarters and the game finally went their way. The Steelers are a team that you have to bludgeon into submission and we just didn't do that tonight.

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Yeah the line has to take the bulk of the blame. Campbell could have played better. It seemed that after taking some many shots he stopped following through on his passes and they started to sail high on him. I don't fault the defense. They were on the field so long tonight, I just think they ran out of gas in the second half.

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The Steelers D was simply brutal. Credit should go to them more so than criticism for our offense, so I'm not even blaming the O line at all. I completely agree with you about JC. He reminded me of a Timex watch, took a lickin' but kept on tickin'. The man hung in there like a true champ.


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Sure, JC made some mistakes that show he's still young and we haven't quite gotten this down...but GOOD LORD our O-line was AWFUL. God Awful. That was embarrassing. Even more embarrassing, my roommate who doesn't know anything about football was asking me essentially how so few "yellow" guys (lined up in the box) were able to sack our QB. GOOD QUESTION!

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Our two bad offensive games this year have been against arguably the two best defenses in the league. We got beat by a superior group. We haven't been "figured out" any more than we were earlier this year. We'll make plays and score points against lesser opponents and struggle against better ones. We weren't going 14-2, and hell we won't go 13-3. Move on...

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what's really disturbing is that we had the ball in Steeler territory multiple times to start the game. We came out of that situation with 2 field goals and did a whole lot of nothing with the other possessions we had in there. I don't know what happens with the team when they have the ball down there...is it Zorn over thinking the playcalling? Is it just a serious mental block that we have on that side of the field that leads us to penalties and turnovers? This finishing drives question has to be answered or we might as well just change our names to the Washington Field Goals. Field goals just don't win games, get it together offense.

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The silver lining in tonight's loss? We don't have to worry about JC's zero INT streak any more.

Yes, I am indeed grasping at straws. :(

Yep, after seeing the amount of pressure on JC cuz off our effing O-line, my brother and I were talking on the phone and both of us were like "well, the no interception streak is going to end here shortly." Two play later.

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Actually you might be on to something......we run the same basic plays....draw play, run up the middle, run to the left and quick slants......we caught the Eagles and Philly by surprise with those plays....sloughed through the browns and lions , but finally played a good defense that could stop it and they did. WE might need to start opening up our playbook a little bit more

Also coach Zorn, you do not have to cal run plays every first down, playaction will always get you moving the chains on first down and keep aggresive defenses honest

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Actually you might be on to something......we run the same basic plays....draw play, run up the middle, run to the left and quick slants......we caught the Eagles and Philly by surprise with those plays....sloughed through the browns and lions , but finally played a good defense that could stop it and they did. WE might need to start opening up our playbook a little bit more

Also coach Zorn, you do not have to cal run plays every first down, playaction will always get you moving the chains on first down and keep aggresive defenses honest

Hes gone away from the screens and reverses that really helped us out early on in the season. In the run game we havent been using the strech or toss (effectively) for a few weeks now. Still much room to grow as a playcaller

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