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Don't blame J. Campbell, blame the offensive line(Merged)


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IMO, we don't utilize playaction passing enough. We call a lot of staight-on pass plays that don't throw defenses off.

I-formation - Playaction pass should be a very formidable weapon in our offense when we have the leagues leading rusher, yet it seems like we don't utilize it much.

Also, lets not pretend our offense look liked champions vs. Lions, Browns & Rams......our offense put up a bunch of yards but barely scored.

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Yea the guy had one bad game. But was it really his fault. Everytime he dropped back some ****ing steeler LB was up in his grill. Plays were never allowed to develop. Our average down and distance on 3rd down was 3rd and 9, thats ****ing bs right there.

So the guy plays at a pro bowl level all season and this is the respect he is shown by so called 'redskins' fans. The guy just can't win can he?

Everyone was whooping and hollering about his turnovers last year and he goes into the offseason with yet another new offensive system and comes out just renewed and refreshed playing some fanastic mistake free football. But that is never enough for the ficklest of all fans. Seriously gfoh.

I find it incredibly sad that people revel in JC's failure just so they can start a thread after one bad game that wasn't even remotely his fault.

If you don't like the dude then go support the team that Colt will find himself on next year or whatever.

The guy is our franchise QB and will be here for 10 more successful years.

I'm sorry if that upsets all those Hawaiians (who frankly have no place on this board considering they don't give two ****s about the team) and ridiculous pessimists.

Campbell = Soon to be Elite QB

Yea you'll see and then we will never hear from you again.

I personally can't wait, and can't wait to see colt shipped off somewhere else as well.


We are REDSKINS fans! Don't ****ing forget that!


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Because majority of people here think that there dumbass pessimistic asinine opinion matters, because as soon as the skins lose they are looking for an answer and the only way they can show it is by throwing whoever they can find under the bus. Some people think before they type, and I respect that, its one thing to be realistic, its another to be completely stupid and act like we are 2-7.

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agreed. when they stop portis they can and did put 8 in the box. pitt has the best defense in the nfl, and these people who say JC and our "O" suck, have to realize that. sometimes i get too irritated at the naysayers on this board, it gets hard to read sometime. and i hardly ever post.

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I find it incredibly sad that people revel in JC's failure just so they can start a thread after one bad game that wasn't even remotely his fault.

While I do agree with the majority of your post and certainly the angst at "fans" who simply look for an excuse, game after game to say "see! there's the REAL Campbell--he sucks!" but some of this is JC's own doing.

JC must start doing a better job of taking command at the LOS and helping his O-line with pre-snap reads and audibling to neutralize an opponent's blitz package. Especially during home games. Too many times, I see JC come to the line, see blitz and either do nothing (even though if the blitz comes, it will overload one side of the line) or call a precious time-out. Sometimes, it seems like JC is surprised when hes being harrassed even though it was obvious that the blitz was coming.

Audibling, reactive blocking shifts and hot reads will greatly help this offense take advantage of gambling defenses. I don't know if Zorn is just trying to keep things simple for JC or what, but if JC is going to become and elite QB, this aspect of his game must get better IMO.

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While I do agree with the majority of your post and certainly the angst at "fans" who simply look for an excuse, game after game to say "see! there's the REAL Campbell--he sucks!" but some of this is JC's own doing.

JC must start doing a better job of taking command at the LOS and helping his O-line with pre-snap reads and audibling to neutralize an opponent's blitz package. Especially during home games. Too many times, I see JC come to the line, see blitz and either do nothing (even though if the blitz comes, it will overload one side of the line) or call a precious time-out. Sometimes, it seems like JC is surprised when hes being harrassed even though it was obvious that the blitz was coming.

Audibling, reactive blocking shifts and hot reads will greatly help this offense take advantage of gambling defenses. I don't know if Zorn is just trying to keep things simple for JC or what, but if JC is going to become and elite QB, this aspect of his game must get better IMO.

I actually think Campbell has taken great steps as to what he is calling at the line etc. His avoid, reset, and throw has really impressed me time and time again. I wonder about those timeouts though, cause he called them a few times. A couple of times Z looked like he agreed with Campbell's decision which makes me think the plays got in a little late and there wasnt enough time to audible or change protection. Just more wrinkles that need ironing out I guess.

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O LINE..what O line??..they stunk. Also beyond Moss there is NO threat at WR..thomas and Kelly..wasted picks..fred davis?? ..WITH THOSE THREE PICKS ..NOBODY IS HELPING..and to add insult to injury..we could have had a top free agent wr ..it goes back to personel moves in the offseason..that builds the foundation for the regular season..Jason had no time and nobody to throw it to when he did..maybe next year we can trade our top 3 picks and get Crabtree from texas tech..at least we would have one good player..

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NO WAY' date=' this was a game where campbell had to step up. The team needed campbell to carry them in this one and he let the team down.[/quote']

I don't care if you are Tom Brady, Peyton Manning or any other so called elite QB. If you don't have protection you have nothing. Football isn't like basketball or baseball where there is really that type of space for individual achievement. All those QBs that were mentioned before have really looked bad when the protection breaks down. The offensive line got man handled and they couldn't even run block which is supposed to be their strength. I know that people want Colt Brennan in there in the worst way, but we didn't have Santana out there to help us out and we didn't have a pass rush to speak of. We didn't have an offensive line that could block in either facet. We didn't have special teams that could prevent a punt block or return block. There wasn't really anything that our team did well last night to hang our hats on. No reason whatsoever to dump on Jason Campbell. He didn't have a great game, nor did the rest of the team. People need take it down a thousand.

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I don't care if you are Tom Brady, Peyton Manning or any other so called elite QB. If you don't have protection you have nothing. Football isn't like basketball or baseball where there is really that type of space for individual achievement. All those QBs that were mentioned before have really looked bad when the protection breaks down. The offensive line got man handled and they couldn't even run block which is supposed to be their strength. I know that people want Colt Brennan in there in the worst way, but we didn't have Santana out there to help us out and we didn't have a pass rush to speak of. We didn't have an offensive line that could block in either facet. We didn't have special teams that could prevent a punt block or return block. There wasn't really anything that our team did well last night to hang our hats on. No reason whatsoever to dump on Jason Campbell. He didn't have a great game, nor did the rest of the team. People need take it down a thousand.

Campbell had pleanty of time to throw on a lot of his throws, and a few of those sacks were his own fault....Multiple times he ran right into the defender, held the ball too long, or failed to throw it out when he should have.

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Always with the blame,, here's a novel idea... Credit the STEELERS. Their D is very good, and caused problems for us. There's a reason why they're ranked so high, and it's not our OL, or our QB, or anything like that. They're good. Period. And because they're that good, they beat the Redskins thoroughly last night.

No doubt the team is tired, maybe even looking beyond last night to the week off.. their first since mid-July. Now we lay back and get a much needed rest, learn from this game, and come back to finish out this playoff run.


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its a chest match.. they knew we are coming with portis. we got to start the game passing. we played checkers tonight, while they played chest

Man please, this is FOOTBALL. Our strength is running the ball, and we should force a team to stop it; not hey they knew we were coming with Portis so we've got to change up, as if we've got to trick people. That's why we lost this game - we didn't have the confidence to stick with what we do best. And when the Steelers saw that they had punked us, it only motivated them that much more. Zorn is the man, but he fugged up on this one.

Brady, Manning, and no other QB in this league is going to be effective when his line leave him out to get blasted over and over again.

And thanks Mr. Yoder for being a bish and falling down with your eyes closed and not manning up on that block. You almost got Campbell's season ended.

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Both his interceptions were balls that shouldn't have been thrown? Portis was wide open, Campbell made a poor throw. And the last interception I believe was Thrash either falling down or running a poor route...can't remember which. Anyways, I wouldn't blame the decision making.

If you're going to pile it on JC for this game, I can only see 2 legitimate criticisms.

1: He was throwing high all night. Inaccurate tonight.

2: The amount of free blitzers the Steelers were getting has to be at least somewhat on JC, who is responsible for adjusting protections at the line. It seemed like every couple of plays the Steelers would get 1 (and sometimes 2) unblocked blitzers on Campbell. JC has to see that **** presnap and make adjustments (albeit the crowd noise didn't help).

good points.

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Don't panic, people, don'tNo beating the filters please. panic!!

When was the last time we were 6-3 at the endpoint of the season. You guys forget. We've only been working this offensive system for about 4 months or so. We went up against a good team and got beat. It happens. It's better than getting pounded by, say, the Browns. Once a quarterback gets hit 8 times in one game, it's a combination of things. The O-Line didn't block very well, no, but Campbell was forced to hold onto the ball because receivers (with the exception of Cooley and Portis) didn't get open. I didn't see the second pick, but the first was more bad luck than anything else. Ben Roethlisberger had a pick just like that earlier. Part of it was the playcalling. I think Zorn took a little long to figure out what worked. Quick, outside screens to Portis were proving very effective. It's hard to run the football when you're down by two scores, but Zorn should have dialed it up. JC, I think, got a bit stronger as the game went on, but by then, it was too late to do anything about it. We also lost in special teams. That blocked punt was the start of our troubles.

In truth, sometimes it just isn't your day. There are things that can be learned, but it was just a case of a team and a coach not having had to call plays against a quality 3-4 defense before. It's like that lefty in baseball. A good one is really hard to deal with because you just don't see it that often.

The good news - we have a bye this Sunday to let the Skins players rest and stew...

And then we get to take out all of frustrations on none other than the COWBOYS.


Who would have thought the Redskins would even be 6-3 at this point in the schedule. We're playing divisional matchups while teams like the Giants get to pick on the Bengals and the Rams. The Giants are probably the only team that will ever come close to generating the amount of pressure that the Steelers did last night. They don't run the 3-4, and their linebackers aren't anywhere NEAR as good as the Steelers across the board. With the timing of the bye week (remember, Ladell Betts could still return in a few weeks, as could Shawn Springs and Jason Taylor), I don't think that 11-5 is out of the question. This was just a bad game. Everyone has one. How else do you explain the Giants getting POUNDED, and I mean POUNDED by the Browns a couple of weeks ago, or the Patriots (Brady or no Brady) losing by about 30 to the Dolphins?

In the words of Rex Grossman after an injury (ironically now starting again in Chicago due to an injury), "**** happens."

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NO WAY' date=' this was a game where campbell had to step up. The team needed campbell to carry them in this one and he let the team down.[/quote']


He was sacked like 7 times!!! He had barely any time all night. Yes, he played worse than he could've no question but our #1 WR was blatantly not 100%, seeing as how we didn't try to go deep once and the run game was non existent. There were so many reasons and Campbell was not #1.

Let's just move on and get healthy over the BYE week which couldn't have come too soon.

We are 6-3. That's excellent shape after 9 weeks.

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the entire offense gets some blame....This game shows why Campbell isn't an elite QB...

we shouldn't have abandoned the run early like we did, even with portis getting stuffed outside of his 22 yard run..

the offense was a HUGE let down.

Look at the stats of the QBs who've played Pitt's #1 D.

Anyway, it was one game, a great D, we are 6-3, it's BYE time. I'm glad too.

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Don't panic, people, don't f***ing panic!!

When was the last time we were 6-3 at the endpoint of the season. You guys forget. We've only been working this offensive system for about 4 months or so. We went up against a good team and got beat. It happens. It's better than getting pounded by, say, the Browns. Once a quarterback gets hit 8 times in one game, it's a combination of things. The O-Line didn't block very well, no, but Campbell was forced to hold onto the ball because receivers (with the exception of Cooley and Portis) didn't get open. I didn't see the second pick, but the first was more bad luck than anything else. Ben Roethlisberger had a pick just like that earlier. Part of it was the playcalling. I think Zorn took a little long to figure out what worked. Quick, outside screens to Portis were proving very effective. It's hard to run the football when you're down by two scores, but Zorn should have dialed it up. JC, I think, got a bit stronger as the game went on, but by then, it was too late to do anything about it. We also lost in special teams. That blocked punt was the start of our troubles.

In truth, sometimes it just isn't your day. There are things that can be learned, but it was just a case of a team and a coach not having had to call plays against a quality 3-4 defense before. It's like that lefty in baseball. A good one is really hard to deal with because you just don't see it that often.

The good news - we have a bye this Sunday to let the Skins players rest and stew...

And then we get to take out all of frustrations on none other than the COWBOYS.


Who would have thought the Redskins would even be 6-3 at this point in the schedule. We're playing divisional matchups while teams like the Giants get to pick on the Bengals and the Rams. The Giants are probably the only team that will ever come close to generating the amount of pressure that the Steelers did last night. They don't run the 3-4, and their linebackers aren't anywhere NEAR as good as the Steelers across the board. With the timing of the bye week (remember, Ladell Betts could still return in a few weeks, as could Shawn Springs and Jason Taylor), I don't think that 11-5 is out of the question. This was just a bad game. Everyone has one. How else do you explain the Giants getting POUNDED, and I mean POUNDED by the Browns a couple of weeks ago, or the Patriots (Brady or no Brady) losing by about 30 to the Dolphins?

In the words of Rex Grossman after an injury (ironically now starting again in Chicago due to an injury), "**** happens."

right on spitfire, while this loss was a bit embarrassing ... it's not as important as our next game against Dallass. It's afc, we lost bragging rights, but we are still in a good spot in the NFC.

Let's hope the Gmen can continue to pound the rest of the division and knock Philly back another game, and that we can put Dallass away for goood.

Still a lot football to be played.

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Especially considering:

1. The fact that our opening schedule (preseason included) was so Hey. (Top beating the filters.) brutal. I'm normally not the one to talk about conspiracy theories, but a bye this late after a 5-game preaseason and kickoff Thursday right after that 5-game preseason? Come on...

2. Our injury status. Moss was not on the field for most of the second half, Samuels was banged up, we had depth problems because of Springs' absence, etc...

3. Our new coach and system. I know Zorn seemed to fit so well early on that it seems like he's been here forever, but we have only been in this system for the better part of 4 months.

We should be happy where we are. Our remaining schedule is EXTREMELY friendly to a playoff hopeful. All division rivals (two of whom we have beaten already) at home, and our remaining 4 opponents (CIN, BAL, SEA, SF), aren't exactly seen as Super Bowl contenders. All we have to do is win at home and watch the trap games and we'll be in the playoffs. We're in a hell of a lot better situation now than we were at this point last year. I sort of wonder how the team will handle not being in a position where they have to win out to squeak into a Wild Card spot. The second half of the season will be interesting. One thing that's a great help is that we get two full weeks to prepare for the Cowboys, at home. IF Romo sits to pee plays, he'll probably be barely healthy enough to make a game of it. Jason Witten's got busted ribs, and their entire secondary is royally frakked right now.

So just take it one game at a time. Losses to good teams are healthy because they show the need for improvement.

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I don't care if you are Tom Brady, Peyton Manning or any other so called elite QB.

Speaking of Peyton - the Steelers' performance on D reminded me of the 2005 Div Rd playoff game where they embarrassed the Colts offense in a similar fashion. When they're on their game, it takes a very cohesive offense (not just line) to handle their defense.

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As I stated earlier, Jason bears some responsibility in this as well. There were several times, when he had the protection or at least a bit more time, when he didn't deliver the ball accurately. There were a couple of times where he needed to get rid of the ball faster or just get rid of it, and he didn't. Now the reason I put this on Jason is because over the course of the season so far, we've seen him do wonderfully under similar conditions,(though obviously not as much as last night). Jaws even commented on some of that before the game. Line had a bad game, receivers didn't help as well, and damned if that Pitt defense isn't as good as advertised. But Jason didn't have the best of games either.

Guess what? That's okay. I myself don't expect him to be perfect. He, like all starting QB's, will have his moments. Sometimes, they just happen to occur when just about everyone else is having theirs. He's still a bit young yet and getting used to all that Coach Z has taught him and is still teaching him. Still getting used to that new offense and working on getting on the same page as his receivers on an even more consistant basis. Add to that it was a big Monday night game. That's going to be on his mind as well as the fact that he was playing against the #1 defense in the league. There were a few times last night where he reverted to a few old bad habits. Didn't completely surprise me. When under pressure, one can revert back to a few of those quite naturally. Again, nothing wrong with that either. His improvement to this point, to me, out weighs the mistakes he made last night. How he,(and of course the rest of the team), come out of this one will help define the rest of the season imho. I think he'll be okay along with the rest of the team and coach.

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