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Is my roommate watching porn on my laptop?

Midnight Judges

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I'm not at my house very much because I usually stay at the gf's house because it's more convenient to work. So I go home to get my laptop 2 weeks ago and he says "dude, your computer has a virus. I think you need to re-install windorws and it will go away. It happened to one of my computers before." WTF! Sounds like whatever he did to his old computer he just did to mine! It still works but I can't play any games which is horrible timing because I wanted to try the new command and conquer game which is the only game I play.

Anyway, I'm not a techy so I'm wondering if this is the result of porn downloading from unsafe sites. Is there any way I can check? :mad:

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I don't know, but try this to get rid of it.


This stuff works better than any AV program to get rid of crap on your computer. After you clean your computer with this, make sure you install an antivirus program.

AVG 8 Free version works very well. Especially for a free Anti-Virus.

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AVG 8 Free version works very well. Especially for a free Anti-Virus.

Correct, but it didn't get rid of the crap I had on my computer. Only the Maleware bytes did. He can use after he cleans his system of course, but it may not clean all the infections he has, as it didn't for me.

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Correct, but it didn't get rid of the crap I had on my computer. Only the Maleware bytes did. He can use after he cleans his system of course, but it may not clean all the infections he has, as it didn't for me.

Yeah, AVG does indeed miss some stuff. Thats why I always run Spybot and Adaware as well. Spybot tends to pick up a lot of stuff AVG misses.

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Yeah, AVG does indeed miss some stuff. Thats why I always run Spybot and Adaware as well. Spybot tends to pick up a lot of stuff AVG misses.

Spybot is good for prevention, but I had that as well and it didn't clean what I had on my computer either. I had a BAD problem with my computer. I have never seen anything so hard to get rid of.

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Midnight, I acidentally hit no, but the way is you can always check the cookies or the history. That can always tell if he is. Also, if you want some good spyware/adware software, get Spyware Doctor. It's inexpensive, and to renew the subscription, it's a year after you've bought it.

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The roommate does have a puter but it's a desktop upstairs in the third bedroom. I leave the laptop downstairs in the living room.

And yes I have watched a few vids that were probably explicit to put it mildly. I just find it peculiar that my laptop has the exact same symptoms as his old computer. Basically it does everything fine except video games.

And yes I probably won't be leaving it at home anymore.

Either way, thanks for the advice guys. I will try some of these fixes either tonight or Saturday.

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