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I Want To Hear From Cowboy Fans...


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That's about as close to the truth as you can get, Roger. I agree with all but maybe 2 points. Pac Man hasn't done squat for you this year and you will probably get a better game from who ever his back up is (it can't get any worse) and the second is ..pride. I just don't think they have it. I'm not saying all the players are like that but you have enough prima donas on that team (including your owner) to spoil it for the rest of the team.

Bucs 24

dallASS 20

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Nice thread so far. Perhaps this could become the norm among Dallas fans in the ATN. Have to wait and see.

That said, still have a ways to go.

What I was trying to say is that, should we get on a roll and play with confidence, we will be a very difficult team to beat.

Granted, we haven't seen that from the Cowboys since this time last year...but the possibility exists.

I guess I could win the lottery, too!


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Again, I certainly don't discount their chances of pulling it off, but, like with Kleese's pick of them, what about this Cowboy team suggests that they can win a game out of desperation, or that it's a must-win?

Recent history suggests that these are EXACTLY the kinds of games that these Cowboys DON'T win.

Nothing in their character suggests that they will step up and take this game. They are in complete turmoil, they have wimps for coaches, prima donna for players. No one trusts anybody else. When I initially wrote that post I picked the Bucs in a close win due to their character. So obviously I'm not sold on that pick. Honestly, the Bucs by 21 or by 3, or the Cowboys by 21 or by 3 wouldn't surprise me in this game. Just a gut feeling that the Cowboys win so I went with that.

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I'm expecting the OL to man up and maul TB on Sunday. That is our only chance. We need to keep the defense off the field. If we can't run the football on Sunday, it will be ugly. I am going to try and stay positive and say that we will. If not, son of Bum is done....

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I'm expecting the OL to man up and maul TB on Sunday. That is our only chance. We need to keep the defense off the field. If we can't run the football on Sunday, it will be ugly. I am going to try and stay positive and say that we will. If not, son of Bum is done....

Veyr astute observation. Cowboys hope is to run Barber and play action the short to not-so-short (I think even Intermediate routes are a problem for Johnson right now) to Owens, Williams and Witten. Hopefully they can power their way to bigger gains.

The defense however is another issue. I'd very, very concern about how they were manhandled by the Rams. No fight at all.

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The defense however is another issue. I'd very, very concern about how they were manhandled by the Rams. No fight at all.

Exactly, no fight at all!

A few things that kill me with the passive defense ...

  • The Corners playing 10-15 yards off allowing easy 5-7 yard completions ala Santana Moss. I understand Jenkins and Scandrick are Rookies, and I understand that mentality against a Reggie Wayne, Randy Moss type. But DeSean Jackson ... Donnie Avery?!?! Ridiculous. PLAY PRESS COVERAGE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. It CANNOT BE ANY WORSE.

  • Sending ONLY DeMarcus Ware or Greg Ellis. Why not put a package with Ware, Ellis and Spencer all in together. Send a blitz. It's not like the secondary never gets beat deep anyway! I just cannot imagine how Wade/Stewart do not send blitz's 65-80% of the time. If I were a defensive coordinator and my defense played the way they did last week, I would tell Ellis and Ware to bring a lunch pail. They are blitzing all day.

I think the players and coaches are starting to realize in Dallas, that they need to win one of the next two. Without Romo sits to pee to even stay in contention we needed to win 1 of the next 3. The best chance against the Rams was blown and we got completely pooped on.

Every goal this team has set is still attainable. Can we beat Tampa, hell yeah.

But it's going to take a all around effort from a team. Special Teams, Offense, Defense.

Quite frankly, I want to have the confidence. But the morale and effort of this team thus far, I have to say may once again lead my a stray

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Exactly, no fight at all!

A few things that kill me with the passive defense ...

  • The Corners playing 10-15 yards off allowing easy 5-7 yard completions ala Santana Moss. I understand Jenkins and Scandrick are Rookies, and I understand that mentality against a Reggie Wayne, Randy Moss type. But DeSean Jackson ... Donnie Avery?!?! Ridiculous. PLAY PRESS COVERAGE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. It CANNOT BE ANY WORSE.
  • Sending ONLY DeMarcus Ware or Greg Ellis. Why not put a package with Ware, Ellis and Spencer all in together. Send a blitz. It's not like the secondary never gets beat deep anyway! I just cannot imagine how Wade/Stewart do not send blitz's 65-80% of the time. If I were a defensive coordinator and my defense played the way they did last week, I would tell Ellis and Ware to bring a lunch pail. They are blitzing all day.

I think the players and coaches are starting to realize in Dallas, that they need to win one of the next two. Without Romo sits to pee to even stay in contention we needed to win 1 of the next 3. The best chance against the Rams was blown and we got completely pooped on.

Every goal this team has set is still attainable. Can we beat Tampa, hell yeah.

But it's going to take a all around effort from a team. Special Teams, Offense, Defense.

Quite frankly, I want to have the confidence. But the morale and effort of this team thus far, I have to say may once again lead my a stray

I couldn't agree more. I don't understand the lack of press coverage at all. I was always under the impression that a 3-4 defense was based on pressure. What is the use of pressuring the QB if he ALWAYS has the ability to hit a 3 step drop? There are so many incongruencies with this defense it is unbeliebable. I don't buy the injury excuse either. Other teams have been able to play with injuries. It's about a lack of ability to put together an effective gameplan. ****Rant over....

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I'm not going to try and make predictions about this game. This team is so amazingly random when they get on to the field. You never know what you're gonna get from them.


Am I rooting for them? Of course.

Will me being a fan of them let me say they will lose? No.

Tampa something

Dallas something larger

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I believe with last week the whole ineptitude of the offense killed the morale of the D. Look at the starting field position !

With that said how goes the offense so goes the D.

I think (hope) the philosophy change on D does something.

But we'll see. :confused:

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People keep saying that the Cowboys shouldn't be losing with all that "talent." Maybe, that "talent" isn't that talented and just simply over-rated. I'm definitely going with over-rated. They haven't been the same since the 'skins went into their house and punched them in the mouth. It's as simple as that.

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What I was trying to say is that, should we get on a roll and play with confidence, we will be a very difficult team to beat.

Granted, we haven't seen that from the Cowboys since this time last year...but the possibility exists.

I guess I could win the lottery, too!


Fair assessment. Thanks for responding.

Reading the thread I agree that the Cowboys need to find a way to punch TB in the mouth on both sides of the ball. I have more faith in the offense doing this. The Oline can accomplish this task. Just have to see what the defense brings to the table.

The pukes need to win at least one of their games before Romo sits to pee returns. If not, I doubt getting Romo sits to pee back will matter. TB is a good start and a big game, IMHO, to get them back on their feet, especially after what happened last Sunday.

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I believe with last week the whole ineptitude of the offense killed the morale of the D. Look at the starting field position !

With that said how goes the offense so goes the D.

I think (hope) the philosophy change on D does something.

But we'll see. :confused:

Dallas' D had to have shown some ability to stop the Rams offense for that theory to hold water. The Dallas D didn't even show up last week. It's not like they got worn down. The offense didn't help the cause but the defense was just as bad as the offense.

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I liked that break down Roger.Staubach.

I however give you guys at least more of a chance. I believe the Bucs will win, but it will be very hard fought. I think Johnson plays better this time around and tries to stick it to the bucs.

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I think the bucs will take this game unless the cowboys can do something they havent done much of this season, force some turnovers with their defense. i understand the secondary is hurting with roy williams out for the year, newman injured and pacman suspended, but it really wasnt all that good with them. But still someone has to be able to force a fumble or something. I will say that having 13 cowboys in the probowl last year was absurd, with 4 to 6 guys being the more realistic number who actually deserved to go. the cowboys arent as talented as the media hyped them up to be. but i also believe the distractions swirling around the team are dragging them down a bit too

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Great thread. The OP set a great tone. Miminal nonsense and sniping/baiting (though there's nothing wrong with that in here, it's just cool to see the occasional exception.)

Solid football talk and still a dash of smack. Me, I've watched Dallas too long to count this particular group as dead and gone at this point. But (and I blame much of this on Jerry) they are on the ropes. R. Staubach and TN41 laid it out nicely. I think Tampa's playing well and smell Cowboy blood. They too see the chance to drive a nail in a potential cowboy season coffin and I'm sure that would add to their good vibe.

People like to beat Dallas because the media sets them up each year and they usually have their share of prima donna action in the news. I'm just saying there's a little extra motivational edge, IMO, and I won't pretend I know how much that actually affects anyone's performacne level, but IME, it does count.

But Tampa is no Rock of Gilbraltar either. and if the cowboys can play hard together and stay smart, and they can get up on these guys, they have a solid shot. This is the time for the cowboy players to forget their hype and see if they can play harder ball than the other guys.

zoony, you should come in here once a week and start a thread like this. :)

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It's amazing how well behaved the current crop of Cowboys fans are when their team is down. It's also noteworthy that no new fans have popped up in the last few weeks. Last year we were getting new ones every week it seemed. Funny how that works.

Anyway, the feeling I get from this team right now, at least with Romo sits to pee out, is that they won't be picking themselves up off the mat any time soon. I think all the things swirling around them right now are too weighing to heavily on them. They don't have the leadership on the field or on the sidelines to change that. Romo sits to pee may be able to provide a spark when he comes back, (at least his second week back anyway) but it may be too late for them then.

I don't expect them to beat the Bucs. The Bucs are really good defensively, and Garcia is more than capable of running that offense. He won't have too hard of a time moving the ball in the air against Dallas.

BJ, on the other hand, isn't any good anymore. He'll struggle with Tampa's D. Barber will more than likely struggle too, as Tampa can focus on taking him out and forcing BJ to throw the ball.

It just doesn't look good. Dallas would have to create some turnovers to have a chance in this one. Outside of getting some really good field position, Dallas probably won't be putting up many points. I'm guessing 17 or less. Not enough to beat Tampa.

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LOL @ taking BJ over Collins. You'd be about the only person anywhere. You'd also have no shot of running a good offense with him behind center. Collins is still really accurate and can still sling it deep. He's also good at beating the blitz with hot read throws. BJ is often off target, can't throw it deep, and isn't all that good at beating the blitz. He's still pretty prone to putting the ball on the ground and taking sacks.

Dallas won't win. It would take some big mistakes by Tampa for that to happen. Without some big mistakes, it won't be close. I think Garcia will shred them, personally.

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Key to this game is the much heralded and to date overrated Dallas OL.

If the OL wins the battle, the Dallas' run game will set the tone of the game

If the OL loses the battle, BJ will be earning his money from his knees like a cheap whore. He will be knocked down and sacked more than a 40 year old can take.

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