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Feds Try to Crush Mongols' Motorcycle Gang

Dan T.

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Thousands of Federal and local law enforcement busted dozens of members of the Mongols Motorcycle Club in So. Cal and elsewhere this morning on Federal racketeering charges.

They also seized their motorcycles and, in an unusual tactic, are trying to confiscate the Mongols very identity by taking ownership of the Mongols' trademark rights. If successful, anyone wearing the Mongols' patch could have it seized by law enforcement on the spot.


Raid targets Mongols motorcycle gang

Dozens are arrested on federal racketeering charges after a multi-agency investigation. Federal agents also want to seize the Mongols' trademarked insignia: 'We're going after their very identity.'

By Scott Glover

10:48 AM PDT, October 21, 2008

More than 1,000 heavily armed federal agents and local police fanned out across Southern California and cities in five other states early this morning, arresting dozens of members of the notorious Mongols motorcycle gang on federal racketeering charges.

But the most lasting blow to the San Gabriel Valley-based bikers may be down the road: In an unusual maneuver, the feds are also seeking to seize control of the Mongols' trademarked name, which is typically accompanied by its cherished insignia -- a ponytailed Genghis Khan-like figure riding a chopper.

U.S. Attorney Thomas P. O'Brien said if his plan is successful, the government would take over ownership of the trademark, and anyone caught wearing a Mongols patch could have it seized by law enforcement on the spot.

"Not only are we going after the Mongols' motorcycles, we're going after their very identity," O'Brien said in a telephone interview early this morning. "We are using all the tools at our disposal to crush this violent gang."

In addition to racketeering, the Mongols are charged with committing violent crimes -- including murder -- drug trafficking, weapons offenses and money laundering. They used guns, knives, brass knuckles, lead pipes and steel-toed boots to impose their will, often on rivals such as the Hells Angels, but also on unsuspecting members of the public who happened to cross their paths, according to a 177-page indictment unsealed this morning.


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read the book "under and alone"...its really good.

honestly though, this is just going to be a tiny speck in the grand scheme of things..the mongrels are a big organization and they arent going anywhere. if the red and whites couldnt drive them out no law dogs will thats for sure..

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I think the trade mark thing is stupid. It's trying to give the government the pretext to harrass any member any time.

Are the Mongols really worse than the Pagans, or the Hells Angels? If you have a case against them and you've infultrated them.. Arrest them and prosecute them; don't get all cute with the name.

Like I couldn't write Micky Mouse on my t-shirt or say the word outloud without infringing on the trade mark. redicoulous.

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I think the trade mark thing is stupid. It's trying to give the government the pretext to harrass any member any time.

Are the Mongols really worse than the Pagans, or the Hells Angels? If you have a case against them and you've infultrated them.. Arrest them and prosecute them; don't get all cute with the name.

From the article:

As with many organizations, patches are awarded to signify the status or achievements of its members, though the behavior celebrated by the Mongols differs from most. For instance, a skull and crossbones patch or one proclaiming, "Respect Few, Fear None," is given to members who commit murder or other acts of violence on behalf of the gang, according to the indictment. One member was given permission to have the gang's insignia tattooed on his head for having shot two members of a rival street gang last year, the indictment alleges.

There are also patches associated with the gang's alleged sexual rituals. Members are awarded wings of varying colors for engaging in sex acts with women at pre-arranged "wing parties," the indictment states. Members who have sex with a woman with venereal disease are given green wings; those who have sex with a woman's corpse are given purple wings, according to the indictment.

The Mongols fund their organization largely through the sale of methamphetamine, according to the indictment. Undercover agents documented dozens of alleged drug deals ranging in quantity from a few grams to half a kilo. Many of the alleged sales were made to undercover agents or confidential informants cooperating with authorities, the indictment states.

But violence seemed to be at the heart of the Mongols' existence.

One undercover agent said he was told early in his effort to infiltrate the gang that he "must be willing to kill and die for the Mongols if he wanted to join the organization."

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From the article:

As with many organizations, patches are awarded to signify the status or achievements of its members, though the behavior celebrated by the Mongols differs from most. For instance, a skull and crossbones patch or one proclaiming, "Respect Few, Fear None," is given to members who commit murder or other acts of violence on behalf of the gang, according to the indictment. One member was given permission to have the gang's insignia tattooed on his head for having shot two members of a rival street gang last year, the indictment alleges.

There are also patches associated with the gang's alleged sexual rituals. Members are awarded wings of varying colors for engaging in sex acts with women at pre-arranged "wing parties," the indictment states. Members who have sex with a woman with venereal disease are given green wings; those who have sex with a woman's corpse are given purple wings, according to the indictment.

The Mongols fund their organization largely through the sale of methamphetamine, according to the indictment. Undercover agents documented dozens of alleged drug deals ranging in quantity from a few grams to half a kilo. Many of the alleged sales were made to undercover agents or confidential informants cooperating with authorities, the indictment states.

But violence seemed to be at the heart of the Mongols' existence.

One undercover agent said he was told early in his effort to infiltrate the gang that he "must be willing to kill and die for the Mongols if he wanted to join the organization."

Now that's some sick ****.

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Now that's some sick ****.

It's all hype... prove it, then talk to me.

All of those gangs do that stuff, The Hells Angels were dealing pcp, heroine, and acid for decades. They likely do Meth now too.

As for the chick stuff. If they have evidence, Arrest the morrons. Trying to outlaw them from wearing a patch is stupid and overly cute on the prosecutors behalf. It's not going to back them off, and it's a very poor substitution for throwing them all in the klink...

I remember when the Pagan's were hear in Fairfax county in the early 1980's. The Fairfax police force which is very very large compared to most other counties police forces kicked them out of the county after they were involved in the vehicular death of some McClean highschool kids. So the Pagan's went down in southern virgnia whare the police force didn't number in the thousands and kept up their smack...

These groups have been doing this crap for decades. They should target them and throw them into Gitmo. I wouldn't even complain if they didn't get a trial. I could care less if you take away their patches.

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It's all hype... prove it, then talk to me.

All of those gangs do that stuff, The Hells Angels were dealing pcp, heroine, and acid for decades. They likely do Meth now too.

As for the chick stuff. If they have evidence, Arrest the morrons. Trying to outlaw them from wearing a patch is stupid and overly cute on the prosecutors behalf. It's not going to back them off, and it's a very poor substitution for throwing them all in the klink...

I remember when the Pagan's were hear in Fairfax county in the early 1980's. The Fairfax police force which is very very large compared to most other counties police forces kicked them out of the county after they were involved in the vehicular death of some McClean highschool kids. So the Pagan's went down in southern virgnia whare the police force didn't number in the thousands and kept up their smack...

These groups have been doing this crap for decades. They should target them and throw them into Gitmo. I wouldn't even complain if they didn't get a trial. I could care less if you take away their patches.

"Prove it?" Four undercover cops spent years collecting evidence before this bust, and also have developed informants from within the organization. I suspect they've built a pretty good case summarized in the 179-page indictment.

"Arrest the morons"? Did you read the article? That's what 1,000 law enforcement officers did this morning.

Outlawing the patch "is stupid and overly cute"? The Mongols have institutionalized their criminal behavior. Anyone who wears the trademarked symbol of the group knows what they're getting into. If the Feds can find a way to legally possess the trademark, it might be just one more tool to help wipe out this particular gang as an organized criminal group.

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It's all hype... prove it, then talk to me.

All of those gangs do that stuff, The Hells Angels were dealing pcp, heroine, and acid for decades. They likely do Meth now too.

Crystal meth drives the West Coast these days. Unfortunately. And the bikers (Mongols included, as the article states) are the ones who push it the hardest out there.

I mean obviously you'll always have your other drugs (that's anywhere) but glass in the West is like crack in D.C. back in the day. Everyone and their mother is into it. Such a shame. Nasty, horrible stuff there. Worse then crack IMHO.

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Crystal meth drives the West Coast these days. Unfortunately. And the bikers (Mongols included, as the article states) are the ones who push it the hardest out there.

I mean obviously you'll always have your other drugs (that's anywhere) but glass in the West is like crack in D.C. back in the day. Everyone and their mother is into it. Such a shame. Nasty, horrible stuff there. Worse then crack IMHO.


he is dead on here. meth runds CA like crack did DC

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Im sorry, what?

No they didnt "kick" anyone out of southern cali. CA has been and always will be red and white. The Mongrels just have a spot too now.

You would know more then me. I'm not into knowing the inner workings of 1%ers, especially out on the west coast. Just thought southern cali was Mongol territory and northern was HA.

Am I wrong?

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You would know more then me. I'm not into knowing the inner workings of 1%ers, especially out on the west coast. Just thought southern cali was Mongol territory and northern was HA.

Am I wrong?

all of cali is HA territory but the Mongrels have a good hold on So Cali. But the 1%ers will never give it up to them.

they originated in fontana which is southern cali. they wouldnt give that up...

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