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AP: Cowboys owner Jones takes shot at Texans


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In an interview about the team's new stadium, Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones took a moment to insult the Texans.


Texans owner Bob McNair was not insulted by the shot Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones took at his franchise this week.

In a Los Angeles Times story about the Cowboys’ new stadium in Arlington, Jones took a swipe at the Texans.

“The Cowboys have never been about checkered tablecloths and boots and hats,” Jones said. “They’ve been about glitz and glitter. Leave the other stuff to the Houston Texans.”

McNair and Jones were in New York on Wednesday night for an NFL meeting.

McNair chuckled when he read the quote.

“I’m not offended by what Jerry said,” McNair said with a laugh. “I’m glad he knows we’re the Texans. I’m proud to be a Texan and a Houstonian.

“It reminded me of Judge (Roy) Hofheinz when he was promoting the Astrodome in the ’60s. I don’t think it’s always about glitz and glitter. Houston’s a hardworking city, and the Texans are a hardworking team. I don’t see anything wrong with checkered tablecloths, hats and boots.”

The Cowboys are 3-1 after losing to Washington 26-24 at Texas Stadium in Irving. They host Ocho Cinco and 0-4 Cincinnati on Sunday.

The Texans are 0-3 after losing to Jacksonville 30-27 on the road. They play their home opener at Reliant Stadium against Indianapolis on Sunday.

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When I think glitz and glitter I think one of two things.

First thought is be success. Based on recent playoff history this wouldn't fit.

Second thought is a group of over paid phonies, criminals and/or gender challenged partying it up for a spell, only to fade away into oblivion. This seems to fit.

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On a psychological level, one has to wonder if Jerruh is feeling inadequate about his 'richard.'

This over-blown persona with him and his team points to a very serious, deep seeded, personal inadequacy.


[For the record: I consulted with one S. Freud. He agreed with me completely.]

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That's so pathetic. Not only do you feel the need to shamelessly promote your product, but you also can't do it without backhanding another team?

When I see things like this, it makes it nearly impossible for me to believe there are intelligent Cowboys fans. No intelligent person could compartmentalize all these dispicable utterances.

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After last Sunday its more like smoke and mirrors ;)
"We pride ourselves on being the Liberace of the NFL," Jones continued.
More like Schlitz and Kitty Litter!


Unfortunately, they're also too stupid to realize they're being insulted.

:notworthy :notworthy

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