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Palin and Couric (NEW VID UP)

Cooked Crack

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Sure Kilmer - as long as you accknowledge that misspeaks are different than not knowing the answer or trying to imply you know the answer by deflecting the question.

Isnt it curious how the left ALWAYS attributes their own sides flubs as such, but is NEVER willing to grant the same grace to their opponents?

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Sure Kilmer - as long as you accknowledge that misspeaks are different than not knowing the answer or trying to imply you know the answer by deflecting the question.

I think she knows the answer but still tries to stick the point. That's why it's so painful to watch.

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Ok I am going to go ahead and say it and i'll probably get flamed for it but here goes.....

She is not that hot. She is hot compared to other governors and members of congress but hell thats like being the tallest midget.

Not to mention there is nothing attractive about her voice and that Alaskan accent.

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Ok I am going to go ahead and say it and i'll probably get flamed for it but here goes.....

She is not that hot. She is hot compared to other governors and members of congress but hell thats like being the tallest midget.

Not to mention there is nothing attractive about her voice and that Alaskian accent.

Are you saying that McCain is not just senile but also has poor vision?

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Yesterday Obama said the next President will take over in 40 days.

Of course I know what he meant.

But isnt it odd that the only place that is an issue is on right wing blogs?

and you think that compares to what you just saw on that video?

she was lost, she couldn't answer a question, she didn't miss speak which is something we all do.

She didn't have answers.

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This is a fun one from the mortgage mess inside his VP search team-

the transcript-"Now look, the, the, ah, ah, ah, I mean the uh first of all uh I, I, I am not vetting my VP search committee for their mortgages so you're going have to uh d-direct... Well, nah I mean becomes sort of a... um... I mean this is a game that can be played everybody... It who is tangentially related to our campaign I think is going to have a whole host of relationships. I would have to hire the vetter to uh vet the vetter."

That's awesome!!!! Talk about painful.

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Isnt it curious how the left ALWAYS attributes their own sides flubs as such, but is NEVER willing to grant the same grace to their opponents?

Kilmer have you been training with Hannity? You haven't responded to a single point made about McCain Palin in this thread that I've seen (perhaps I missed something). All you do is attack the media or Obama/Biden.

Again, Palin is being tutored on federal level political matter less than 2 months from the election. This is alarming. Yes I know Biden says dumb things, and I know Obama doesn't have as much experience as you'd like - both however know enough about the issues to answer questions and actually have debates with high ranking members of either party. She is so incapable of dealing with an interview, less than 2 months from the election, that she is being shielded from the press almost entirely. McCain doesn't have this problem, Obama and Biden don't have this problem.

Why should a person that doens't know the issues and can't handle the media be considered ready for office?

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First off, I haven't seen the video yet of Obama stating the President will take over in 40 days. Is there video of this?

I would then hope someone would followup with a question regarding whether he (Obama) truly believes that or if it was a misspeak (per Kilmer's label), just like they did when Obama said 58 states in a stump speech (they followed that one up with questions days later, if I am not mistaken).

Palin would get the same opportunity to makeup for her misspeaks and apparent lack on knowledge on the Bush Doctrine and just what the hell McCain has actually done specifically - the problem is, Palin seems not to want to talk to the press.

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Shall I post the videos of Obamas mumbles misspeaks and missteps? Or is this a pure partisan anti Palin thread again?

Are you really going to argue that the 2nd video was simply a mumble?

At least be honest with yourself and simply don't post.

Palin said being governor of Alaska gives her foreign policy experience because of how it borders 2 countries. Katie asked a good follow up question on how does this give you that experience.

Her answer was not a mumble - It was rambling, pointless, and frankly, stupid.

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Kilmer have you been training with Hannity? You haven't responded to a single point made about McCain Palin in this thread that I've seen (perhaps I missed something). All you do is attack the media or Obama/Biden.

Again, Palin is being tutored on federal level political matter less than 2 months from the election. This is alarming. Yes I know Biden says dumb things, and I know Obama doesn't have as much experience as you'd like - both however know enough about the issues to answer questions and actually have debates with high ranking members of either party. She is so incapable of dealing with an interview, less than 2 months from the election, that she is being shielded from the press almost entirely. McCain doesn't have this problem, Obama and Biden don't have this problem.

Why should a person that doens't know the issues and can't handle the media be considered ready for office?

That's your slanted liberal opinion Des. It's shared by the leftwing media and most leftwingers on this site.

I would be MUCH more secure having McCain in office with Palin as VP than a man who I dont consider to have "as much as I'd like", rather, I consider to have ZERO experience and qualifications. And a few months ago, his running mate and the Clintons thought the exact same way that I think about him.

She's not doing enough interviews. She's struggling with answers. She's also not running for POTUS, and she also has more experience as an executive than Obama has had. So why is it hard for you to understand that what YOU think about her, is completely irrelavant. You werent going to vote for McCain either way. It's just funny watching you and others cry about Palins relative naivete while embracing the messiahs.

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"Content currently unavailable."

I can get to

"You've cited Alas*"

and it ends.

Any transcripts?


Still works for me. It's worse on video but here's the transcript.

COURIC: You've cited Alaska's proximity to Russia as part of your foreign policy experience. What did you mean by that?

PALIN: That Alaska has a very narrow maritime border between a foreign country, Russia, and on our other side, the land-- boundary that we have with-- Canada. It-- it's funny that a comment like that was-- kind of made to-- cari-- I don't know, you know? Reporters--


PALIN: Yeah, mocked, I guess that's the word, yeah.

COURIC: Explain to me why that enhances your foreign policy credentials.

PALIN: Well, it certainly does because our-- our next door neighbors are foreign countries. They're in the state that I am the executive of. And there in Russia--

COURIC: Have you ever been involved with any negotiations, for example, with the Russians?

PALIN: We have trade missions back and forth. We-- we do-- it's very important when you consider even national security issues with Russia as Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where-- where do they go? It's Alaska. It's just right over the border. It is-- from Alaska that we send those out to make sure that an eye is being kept on this very powerful nation, Russia, because they are right there. They are right next to-- to our state.

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It would be one thing if this was one in a hundred interviews she had done and just had a bad day, but this is her 3rd interview and she sounds awful. This is completely the fault of the McCain camp. They don't allow her to ever answer questions which places more importance and scrutiny on the very few interviews she does. If she messes up, which she clearly did, it's a much bigger deal.

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First off, I haven't seen the video yet of Obama stating the President will take over in 40 days. Is there video of this?

I would then hope someone would followup with a question regarding whether he (Obama) truly believes that or if it was a misspeak (per Kilmer's label), just like they did when Obama said 58 states in a stump speech (they followed that one up with questions days later, if I am not mistaken).

Palin would get the same opportunity to makeup for her misspeaks and apparent lack on knowledge on the Bush Doctrine and just what the hell McCain has actually done specifically - the problem is, Palin seems not to want to talk to the press.


“It’s my belief that this is exactly the time when the American people need to hear from the person who, in approximately 40 days, will be responsible for dealing with this mess,” Obama told reporters.

Also, here is Biden claiming FDR went on TV right after the stock market crash-


Of course, FDR wasnt president and TV wasnt invented yet. But that's just another dismissable "Misspeak" right?

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This is a fun one from the mortgage mess inside his VP search team-

the transcript-"Now look, the, the, ah, ah, ah, I mean the uh first of all uh I, I, I am not vetting my VP search committee for their mortgages so you're going have to uh d-direct... Well, nah I mean becomes sort of a... um... I mean this is a game that can be played everybody... It who is tangentially related to our campaign I think is going to have a whole host of relationships. I would have to hire the vetter to uh vet the vetter."

That's awesome!!!! Talk about painful.

Have you listened to the last eight years of our president? Seriously? Heck, did you watch McCain in the Republican debates, or Bush in the 2004 debates? I used to even have this book of Reaganisms, that also had some H. Bushisms, that had some of the goofiest flubs you can imagine (such as Reagan saying that he and Bush had "made love.")

Obama stutters - he does that. Maybe it is just something he does. I am sure I could compile a huge list of videos that shows McCain at his most awkward and stiffness.

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“It’s my belief that this is exactly the time when the American people need to hear from the person who, in approximately 40 days, will be responsible for dealing with this mess,” Obama told reporters.

Kilmer, you're somewhat nitpicking with this one. We all know that the President isn't sworn in until January.

And I'm pretty sure that Obama knows it as well.

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