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Palin and Couric (NEW VID UP)

Cooked Crack

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Sarah Palin on foreign policy

http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/09/24/eveningnews/main4476173.shtml (Watch both parts)

COURIC: But he's been in Congress for 26 years. He's been chairman of the powerful Commerce Committee. And he has almost always sided with less regulation, not more.

PALIN: He's also known as the maverick, though. Taking shots from his own party, and certainly taking shots from the other party. Trying to get people to understand what he's been talking about — the need to reform government.

COURIC: I'm just going to ask you one more time, not to belabor the point. Specific examples in his 26 years of pushing for more regulation?

PALIN: I'll try to find you some, and I'll bring them to you.


That video might be gone soon but it sure doesn't build confidence.

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Im sure there are plenty of examples of Couric and her ilk pressing Biden for examples of Obamas leadership abilities as well right?

This is getting old. You know what - I don't care if Katie's only question to Biden was Boxers or Briefs? Doesn't make Palin seem any smarter.

She has no clue about anything.

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Palin has accomplished a lot in her life -- a whole lot -- but you could tell she doesn't have a firm grasp of the issues and has been cramming night and day. When she came on the scene, she seemed so confident. In that interview she froze up when pushed to give anything other than a talking point. During the VP debate -- if it happens -- Biden should just shut up (impossible for him) I know and watch her implode.

He should have picked Romney. Say what you want, but he could think on his feet at least.

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This is getting old. You know what - I don't care if Katie's only question to Biden was Boxers or Briefs? Doesn't make Palin seem any smarter.

She has no clue about anything.

It is getting verrrrry old. At some point the media has to start treating the two sides equally doesnt it?

Not saying that Couric SHOULDNT ask that, it's a legit, albeit gotcha, question. My issue is that the same scrutiny is NEVER applied to Biden (who has done 1 interview to Palins 4 in the last month) and Obama.

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Palin has accomplished a lot in her life -- a whole lot -- but you could tell she doesn't have a firm grasp of the issues and has been cramming night and day. When she came on the scene, she seemed so confident. In that interview she froze up when pushed to give anything other than a talking point. During the VP debate -- if it happens -- Biden should just shut up (impossible for him) I know and watch her implode.

He should have picked Romney. Say what you want, but he could think on his feet at least.

are you kidding me? Romney could talk all day about the economy.

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It is getting verrrrry old. At some point the media has to start treating the two sides equally doesnt it?

Not saying that Couric SHOULDNT ask that, it's a legit, albeit gotcha, question. My issue is that the same scrutiny is NEVER applied to Biden (who has done 1 interview to Palins 4 in the last month) and Obama.

One Biden interview? You're kidding, right?

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Of course he should have.. but McCain likes to shoot from the hip.. we don't need another president like that. We're reaping what we sowed in 2004.

What are you, nuts? Why bother reading up on things and taking in all the facts and then making an educated decision when you could just go from your gut instead? It's much easier.

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She really seems like she doesn't know what she is talking about at all.

She's a woman and we're talking about politics. Which of these things is not like the other? It's like asking a middle easterner about snow removal techniques.

Personally, I think it would be terrible to give this woman the chance to be president. I see why the McCain campaign doesn't want her to be talking a lot.

It would be terrible to give ANY woman a chance to be President or Vice President. It's terrible to see them in Congress, as the Chief Executives of States or any other elected office, so far as I'm concerned.

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It is getting verrrrry old. At some point the media has to start treating the two sides equally doesnt it?

Not saying that Couric SHOULDNT ask that, it's a legit, albeit gotcha, question. My issue is that the same scrutiny is NEVER applied to Biden (who has done 1 interview to Palins 4 in the last month) and Obama.

It's estimated that Biden as given 70+ interviews since the conventions were over. Palin's done four interviews? What exactly is this fourth interview? (I can think of Charleee, Hannity, and Couric)

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She's a woman and we're talking about politics. Which of these things is not like the other? It's like asking a middle easterner about snow removal techniques.

It would be terrible to give ANY woman a chance to be President or Vice President. It's terrible to see them in Congress, as the Chief Executives of States or any other elected office, so far as I'm concerned.

So far as I'm concerned you have made your views on women abundantly clear in innumerable posts. They really don't add to the discussion anymore. :2cents:

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Im sure there are plenty of examples of Couric and her ilk pressing Biden for examples of Obamas leadership abilities as well right?

Nothing you are saying here does anything at all to make Palin look any better. If you want to talk about Obama I'm happy to do so - he went on Bill O'Reilly didn't he? Let's talk Obama all day Kilmer, I'll come to your house and plant a sign in your front yard and we can have you host a fundraiser too.

This thread however is about Palin. She can't answer questions to save her damn life and it's obvious why the campaign is keeping her away from the media. She is what she is, a desperation pick that couldn't pick McCain out of a line up until his campaign choose her to have a chance in hell of winning. She has no federal level knowledge of anything other than lying to officials to get Polar bears off the endangered species list.

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I guess my question would be- what does grilling Palin about McCain's 26 year voting record have to do with her ability to lead, or her thoughts on the issues?


That was mine as well,but Couric and the crew here obviously find it relevant.

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I guess my question would be- what does grilling Palin about McCain's 26 year voting record have to do with her ability to lead, or her thoughts on the issues?


Well personally I think she should at least display a little knowledge about McCain. All I see her doing is spouting "maverick" and "bi-partisanship" without backing it up, but I agree, they should be asking her about her views rather than McCain's record. I want to know what she stands for.

In the beginning of the interview, Couric asked about the bailout and she just seemed clueless on the whole issue. Thats the part that I don't like. If she seemed like she new something on the issues, I wouldn't care as much about her not knowing much about McCain's voting record.

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It is getting verrrrry old. At some point the media has to start treating the two sides equally doesnt it?

Not saying that Couric SHOULDNT ask that, it's a legit, albeit gotcha, question. My issue is that the same scrutiny is NEVER applied to Biden (who has done 1 interview to Palins 4 in the last month) and Obama.

Well - Your just wrong.

He has given many interviews. In fact, 2 days ago, Katie interviewed him (And it was more then fair).

However my point was that no matter what Biden does or doesn't do doesn't make Palin any less lost.

BTW - Here is the interview. She asked him about the negitive ads that Obama was running. Something she didn't ask Palin (But I don't see any Dems complaining how unfair she was).

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