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Right and Wrong? Always?


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As an Evangelical Christian, I have a question for non-Christians, agnostics, atheists etc.

Christians please do not answer since I already know your answers.

Are these things always wrong?

Murder (killing with malicious intent)








Please post your answers next to the subject e.g. "Rape - Yes".

Also, please explain your reasoning.

Thank you. :)

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As an Evangelical Christian, I have a question for non-Christians, agnostics, atheists etc.

Christians please do not answer since I already know your answers.

Are these things always wrong?









Please post your answers next to the subject e.g. "Rape - Yes".

Also, please explain your reasoning.

Thank you. :)

Not sure what you are getting at here. If you are going to ask me what is my foundation for knowing what is right and wrong since I am not a Christian, I would say my intuitive sense of justice which is based on my own life experiences. It doesn't always jive with our laws or the ten commandments, but for the most part we are in agreement.

Everything on your list is always wrong except the following:

Murder: Depends on what your defintion is. Some defintions imply that murder has to be unlawful, in which case I think murder is always wrong. But if your definition of murder includes guilty people receiving the death penalty, I would say some people deserve to die. Osama Bin Laden needs to die. If I cut his head off I would feel zero remorse.

Deceit is not always wrong. I have no problem deceiving a liar, entrapping a child molestor, manipulating a manipulator, conning a con artist, tricking a terrorist into giving up information, etc. But deceiving good people IMO is wrong, even if you think the ends justify the means.

OK Zguy, what's the catch?

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I'm always very wary of these kinds of topics but I'll bite.

Are these things always wrong?

Murder - No. In a kill or be killed situation, for example, you have a fundamental right to defend yourself.

Slavery - Yes. Need I say more?

Pedophilia - Yes. You're taking advantage of someone who doesn't fully understand the implications of their actions.

Beastiality - No idea. If you can prove beyond reasonable doubt that the animal is consenting then I probably won't object. I won't stay and watch, though :doh:

Theft - No. If James Bond needs to steal a key card to save the world I'm all for it.

Rape - Yes. No consent, no dice.

Incest - No. So long as all parties consent and there are no inbred offspring I don't really see a problem. It's still creepy as ****.

Deceit - No. Lying and deception should always be avoided where possible but sometimes it needs to be done.

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Deceit is not always wrong,, it's a very broad thing to consider all the possible scenarios in which deceit would be acceptable.

I'm with MJ on murder too.. its got it's gray areas.. like I believe in capital punishment, which technically is murdering another human being. If a person raped or killed my wife or son, i'd do everything I could to murder them, but at the same time I'd realize the consequences that my actions would deservedly have.

Theft technically has it's gray areas but I'm assuming you're speaking of theft from an innocent by a person looking to take something for selfish reasons. That is definitely wrong.

But all the others are wrong without a doubt, yes.


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MURDER - Yes, to defend an innocent life.

STEAL - Yes, to feed a starving life.

DECEIT- Yes, to protect an innocent life.


All the rest I wouldn't personally partake in but I have no moral authority to judge those that do.

EDITED to follow OP's requested format.

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Christians please do not answer since I already know your answers.

Just curious, given that Christianity is about 2000 years old, at what point in time was their unanimity among Christians of the 'correct' answers to the questions you posed?

Have the answers been known for all 2,000 years and just not adopted by Christians out of spiritual laziness or something else?

Have the definitions changed for Christians over time?


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As an Evangelical Christian, I have a question for non-Christians, agnostics, atheists etc.

Christians please do not answer since I already know your answers.

Are these things always wrong?

Murder - no. Justifiable war. To protect yourself or family. To protect the innocent.

Slavery - No - Although the term would have to be defined. however -Sentencing a criminal to hard labor is a form of slavery I don't think is wrong. (on the other hand, since that is to pay a debt to society, perhaps it's not slavery).

Pedophilia - Always wrong. Minor can not consent (Although you could argue the age, is 17 pedophilia? I tend to view pedophilia as pre-puberty, which is always wrong.

Bestiality - Wrong.

Theft - Nope. Lots of cases where it is ok.

Rape - Wrong. Always.

Incest - Again, define. Mother / son, sister / brother, father / daughter - Always wrong as there is some level of trust and taking advantage of someone, not to mention that it is unnatural. 1st cousins? 2nd Cousins? That would be more gross but probably fall under consenting adults.

Deceit - Lots of reasons why deceit becomes needed.

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Just curious, given that Christianity is about 2000 years old, at what point in time was their unanimity among Christians of the 'correct' answers to the questions you posed?

Have the answers been known for all 2,000 years and just not adopted by Christians out of spiritual laziness or something else?

Have the definitions changed for Christians over time?


He knows what Christians will say. They just dont always practice what they preach.

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Not sure what you are getting at here. If you are going to ask me what is my foundation for knowing what is right and wrong since I am not a Christian, I would say my intuitive sense of justice which is based on my own life experiences. It doesn't always jive with our laws or the ten commandments, but for the most part we are in agreement.

Everything on your list is always wrong except the following:

Murder: Depends on what your defintion is. Some defintions imply that murder has to be unlawful, in which case I think murder is always wrong. But if your definition of murder includes guilty people receiving the death penalty, I would say some people deserve to die. Osama Bin Laden needs to die. If I cut his head off I would feel zero remorse.

Deceit is not always wrong. I have no problem deceiving a liar, entrapping a child molestor, manipulating a manipulator, conning a con artist, tricking a terrorist into giving up information, etc. But deceiving good people IMO is wrong, even if you think the ends justify the means.

OK Zguy, what's the catch?

So far, you are the only one, I think, that has given an explanation of why you answered the way you did. :)
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He knows what Christians will say. They just dont always practice what they preach.

I don't think he gets a free pass that easily. :)

Christianity has changed its position over time on many of these moral issues.

Even today I don't think you have unanimity today regarding murder.

And just two other examples ...

Was slavery always prohibited under Christianity?

Has the possibility of rape within marriage always been a concept that Christians agree?

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