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Palin's Email Account Hacked


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Well that doesn't include me.

So I'll still call out a hypocrite and say that I agree with Sarge but am 100% sure he'd have no problem someone hacking Obama's email account and would probably enjoy it.

If you can point out one example of Sarge endorsing crimes being committed for political advantage, I'll wholeheartedly agree.

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Guess you weren't around for the "some anonymous poster on Obama's message board said . . . " threads, huh?

"Gee, if he allows people to post whatever they want on his message board then he must be incompetent to run the country" was a frequent line of reasoning, then.


Must have missed that one Larry. I think you should know my posting style well enough to know I would have made the same remarks in that thread however.

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Larry's Opinion on the Morality Involved

(I knew you all wanted to know)

I take matters of privacy very seriously. I'm a former (need to renew) "card carrying member of the ACLU". I care about the privacy rights of convicted child molesters. I care about the treatment of the prisoners at Gitmo. Yeah, in most cases, I'd have a serious problem with this.

But, I also recognize a Right To Blow The Whistle.

IMO, if George Bush (or Jimmy Carter) is violating the US Constitution by torturing American citizens, then I think the people doing the torture have the right (in fact, the obligation) to reveal the information. Even if it's classified.

I know that "The People have the Right to Know" is a cliche that's way overused to justify what's really just sensationalism. But sometimes it's the Truth.

These matters have to be judged on a case-by-case basis.

Which also means that my opinion as to whether this was justified, depends on what it turns up.

Now, as to this, particular, case:

IMO, all I've seen credible reports of, is that the Paslin administration appears to have entered office with a plan to create a second email system for the specific purpose of hiding from law enforcement, and they appear to have implemented, and used, this plan.

IMO, the mere fact that they set it up says a lot about their integrity. It tells me that they are not only comfortable with lying, but that they don't have a problem with planning, in advance, to lie. (One of the Dirty Harry movies points out that conspiracy to commit a misdemeanor is a felony.)

OTOH, I haven't seen any evidence that they actually did anything illegal in their treehouse. (And, IMO, the odds of anybody finding anything, using these kinds of methods, that would have any credibility at all, is about zero.)

In short, right now, I'm a lot more concerned about people using the state email system to tell each other not to use the state email system, to use the secret one, than I am about whatever may or may not be found in an account that may or may not have belonged to her in the first place.

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If you can point out one example of Sarge endorsing crimes being committed for political advantage, I'll wholeheartedly agree.

If his hypocritical view on everything related to Rep/Dem-Lib/Conservative-Obama/McCain isn't enough to convince you then I guess there's no need to do the research involved to try to prove my point.

I stand by what I said though.

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If his hypocritical view on everything related to Rep/Dem-Lib/Conservative-Obama/McCain isn't enough to convince you then I guess there's no need to do the research involved to try to prove my point.

I stand by what I said though.

Lots of people on this board rarely take the conservative viewpoint. Am I allowed to just make up their positions too?

Sarge and I have both called for impeachment. Last time I checked, Bush was a conservative. That alone makes "everything" a stretch.

I think the board is better when we all try to debate what is actually being said, as opposed to what we THINK someone MIGHT say in a HYPOTHETICAL scenario.

Maybe I'm wrong though. Hypothetically. :cool:

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So the 'right to privacy' is just code word for abortion apparently. Hypocrites.

I hope this email is real and I hope the media runs with it. It'll bear out in the polls :) Keep it up morons .. you only hurt your own cause.

How to make friends and influence people on the Tailgate, Lesson One.

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Larry's Opinion on the Morality Involved

(I knew you all wanted to know)

I take matters of privacy very seriously. I'm a former (need to renew) "card carrying member of the ACLU". I care about the privacy rights of convicted child molesters. I care about the treatment of the prisoners at Gitmo. Yeah, in most cases, I'd have a serious problem with this.

But, I also recognize a Right To Blow The Whistle.

IMO, if George Bush (or Jimmy Carter) is violating the US Constitution by torturing American citizens, then I think the people doing the torture have the right (in fact, the obligation) to reveal the information. Even if it's classified.

I know that "The People have the Right to Know" is a cliche that's way overused to justify what's really just sensationalism. But sometimes it's the Truth.

These matters have to be judged on a case-by-case basis.

Which also means that my opinion as to whether this was justified, depends on what it turns up.

Now, as to this, particular, case:

IMO, all I've seen credible reports of, is that the Paslin administration appears to have entered office with a plan to create a second email system for the specific purpose of hiding from law enforcement, and they appear to have implemented, and used, this plan.

IMO, the mere fact that they set it up says a lot about their integrity. It tells me that they are not only comfortable with lying, but that they don't have a problem with planning, in advance, to lie. (One of the Dirty Harry movies points out that conspiracy to commit a misdemeanor is a felony.)

OTOH, I haven't seen any evidence that they actually did anything illegal in their treehouse. (And, IMO, the odds of anybody finding anything, using these kinds of methods, that would have any credibility at all, is about zero.)

In short, right now, I'm a lot more concerned about people using the state email system to tell each other not to use the state email system, to use the secret one, than I am about whatever may or may not be found in an account that may or may not have belonged to her in the first place.

Wouldn't have been a heckuva lot less typing if you just said, "I believe in the right to privacy for those I agree with politically but not those who don't"?

Apply your "whether it was justified, depends on what it turns up" provision to other things and you'd be up in arms. It's ok for the police to kick open your door without a warrant as long as they find something illegal?

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Sure it is. Does the reasoning in that email strike you as sufficient for someone who could be running the most powerful country in the world.

Plus, she only brought this on her self.

So if I think you are an anti American enemy combatant because I don't agree with your views , its okay to post your emails and personal information of you and your immediate family including pictures, which that scumbag did to her, right??

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Guess you weren't around for the "some anonymous poster on Obama's message board said . . . " threads, huh?

"Gee, if he allows people to post whatever they want on his message board then he must be incompetent to run the country" was a frequent line of reasoning, then.


Yeah because Harvard U types can't possibly consider using Moderators to edit their board like they do on Tailgate when I used to get carried away pointing out liberals and deviants flaws

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LOL a little overdramatic it's not like she was taken in a back alley and raped. Her email account got hacked...it happens a lot idendity theft is a ***** but I mean hey she is strong she will get over it.

Cool, then you don't mind a hacker and the website posting your families cell phone numbers calling them and including pics and addresses? Sure you don't :doh:

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Looks like a stunt to me.

Also, I can't be the only one that knows this, but the reason you don't use free emails for business is that they are far less secure, and the security isn't in your control nor are the servers. Even my company doesn't allow the use of free emails for business. You use the official accounts for all private info never your gmail or yahoo accounts.

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Wouldn't have been a heckuva lot less typing if you just said, "I believe in the right to privacy for those I agree with politically but not those who don't"?

Wouldn't it have been easier for you to just say what you feel, instead of trying to tell me what I feel?

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The Anonymous group is supposedly behind this. They have a serious vendetta against Scientology and are responsible for a great deal of the dumb photoshops and internet memes that you see these days.

Bunch of immature wannabe anarchists. Hacking a public email. If they were malicious they would have sat on it to see if anything of real interest came in before letting it slip.

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