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Palin's Email Account Hacked


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I'm gonna consider this to be a fake stunt until more evidence comes up.

And I think that the odds of any evidence turning up that couldn't be fake is real slim.

Although, if that post quoted earlier, about somebody contacting her on her state account and being told to use the other one is true, then I'd think that that would be some evidence to look at.

Uh, the McCain/Palin people confirmed it as real. So did one of the individuals who sent Palin an email that was found.

That pretty much tells you anything worthwhile is long gone, though.

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I'm not going to read these emails - it is none of my business. Based on what is out there, it sounds like there is no smoking gun though. Really, I don't care either.

I'm going out for a walk. It's hard to believe that such things are happening to a good person. And yes, I would feel the same way if it was happening to Sens. Obama, Biden, and McCain. I may not agree with the politics of the Obama/Biden camp, but no one deserves this kind of treatment. No one.

LOL a little overdramatic it's not like she was taken in a back alley and raped. Her email account got hacked...it happens a lot idendity theft is a ***** but I mean hey she is strong she will get over it.

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Yeah, the same accounts she thought she could use to bypass subpoena's. If she can't even protect her own email address, how can we expect her to protect the country :silly:

Nothing particularly interesting found yet. Though, her reasoning in that first email kinda perturbs me. Just posting in case this develops into anything.

*edit* the accounts were also deleted shortly afterward. Sound like anyone you know?

Alright. So it's cool if I backtrack your IP address from here, get into your email and post it all here?


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Alright. So it's cool if I backtrack your IP address from here, get into your email and post it all here?


If I was suspected of doing something illegal? Feel free to give me your thoughts on wiretapping, Sarge.

Anyway, I never said I condoned it. I said she was asking for someone to do it.

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Anyway, I never said I condoned it. I said she was asking for someone to do it.

It has little to do that she was asking someone to do it...unless her password was palin1 (which we don't know, do we?).

However, one could say if she can't protect her e-mail, how can she protect our country?. I'm not saying I really buy into that statement at all, but it is however something to distract and something for the GOP to deal with, criminal investigation aside.

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If I was suspected of doing something illegal? Feel free to give me your thoughts on wiretapping, Sarge.

Anyway, I never said I condoned it. I said she was asking for someone to do it.

Oh, so she was asking for it, huh? The slut.

Whatever little Obama kiddie did this better hide good. Violating the Privacy Act is a Federal crime

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I'm not a fan of Sarbanes Oxley.

Well if you work in a public companies you owe the shareholders a certain amount of accountability. SoX may be too much, but if people are circumventing it with private accounts then they deserve prosecution.

I hope you told your CFO that people are doing this, 'cause his ass will be in jail if it comes to light.

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You know what I want to do? Not listen to any of the 24 hour news channels or pay attention to any of the latest "gaffes" and "slams" for about 5 days then have someone give me the rundown with all names changed to A, B, C, D and all pronouns gender neutral. I bet anyone here would not know when to be outraged and when to go on the attack.

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Nah it's real.

"The public profile for the gov.palin address dates its last update to April of this year—well before she became McCain's running mate. So if it's a hoax, it's a hoax that began long before anyone outside of Alaska cared about Palin."


It's even on MSNBC.

Haven't you been reading these smear jobs by the liberal media? Palin and her staff do business with personal email accounts so it's not on public records.

So when the press busted Slick Willie for not being able to keep "Little Slick Willie" in his pants I suppose they were just doing the duty of the press in a free, democratic country. However, when they expose "Our Sarah" it's a smear job by the liberal media. Ummkay, I gotcha.

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So when the press busted Slick Willie for not being able to keep "Little Slick Willie" in his pants I suppose they were just doing the duty of the press in a free, democratic country. However, when they expose "Our Sarah" it's a smear job by the liberal media. Ummkay, I gotcha.

Your sarcasm meter needs new batteries.

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So when the press busted Slick Willie for not being able to keep "Little Slick Willie" in his pants I suppose they were just doing the duty of the press in a free, democratic country. However, when they expose "Our Sarah" it's a smear job by the liberal media. Ummkay, I gotcha.

Weak. Sauce.


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:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

I'm gonna consider this to be a fake stunt until more evidence comes up.

And I think that the odds of any evidence turning up that couldn't be fake is real slim.

Although, if that post quoted earlier, about somebody contacting her on her state account and being told to use the other one is true, then I'd think that that would be some evidence to look at.


While Ms. Palin took office promising a more open government, her administration has battled to keep information secret. Her inner circle discussed the benefit of using private e-mail addresses. An assistant told her it appeared that such e-mail messages sent to a private address on a “personal device” like a BlackBerry “would be confidential and not subject to subpoena.”

Ms. Palin and aides use their private e-mail addresses for state business. A campaign spokesman said the governor copied e-mail messages to her state account “when there was significant state business.”

On Feb. 7, Frank Bailey, a high-level aide, wrote to Ms. Palin’s state e-mail address to discuss appointments. Another aide fired back: “Frank, this is not the governor’s personal account.”

Mr. Bailey responded: “Whoops~!”

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Weak. Sauce.


Only to those who bypass logic and reason. I guess that certainly includes you. :)

Sorry but the media cares about one thing and one thing only-getting something sensational or interesting to broadcast or print for the next story. Whether it's liberal or conservative, all they want is something they can wrap advertising around. It's the same thing with all the "The media hates the Redskins" crowd. Foolish on both accounts.

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Only to those who bypass logic and reason. I guess that certainly includes you. :)

If you want to defend dems who COMMIT crimes, and not repubs who have crimes committed AGAINST them, that's entirely your prerogative.

And I still love libs.

Disagree with the Party of Tolerance, and you "bypass logic and reason."

You have a lot of trouble with flies eating up all your vinegar? :)

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Well if you work in a public companies you owe the shareholders a certain amount of accountability. SoX may be too much, but if people are circumventing it with private accounts then they deserve prosecution.

I hope you told your CFO that people are doing this, 'cause his ass will be in jail if it comes to light.

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Well if you work in a public companies you owe the shareholders a certain amount of accountability. SoX may be too much, but if people are circumventing it with private accounts then they deserve prosecution.

I hope you told your CFO that people are doing this, 'cause his ass will be in jail if it comes to light.

Sox 404 and 802 refer to publicly traded companies, and I don't know anyone who tries to circumvent SEC17 by using private e-mail accounts. This issue refers to the freedom of information act anyway.

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