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Palin's Email Account Hacked


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She didn't bring anything on her self...someone committed a FEDERAL CRIME....geesh. The dems would be freaking the hell out right now if someone did this to Obama.

I just wish both sides would grow the **** up already.

Almost as shady as using non-government issued email addresses in order to circumvent subpoena's.

Could be fake. We'll see how it plays out.

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its a yahoo account though. what public, or any corporate office uses yahoo or hotmail?

they all have their own email servers that they set up accounts on...

At one time, I had six employees who had use of laptops in the field. I told them that personal emails from home and friends was fine, but do it on a third party account. I'm pretty sure that many government officials, aides, and admin assistants have third party accounts. In many of the companies that I contracted to, the same thing was done.

One other thing - many businesses actually use third party accounts in official capacities. Our local government does the same thing.

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but honestly it makes me think its a fake. I posted some scam email I got for winning 5 mil from Chevron and it was a hotmail account.

wouldnt you think that the governors office in AK would have its own email server?

Many companies are actually moving away from business run e-mail due to litigation compliance.

It makes perfect sense for her to use an anonymous e-mail program such as Yahoo for personal communication.

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Maybe somebody who cares could confirm whether she was actually conducting government business using a private e-mail account and whether that is legal.

I've never heard of it being illegal to mention your work in email. But hey, there are stranger laws on the books...

I just happened to go to the grocery store today and saw the National Enquirer. Says her son is addicted to needles and cocaine, that she had a secret affair and that she kicked her pregnant daughter out of the house. I guess all the libs want to start taking that seriously now too...(the only other son than the baby was just deployed to Iraq)

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maybe, but what is anonymous about the name gov.palin?

It's not. But the official alaska.gov servers are almost certainly backed up and so deleting an e-mail will not cover a trail.

If you conduct business via a personal account it will not show up in a search of the alaska.gov servers.

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Rick Davis on the breach to Sarah Palin's Yahoo account:

This is a shocking invasion of the Governor's privacy and a violation of law. The matter has been turned over to the appropriate authorities and we hope that anyone in possession of these emails will destroy them. We will have no further comment.

Many companies are actually moving away from business run e-mail due to litigation compliance.

It makes perfect sense for her to use an anonymous e-mail program such as Yahoo for personal communication.

She was doing official business on Yahoo as well.

On Feb. 7, Frank Bailey, a high-level aide, wrote to Ms. Palin’s state e-mail address to discuss appointments. Another aide fired back: “Frank, this is not the governor’s personal account.”

Mr. Bailey responded: “Whoops~!”


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This is nothing more than an extreme left wing nut job trying to help the dems. Like I have been saying, the republicans can sit back and watch the dems shoot themselves in the foot.

This was done by a bunch of nerds.



This is the face of extreme left wing nuts.

Yahoo! ID & Email address:kurtcobain.grunge@yahoo.com

BirthdayFebruary 13, 1969

Security QuestionWhere did you meet your spouse?

My Answerhole

Postal Code20783

does that mean I am now Kurt Cobain?

it says welcome, kurt.

It's already been confirmed that's her email.

ARLINGTON, VA — Today, McCain-Palin 2008 Campaign Manager Rick Davis issued the following statement concerning reports about Governor Palin's email and an invasion of privacy:

"This is a shocking invasion of the Governor's privacy and a violation of law. The matter has been turned over to the appropriate authorities and we hope that anyone in possession of these emails will destroy them. We will have no further comment."

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Lol, that's some sound logic we got here folks. Wait a minute, why was this posted again?

Guess you weren't around for the "some anonymous poster on Obama's message board said . . . " threads, huh?

"Gee, if he allows people to post whatever they want on his message board then he must be incompetent to run the country" was a frequent line of reasoning, then.


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This is nothing more than an extreme left wing nut job trying to help the dems. Like I have been saying, the republicans can sit back and watch the dems shoot themselves in the foot.

It's no secret that I'm a conservative, but I don't believe this is coming from anyone on the left. Sure, it doesn't help the situation and fingers will be pointed in certain directions. However, this group that hacked her accounts has gone after others. Let's just hope these sick-minded individuals get caught.

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Many companies are actually moving away from business run e-mail due to litigation compliance.

It makes perfect sense for her to use an anonymous e-mail program such as Yahoo for personal communication.

Yep. At least, if you realize that "litigation compliance" is doublespeak for "we prefer to go out of our way to use email that doesn't have those pesky backups, so that we can lie, later, and not get caught."


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Let's just hope these sick-minded individuals get caught.

I'm not advocating breaking the law in hacking her Yahoo account, but if a government official is using personal e-mail accounts to illegally circumvent the audit trail they are required to maintain for such correspondence, then kudos to them for shining a light on it. Actually showing the content of the e-mails is another matter.

The question I'd like answered is whether she was using a Yahoo account to conduct business that she should have done through an official government account that would have kept a trail.

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Yahoo! ID & Email address:kurtcobain.grunge@yahoo.com

BirthdayFebruary 13, 1969

Security QuestionWhere did you meet your spouse?

My Answerhole

Postal Code20783

does that mean I am now Kurt Cobain?

it says welcome, kurt.

And that is why it's considered an anonymous e-mail account. :cheers:

I hope Kurt isn't still sending e-mails. That would be creepy.

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This is nothing more than an extreme left wing nut job trying to help the dems. Like I have been saying, the republicans can sit back and watch the dems shoot themselves in the foot.

An extreme left wing nutjob, who knew that Palin would be the VP pick back in April?

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I'm not advocating breaking the law in hacking her Yahoo account, but if a government official is using personal e-mail accounts to illegally circumvent the audit trail they are required to maintain for such correspondence, then kudos to them for shining a light on it. Actually showing the content of the e-mails is another matter.

The question I'd like answered is whether she was using a Yahoo account to conduct business that she should have done through an official government account that would have kept a trail.

I'm not going to read these emails - it is none of my business. Based on what is out there, it sounds like there is no smoking gun though. Really, I don't care either.

I'm going out for a walk. It's hard to believe that such things are happening to a good person. And yes, I would feel the same way if it was happening to Sens. Obama, Biden, and McCain. I may not agree with the politics of the Obama/Biden camp, but no one deserves this kind of treatment. No one.

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I'm gonna consider this to be a fake stunt until more evidence comes up.

And I think that the odds of any evidence turning up that couldn't be fake is real slim.

Although, if that post quoted earlier, about somebody contacting her on her state account and being told to use the other one is true, then I'd think that that would be some evidence to look at.

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