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ES Coverage: 2008 Training Camp - Day 2 (Final)


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ES Coverage: 2008 Training Camp - Day 2




Man, traffic sucked this morning with most of the world going back to work on a Monday morning. Don't they know there is training camp going on?

I mean, what kind of shop are they running around here?

Hello my friends and welcome to Day 2 coverage of the Washington Redskins training camp. My name is JimmiJo and I alone will bring you today's ES coverage of training camp.

It is hard to imagine today being more exciting than yesterday. Between the opening day of camp, season-ending injuries to Phillip Daniels and Alex Buzbee, and the announcement last night of the trade for Jason Taylor, Day 1 of camp kept everyone here jumping.

Speaking of Jason Taylor, we were just told that he should arrive today during the afternoon practice. The team is saying that there will probably be an introductory press conference with him following practice in teh auditorium.

By the way, this morning is another open practice and I see the fans out.

I'm going to get my act together here and get ready to go down to the fields in a half hour. Feel free to ask any questions or tell me how much more you prefer me over Murf.

Stand by...


Just back in from the fields. I have to deal with some audio and photos but I can tell you that no news is good news, and that's what I have for today.

No injuries.

Phillip Daniels

In about 15 minutes we are going to go to the auditorium and meet Jason Taylor. Before we do that however I wanted to share some quotes from Phillip Daniels, who stopped by today. Phil is one of my favorite players to speak with.

On the injury - "I knew it was pretty bad. But I didn't know if I had hyperextended it or really hurt something. I really didn't feel anything pop, but I grabbed it and I had lot of pain. When I got up, I couldn't put pressure on it. That's when I realized it was probably worse than I thought. They didn't give me a lot of time to think. I went and showered up and they took me straight to the MRI. I gathered myself and got a little bit of sleep when I was in the MRI. I came out and the look on the doctor's face told me a lot. I asked him how serious it was and he didn't say nothing so I knew right then it was bad news. When we finally got in the hall, he told me and I broke down and cried a little bit. It's tough. I went through this offseason and trained as hard as I ever trained in my life. This was my year to come out and do some great things for this team and get this team to the Super Bowl. That hurts the most. I trained so hard and nowthat's gone."

On Jason Taylor - "They got Jason Taylor to take my place and help get this team to the Super Bowl. He's a proven player. It was good that he was sitting there and that Dan and Vinny could go out and get him and bring him in here to help us get to where we need to be. It was great to hear he was coming in here. He's a great pass-rusher and the player of the year a couple of years ago. For him to be sitting out there was perfect really. If I had to go down and have everybody take my place, I would want a guy like him that's proven and done some great things in this league. He can get us to the Super Bowl. I told the guys don't feel sorry for me. The one thing you can do for me is get us to the Super Bowl and win it and I'll be happy."

On his future -"I'm not going anywhere. I'm not going to be done. I'm still going to play. I'll rehab to come back. Everybody say I'm 36 next year, but I'm still young. I can still play. I felt great going into this year. I'm going to feel great about rehabbing. Everything I do, I do it hard. I'm going to train hard. Whether it be playing or coaching, I don't know. Hopefully I get another opportunity to come back and finish my career on a high note, not end it this way. Do I want my career to end this way? I really don't, but if it does end this way, I've had a great career. I've done a lot of good things. I'm going to train hard to come back."



To listen to the Jason Taylor press conference click HERE



To listen to comments by Fred "Sleepy" Davis click HERE

To listen to comments by Malcolm Kelly click HERE

To listen to comments by Maurice Mann click HERE

To listen to comments by Marcus Mason click HERE

To listen to comments by Shaun Suisham click HERE



To listen to comments by Durant Brooks click HERE

To listen to comments by Kareem Moore click HERE

To listen to comments by Devin Thomas click HERE

To listen to comments by Todd Yoder click HERE



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AM Write-Up

So for the record I’m saying that JT Mapu has the nicest hair on the team. He looks like a walking Breck Shampoo commercial out there. Oh, and in case you haven’t heard, JT Mapu is back with the team.

I was feeling pretty Murf today so decided to conduct an informal poll of the media present today, on the sideline, around where I happened to be standing. And I asked the question, ‘is Jason Taylor now the biggest marquee name league-wide on the team?’

Yes, they said.

Bigger than Cooley?

League-wide, yes, they said.

Bigger than Portis?

Yes, they said.




Cause Taylor has won awards, has records, and is a six-time pro-bowler.

Plus he can dance I added…

So Taylor joining the team has added a buzz around the park today as well as the league. I heard Vinny Cerrato on Mike & Mike this morning and then again on 980 coming back from lunch. I’m sure he has been on TV as well. The players seem excited to have him coming. I spoke to Andre Carter (did not record) and asked him if he felt that Taylor being on the field can create opportunities for him. He seemed to think so. I know I think so.

Taylor is one of those guys that offenses watch. They want to know where he is at all times. With Taylor commanding that kind of focus it should create one-on-one matchups for Carter. At least that is my theory.

Now to football.

The morning session was solid, with no injuries. I was very surprised to see Fred Smoot not only working out and stretching but playing. Usually one would think in terms of days if not weeks for any sort of sprain. To see him out there was a good sign.

The practices under Zorn are longer than under Gibbs and the order of drills and such is different. When I first walked out the team was doing squad drills. They then went to stretching (something always done first in front of the media under Gibbs). After that teams and then more squad drills.

One of the best drills today was early in practice. It featured the quarterback throwing to either a running back or tight end who was matched up 1-on-1 against either a linebacker or safety.

On one of the first plays I saw Mike Sellers was matched up against Marcus Washington. Sellers was able to get around and behind Washington and catch and beautifully thrown tear drop pass over his shoulder. He then put a nice move on Washington who was closing on him rapidly. Sellers ran into the end-zone pointing a finger in the air.

Poor Rian Wallace, a linebacker. He was matched up against Marcus Mason, who juked him nearly out of his shoes during the drill, getting by him for big yards.

Sellers, who is celebrating his birthday today, had another nice catch on H.B. Blades. Blades was able to deflect the incoming pass to Sellers, but Sellers was able to tip the ball to himself and run in for the score.

The final play of this drill had Clinton Portis catching a TD while very well covered by London Fletcher, prompting Portis to spike the ball.

During the 9-on-9s and 11-on-11s, the offense had a solid outing. Jason Campbell looked sharp today, completing some nice passes. Collins did not look sharp with some accuracy issues. Colt Brennan didn’t have a stellar practice, although I have seen him make a few nice throws.

As far as receivers I’ve come to the conclusion that the group of new receivers brought in this year is the best I’ve seen in the three years I’ve been doing this. I think they used the draft and free agency to bring in some good, young, talent. Here is how I would rank the new guys/non-starters in terms of who has impressed me most:

1. Malcolm Kelly – great hands and pretty darn fast

2. Fred Davis – sick runner after the catch

3. Devon Thomas – I place him third because he is scary fast

4. Maurice Mann – I give him the edge over the rest because he was in Seattle and knows the system. He has caught most things thrown his way

5. Burl Toler – The guy has impressed me since mini-camp. If it is catchable he seems to catch it

6. Anthony Mix – Mix has all the gifts, and played well on teams last year. He has been solid in camp, but nothing remarkable.

7. Billy McMullen – He has made some plays but has missed some as well.

8. Horace Gant – Nothing standing out

The defense did ok today but gave up some plays on 11-on-11 although at times the quarterbacks struggled to find an open receiver. They also would have made some plays if the were in pads. The defensive line was pretty solid today, although I noticed some good play by the offensive line. The shining moment on D was Demetric Evans flattening Jon Jansen on a rush. I’ve seen guys get around Jansen but it is not often I see him wind up on his butt.

Time to gear up for the afternoon session. If you need something to do while you wait for the next update, head on over to Chris Cooley’s blog. It has Chris giving love to Extremeskins, Murf, and Skinscast all in the same update. Other than the Murf part I think it is awesome:



"What are you looking for?!" - Coach Zorn to Jason Campbell after failing to find an open guy/decide on a receiver to throw to


PM Write-Up

Jason Taylor

So what did everyone think of Jason Taylor? I like him and the more I think about it I like the trade. It is a damn shame that Phillip Daniels was injured, but I do think the team made the right trade at a fair price.

Jason Taylor is a playmaker, a game-changer, and every other cliché you can think of regarding great football players. Together with Andre Carter the Redskins should definitely get better sack production.

Taylor struck me as a well grounded individual. He did commit to playing out his two years, which I think was an area of concern. While it is obvious he has aspirations of going into the entertainment industry, he deferred questions surrounding his after-football goals and instead said he is focused on the task at hand.

I liked the way Taylor spoke highly of the fan base here, identified great players on the team on both sides of the ball, and most important, understands the rivalry between Washington and Dallas.

Taylor appears to be a candid individual. He says he knows nothing about Northern Virginia, having only been here on a layover. He says that there never was any real bad-blood between he and the Miami organization, but intimated that he was less than happy with changes being planned. He did pay homage to the Miami organization and says he plans to continue to live there.

If you did not see the presser live, do yourself a favor and listen to the audio, or watch it when it is posted on Redskins.com. If you are a fan of the team I think you will be encouraged. If that doesn’t work consider the following; this morning I started hearing from Dallas fans. They’ve taken notice of who the redskins acquired and don’t seem too happy about it.

Afternoon Practice

The tempo at afternoon practice seemed a little more laid-back than this morning. It probably wasn’t, but without the crowd cheering every catch it doesn’t seem as exciting. The team focused on a lot more squad drilling although they did get to the 9-on-9s and 11-on-11s towards the end of practice.

Coach Zorn spent a lot of time with the quarterbacks during the second practice. I was able to get some photos of him working with the group. Zorn was coaching the QBs on getting air under the ball on sideline passes. Twice he grabbed a football and showed them how it was done. I don’t want to say that he second throw was less than a perfect spiral, but Billy Kilmer did come to mind.

Someone asked for a Ladell Betts update. He is doing well and is in no danger of losing his #2 spot. Although I am about ready to say that if they keep a fourth running back it will probably be Marcus Mason. Of course, preseason games could change that.

Practice Notes

• Jason Campbell looked pretty solid although he did skip a ball or two toward a receiver

• Colt Brennan is doing ok, but I have been just as impressed if not more with the 4th QB, Derrick Devine out of Marshall

• Big Mike Sellers caught one, made a move on Marcus Washington, and was off down the field. Any satisfaction Sellers may have felt was short-lived however as Marcus caught up and punched the ball out.

• James Thrash made a very nice bobbling catch after a DB got his hand on the ball

• Play of the day was Campbell to Kelly down the sideline with Schweigert and Byron Westbrook covering. Kelly went up and took it away.

• Speaking of Kelly, you are going to start hearing the phrase “soft hands” in describing him. When you do, remember that I first said it of him.

That will about do it for me gang. I will see you in the morning.


“On that play, don’t give us too much. Get up, and get out.” – Coach Zorn to Santana Moss on how he wanted a route run


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Be interesting to get some comments from players and get a feel from the fans present about the Taylor trade.

MMQB paraphrased Springs this morning as being very supportive of the move, stating it would help the secondary greatly by putting more pressure on the passer. Samuels and Fletcher also gave it the thumbs up apparently.

Props to Vinny and Co. for weighing in with those guys before pulling the trigger.

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Jimmi - just curious when you are starting the official Malcolm Kelly mancrush fan club? I'd like to be the first to sign up, please. :)

you're definitely hitting up the right person at the right time. with sam hollenbach homeless, jimmijo needs a new object of his desire. and kelly has looked sharp every time we've seen him - to the point that i asked antwaan randel el if this kid ever drops a pass. if the two of us had to put money on which of the two rookie receivers will make a bigger impact, right now we'd both side with kelly.

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