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John Clayton answers Jason Taylor questions


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I would take a probowl proven player over 2 draft picks any day of the year. Especialy when their needed like they are now. Some of the best players to ever play for this team was never drafted, they were traded off for draft picks or FA.

Dude please stop making sense as it is not that common on this forum. Simply put you have said it all. Anything more will be uncivilized.:applause:

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Dude please stop making sense as it is not that common on this forum. Simply put you have said it all. Anything more will be uncivilized.:applause:

Anyone who is complaining about this trade needs to go somewhere. This is excellent for the Skins, though it happened through a bad means. The FO made a great move and needs to be given props.

Heres to the Front Office!:cheers:

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nice thread..clayton may be the nerdiest looking dude on the planet but when he speaks football i shut up and listen.

thanks for that tidbit and i highly doubt zoony flames anyone, he isnt that guy.

Bthat, good call - I agree that this should be it's own thread. BMike, lol! I too think Clayton's very informed about what goes on in the day to day affairs NFL wise. I also like when he and Sean Salisbury get into each other on their segments. SS flames him, but I get the feeling that there's some kind of grudging respect there nonetheless.

JT, stay the freaking course baby! Two and then some!

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nice thread..clayton may be the nerdiest looking dude on the planet but when he speaks football i shut up and listen.


Looks like he shouldnt know a damn thing about football but runs circles around the other mediots.

:geek: <------ John Clayton

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This is very good to hear. Taylor playing at least two years will buy the Redskins another year in the draft to pass on a DE and fill a more glaring need (with Taylor and Carter starting at DE) at linebacker and DB. They then can address DE and DT the following year when Taylor will likely bow out.

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Still don't like giving up a 2, but if he's willing to play two more years (perhaps even a few more if he continues to play well) then it's a little more understandable.

IF, we get even 4 years out of him and they're quality, i figgure it was good. Seems like a lot of rookies sign for about 4-5 then have to learn the pro game. Under the circumstances I think it was at the least, neccassary.

It did surprise me that Parcells pulled the trigger on the trade.

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Normally I wouldn't be thrilled about the trade, giving up a second for such an old player no longer fully committed to football, but we really had no choice. That was a devastating injury to an already thin position, and we got one of the premiere ends in the league.

Can't really complain, they had us by the short hairs.

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Kudos to the FO for getting this done the same exact day Daniels went down. While I would have preferred it be a 3rd rounder, our backs were sort of up against a wall. I mean, we all hope Erasmus James can become good again, but would any of us have felt comfortable with James as the starter from the get go? Other moves in the past like this have hurt us, but this time we have traded for a quality guy who still produces. I do expect a small drop off in run stopping, but a big increase in pass rush. Looking over our roster, I think we could afford to trade that 2nd rounder. Given the position we were in, I like this move. We weren't going to be able to fleece Miami, but both teams got real good value in this trade.

This information from Clayton makes the deal even better. Vinny made Taylor assure him that he was in it for at least 2 more years. Taylor is at the scary mark of 32, but he is one of those athletes that is in great shape and continually produces, so I would imagine that varring any sudden injury, Taylor will be able to produce at a solid or better level for the next 2 seasons, maybe longer. That's plenty of time for guys like James and Wilson to develop.

If you still aren't sure about this move, look at it this way: We now have 2 double-digit sack DEs on the line. Our DL consists of Andre Carter, Jason Taylor, Erasmus James, Demetric Evans, Chris Wilson, Cornelius Griffin, Anthony Montgomery, Kedric Gholston, and Lorenzo Alexander.

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I would take a probowl proven player over 2 draft picks any day of the year. Especialy when their needed like they are now. Some of the best players to ever play for this team was never drafted, they were traded off for draft picks or FA.

Absolutely Concur. I don't like giving our picks up but because of freakish happenings today (two DE's going down) it put us in a bad situation.

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Next year we have 1st, 3rd, 5th, 6th and 7th round picks.

Vinny could pull some of the same types of trades like he did in April's draft. The 1st could yield a couple of 2nd rounders and another trade could bring an additional third or a fourth rounder. Draft an elite CB and devote the early rounds to OL.

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I reserve judgement. I really don't like adding an aging pro bowler. I won't rain on everyones excitement, but I am certainly not drinking the jason taylor kool aid. He certainly seems distracted from football and looking towards a hollywood career.

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Vinny could pull some of the same types of trades like he did in April's draft. The 1st could yield a couple of 2nd rounders and another trade could bring an additional third or a fourth rounder. Draft an elite CB and devote the early rounds to OL.
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Vinny could pull some of the same types of trades like he did in April's draft. The 1st could yield a couple of 2nd rounders and another trade could bring an additional third or a fourth rounder. Draft an elite CB and devote the early rounds to OL.

Wow, that is some wishful thinking. The only reason we got the 2 second rounders from ATL is becaue they really coveted Baker to protect Ryan. Doubtful that happens two years in a row.

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My only big concern with this move is either Taylor or Andre Carter are going to have to change positions. Defensive linemen work a lot on their hand placement and footwork and it's not always easy to switch sides. I'm also concerned about Taylor in the run game but hopefully Greg Blache can figure out the best way to use him.

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I like the trade. And I know, they said taylor didn't care about the money, but you got to think, that Snyder could give him a signing bonus and stretch it out for a few years. Problem is with that uncapped year looming. hrms.

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