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Why WE WILL LOOK GOOD this preseason.


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Fairly simple really.

Once the first team gets a few reps in, our second-team offense will step on the field and do big things.

Todd Collins throwing to Thomas, Kelly, Davis, Thrash and Mix with Ladell and Marcus Mason pounding the ball on 2nd and 3rd stringers. What more could you ask for?

I think we will have one of the strongest preseason showings in the last decade or so....

....But unfortunately, preseason doesn't mean ****.

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Take it easy on the guy, sheesh...lol.

He's basically saying our second and third teams are pretty strong and should show up most other teams second and third strings. It's actually understandable. You guys are way too hard on fellow Skins fans some times.

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Is it irony that the two fans from Texas had the toughest time understanding what I'm trying to say here?

Let me break it down here for the peeps in Cowboy Country...

1.) We have great depth on offense at the skill positions. Our match-ups look real good. It will be fun/exciting to watch our new guys execute the new offense.

2.) Preseason doesn't mean ****.

Respond to either piece of the argument. Or stay confused.

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Wow...just...ah eh hmmm


Did you even read the post? He's predicting that our 2nd team offense will show well in the preseason....where's the harm in that? It might not mean anything but maybe it will make games that are otherwise boring a little bit more interesting....

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I like watching our second string play. Call me crazy. Plus we can watch Colt run around with the third stringers. I just want to see some burgundy and gold, I ain't picky.

I hear ya Gfunk. I think our second stringers are not only very good but also have the experience to step into starting roles on a limited basis, not wholesale though.

I can't wait to see ANY Skins football, like you just said.:cheers:

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Fairly simple really.

Once the first team gets a few reps in, our second-team offense will step on the field and do big things.

Todd Collins throwing to Thomas, Kelly, Davis, Thrash and Mix with Ladell and Marcus Mason pounding the ball on 2nd and 3rd stringers. What more could you ask for?

I think we will have one of the strongest preseason showings in the last decade or so....

....But unfortunately, preseason doesn't mean ****.

This year it does. If we win 5 games, including preseason, Mass_Skinsfan gets a new sig!

I have an insider that is going to make it bulltin board material for the players, and I predict we'll go 4-0 because of it. :D

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Im actually excited to see the preseason this year to see all the rookies play and see what they got.


This is the first time we've had much of a rookie crop in several years. Normally it's one high pick and then a bunch of low-round nobodies. This year there are several players to be excited about.

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This year it does. If we win 5 games, including preseason, Mass_Skinsfan gets a new sig!

I have an insider that is going to make it bulltin board material for the players, and I predict we'll go 4-0 because of it. :D

We have 5 Preseason games this season.:)

And I cant wait to see us playing again!!

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I know I am stoked to see our team this preseason. JC with a healthy Portis and O line, with new receivers that are bigger targets. A defensive line that came on very strong at the end of last year, and a healthy Marcus Washington back in at SLB. Laron Landry in year two will be running our defensive backfield with London Fletcher in year 2 running the front 7.

But after the starters come out is when it gets interesting. Collins and Brennan will be throwing to Davis, Thomas, Kelly, and Mix while being protected by Heyer, Rinehart, and the App guy. Ladell Betts, Marcus Mason, and Rock will be getting some carries, too. I really hope Mason makes the roster.

I can't wait to see Durant Brooks take the starting punter job. Or to see Tryon return a kick or two.

Basically, though, I just can't wait to see my SKINS!

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Am I the only one that thinks our first string may see more play time than normal. I mean, we are running a brand new offense, and it wouldn't hurt to practice it a little...

Zorn addresses playing time a bit in the newly posted press conference on redskins.com. Sounds like Clinton won't be playing much. Jason will get a series or 2 per game except more in game 3. Depends on run to pass ratio. 1st string oline will be in when Jason's in. Sounds similar to years past. One interesting comment by Zorn: He said "Jason may only get a series unless i do 3 running plays then punt. Although i can't imagine doing that". Made me laugh a bit. Zorn seems to want to get the ball in the air.

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But after the starters come out is when it gets interesting. Collins and Brennan will be throwing to Davis, Thomas, Kelly, and Mix while being protected by Heyer, Rinehart, and the App guy. Ladell Betts, Marcus Mason, and Rock will be getting some carries, too. I really hope Mason makes the roster.

I can't wait to see Durant Brooks take the starting punter job. Or to see Tryon return a kick or two.

I'm right there with you. That one thing where you go to New York and you draft new players... That's pretty cool. I wonder why we didn't do this before. :laugh:

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