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USA Today - Jacksonville Jaguars headed to Los Angeles?


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That's what I was going to say. Just because a division sucks it up for a few years, is no reason to change it. If that were the case, they would have moved someone into the AFC East and NFC West long ago.

The NFC East is currently known as the toughest. That reputation existed in the 80s and much of the 90s.

However, for a period until 2004, we were the most overrated and essentially worthless division similar to the AFC East now. The Eagles always seemed to take the title. If the COwboys made the playoffs, they were quickly beat out (and that streak still goes :laugh: ). The Giants made the super bowl once and quickly realized they had no right to be there.

The AFC West through 2005 was also known as the toughest division. It sucked in 2005 having the strongest conference in the NFC East and having to play the strongest AFC conference.

Point is, and as mentioned, just because a team or division is not currently good, is no reason for them to change it for competitive reasons. With Norv on board, I fully expect the Chargers to tank soon, especially once some of that talent leaves. I also do expect a younger Chiefs team to take over that division, but they won't do much under Herman Edwards, same with the Broncos and Mike Shanahan.

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If you do look at the revenue for the Jaguars, they are on the low end for the NFL. There arent that many teams they earn more than in a given year. Its definitely proportionate to their success in recent years. That said, they do see a lot of operating income and have been in the black every year for a long time(on average at over 15 million a year).

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right, thats my logic. break up the oldest rivalry in the NFL compared to putting someone in the weakest division in the NFL to compete with the Chargers.

where did you learn how to compare things?

"oh yes, this apple is just like this hand grenade." :rolleyes:

The KC-Oakland rivalry has been awesome just as long as the Dallas-Redskins rivalry. You suggest breaking that up.

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NOOOOOOO!!! :laugh:

werent the Cards an older team as well and we booted them just as easily.

Cards moved to Arizona in 1988 and it actually took the league until 2002 to move them to the NFC West. Their move was the only reason for the switch, it wasn't the same as the league booting an expansion team like the Seahawks from the AFC to the NFC.

If KC moved then I could see your point, but they haven't.

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Totally agree. Not sure what they were thinking.

I remember the 95 expansion race. Okay, the teams were awarded in the fall of 1993 and began play in 1995.

St. Louis, Baltimore, Carolina, Jacksonsville and Memphis were the finalists.

Jacksonville actually dropped the bid for a while but Tags got them to work things out and Jacksonville came back.

The favs were St. Louis and Carolina. Memphis never really had a shot, since they were just offering the Liberity Bowl and not a new stadium.

St. Louis's ownership group fell apart. So Carolina got the first expansion team. Then a month later it was Jacksonville. It should've been Baltimore but I think Jack Kent Cooke had a role in prevent Baltimore getting an expansion team.

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The KC-Oakland rivalry has been awesome just as long as the Dallas-Redskins rivalry. You suggest breaking that up.

its awesome?

Do you get to watch those games any more?

The SD/Oak rivalry is better then the KC/Oak rivalry.

Both CA teams.

LA and SD hate each other and the LA fans always come down here for the game.

I didnt even know that the Oak/KC rivalry was that big and I have lived in AFC West (:doh: ) territory for 14 years.

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Even if this were to happen there is NO WAY the NFL would re-align...

For years, they let Atlanta and New Orleans stay in the NFC West...

They let the "Arizona" Cardinals get the crap kicked out of them in the NFC East...

Having "centrally" located teams in Indy, Houston and Tennessee fly out to L.A. would not be something that caused the NFL to re-align.

Not to mention the fact that the Rams and 49ers have been together forever...and St. Louis has always been an NFC town (Cards/Rams)

The Jags may indeed move but they will be staying put in the AFC South...they are actually creating a pretty good rivalry with the Colts...not to mention the Titans when they duked it out for the AFC Title...

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It may be nice, but they still cannot sell it out. If you watch some games, you'll notice team coverings on some sections. They actually cover up seats to make it look more of a sellout on paper. I'm not sure if they do this for every game, but my friend pointed it out, and sure enough, there were coverings on certain sections that they tried to make look like part of the stadium.

I'm sure they have a solid following, but with the strong college programs there, as well as bigger followings of the Bucs and Dolphins, it almost makes sense that if any team would move to LA, it may as well be Jacksonville. I still don't agree with putting an NFL team in LA with Southern Cal and UCLA there, but if any team should do it, it should be Jacksonville.

Not the case. I live here in Jacksonville. Its really plain and simple. FAIRWEATHER fans!!! Everyone cries down here about the ticket prices and when are the Jags gonna do something? If we have a late game or a MNF game and the Jags are in town I go. I got a little love for them. I've been here since 95 when the city got the team. As far as the college b.s. goes. Not the case. Back when Brunell and Jimmy Smith had the team in the playoffs and looking good you couldn't go anywhere in town with out seeing car decals and flags haning from every car. The city got spoiled early and now expects them to be in the championship game every year. Yeah, there's alot of Gator fans here but 9-1 choose Jag games over Gator games. Except the Florida Georgia game of course. Thats a whole different scenario.

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It has the twelfth largest population in the country, the largest population in the state of Florida, and is geographically the United States' largest city. I won't argue that their attendance hasn't been great, but it's not because of the area. It's not Medicine Hat, Canada.

Ehh, it may be the largest city in Florida, but the Miami-Dade metro area is one of the largest metro areas in the country. There is a lot of Dolphins fans, and not to mention a lot of Bucs fans in FL too. College football has a huge following in FL, and the Gators are not far away. Jacksonville has to share fans with 5 other teams in the state that have fairly large followings. I went to the preseason game in Jville last year, and it was almost depressing. I know it was preseason, but it had the atmosphere of a division 1AA football game. They cover entire sections of the seats just to look like they fill up

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