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USA Today - Jacksonville Jaguars headed to Los Angeles?


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Jacksonville Jaguars headed to Los Angeles?

var yahooBuzzArticleId = 'usatoday:http://blogs.usatoday.com/gameon/2008/07/jacksonville-ja.html?csp=34';yahooBuzzArticleId

While the hottest NFL buzz of the moment is whether the Rooney family will sell the Pittsburgh Steelers to financier Stanley Druckenmiller, a bigger football story may be brewing.

The Philadelphia Daily News reports that the Jacksonville Jaguars -- a rising playoff team that has had attendance woes in its small market -- may be up for sale and headed to the vacant Los Angeles territory.

The News' Paul Domowitch writes that Jaguars owner Wayne Weaver has been shopping his team and, according to several league sources, is negotiating to sell to billionaire C. Dean Metropoulos. Metropoulos fueled his fortune as the former owner of the parent company of such food brands as Duncan Hines, Armour and Mrs. Paul's.

Metropoulos has denied he's angling to solve the NFL's biggest demographic problem, but the News says the deal is being brokered by the Galatioto Sports Partners firm that in recent years has greased transfers of ownership of the Washington Redskins and Phoenix Suns. Metropoulos also has been linked to previous efforts to buy the Oakland Raiders and the Miami Dolphins, the News said, although he's denied that as well.

The Florida Times-Union says the Jaguars have declined immediate comment on the issue.

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Wow, thats not a team I would expect. They have a pretty good following don't they?

I've been to the stadium, actually pretty nice place.

It may be nice, but they still cannot sell it out. If you watch some games, you'll notice team coverings on some sections. They actually cover up seats to make it look more of a sellout on paper. I'm not sure if they do this for every game, but my friend pointed it out, and sure enough, there were coverings on certain sections that they tried to make look like part of the stadium.

I'm sure they have a solid following, but with the strong college programs there, as well as bigger followings of the Bucs and Dolphins, it almost makes sense that if any team would move to LA, it may as well be Jacksonville. I still don't agree with putting an NFL team in LA with Southern Cal and UCLA there, but if any team should do it, it should be Jacksonville.

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It may be nice, but they still cannot sell it out. If you watch some games, you'll notice team coverings on some sections. They actually cover up seats to make it look more of a sellout on paper. I'm not sure if they do this for every game, but my friend pointed it out, and sure enough, there were coverings on certain sections that they tried to make look like part of the stadium.

I'm sure they have a solid following, but with the strong college programs there, as well as bigger followings of the Bucs and Dolphins, it almost makes sense that if any team would move to LA, it may as well be Jacksonville. I still don't agree with putting an NFL team in LA with Southern Cal and UCLA there, but if any team should do it, it should be Jacksonville.


I've never really watched too many Jax games, and when I have I didn't really give a crap about how many people were in the stands...thats very interesting.

Odd also, the stadium isn't big by NFL standards and they've had a pretty successful team, you'd think they'd do a better job of selling out the stadium.

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The NFL never should've expanded to Jacksonville in the first place.

They should've given Baltimore the team.

The Jags don't sell out, even when they were winning in the late 90's.

Of course, they would have to realign again. I don't see them breaking up the AFC WEST and it doesn't make sense to have an LA team play in the AFC South still. I would say the LA Jags would go to the NFC WEST and the Rams would head over to the AFC South.

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It may be nice, but they still cannot sell it out. If you watch some games, you'll notice team coverings on some sections. They actually cover up seats to make it look more of a sellout on paper. I'm not sure if they do this for every game, but my friend pointed it out, and sure enough, there were coverings on certain sections that they tried to make look like part of the stadium.

I'm sure they have a solid following, but with the strong college programs there, as well as bigger followings of the Bucs and Dolphins, it almost makes sense that if any team would move to LA, it may as well be Jacksonville. I still don't agree with putting an NFL team in LA with Southern Cal and UCLA there, but if any team should do it, it should be Jacksonville.

Jags fans seem to be bandwagoners too-if memory serves, they failed to sell out their 2nd home game after a MERE 1-1 start. Yes, they were ONLY 1-1 or so when they couldn't sell out this home game. And they were also the same team that ended up emerging as NFL powerhouses by season's end. Panthers fans seem to be just as fickle too.

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Even if they did move to LA, IMO, they wouldn't need to re-align the divisions. It may be the most wide spread division in the NFL. But It's not like NY, Philly, or Washington had to fly all the way to Phoenix win the Crads were in our division. The longest flight would be the Titan being 1 state away from the eastern coast line.

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jacksonville is just a terrible area for a sports team

It has the twelfth largest population in the country, the largest population in the state of Florida, and is geographically the United States' largest city. I won't argue that their attendance hasn't been great, but it's not because of the area. It's not Medicine Hat, Canada.

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Even if they did move to LA, IMO, they wouldn't need to re-align the divisions. It may be the most wide spread division in the NFL. But It's not like NY, Philly, or Washington had to fly all the way to Phoenix win the Crads were in our division. The longest flight would be the Titan being 1 state away from the eastern coast line.

That would be easy-switch with the NFCW's Rams.

Technically, the Rams would be that "South" team b/c 1) They play in a DOME, and 2) Missouri may be a Midwest state, but it's nonetheless very close to Indiana(Colts) and Tennessee(Titans).

The Jags would obviously be in the "West" now.

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That would be easy-switch with the NFCW's Rams.

Technically, the Rams would be that "South" team b/c 1) They play in a DOME, and 2) Missouri may be a Midwest state, but it's nonetheless very close to Indiana(Colts) and Tennessee(Titans).

The Jags would obviously be in the "West" now.

Niner and Rams fans would be pissed b/c that's old rivalry. Obviously that rivalry has weeken'd since the Rams moved and the Niners have sucked for years.

As far as the Cardinals and Seahawks, I doubt many of their fans would care much about gaining the Jags and losing the Rams since those two teams don't scream of tradition.


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I would personally like to see the Jags move to the AFC West and get rid of sorry ass KC. makes more sense anyways and it would be great to have a rival in the AFC West that is actually a decent team.

The AFL, Lamar Hunt, The Raiders, Broncos and Chargers?

None of the above mean anything to you?

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The AFL, Lamar Hunt, The Raiders, Broncos and Chargers?

None of the above mean anything to you?

what in the hell are you talking about? please try to make sense when addressing me.

i am talking about having a team in the AFC West that is actually competitive with the Chargers.

Why do you think that Lamar Hunt has ANYTHING to do with what I said?

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what in the hell are you talking about? please try to make sense when addressing me.

i am talking about having a team in the AFC West that is actually competitive with the Chargers.

Why do you think that Lamar Hunt has ANYTHING to do with what I said?

He was making perfect sense. Until a couple of years ago, the Chiefs and Broncos were perenial playoff contenders, and are both rebuilding a bit. Denver will be solid again soon. Who knows with the Chiefs. Oakland may get better once Al Davis kicks the bucket. However you're acting like the Chargers have been dominating that division for the past decade. That's obviously not the case. What are you going to do when Norv runs the Chargers into the ground? My advice is to kick your rivals when they are down. It's rough being in an ultra competitive division, so enjoy your situation while it lasts.

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He was making perfect sense. Until a couple of years ago, the Chiefs and Broncos were perenial playoff contenders, and are both rebuilding a bit. Denver will be solid again soon. Who knows with the Chiefs. Oakland may get better once Al Davis kicks the bucket. However you're acting like the Chargers have been dominating that division for the past decade. That's obviously not the case. What are you going to do when Norv runs the Chargers into the ground? My advice is to kick your rivals when they are down. It's rough being in an ultra competitive division, so enjoy your situation while it lasts.

it makes NO sense at all.

in 06 the chefs go 9-7 and the faiders go 2-14 and the donkeys go 9-7

in 07 the chefs go 4-12 and the faiders go 4-12 and the donkeys go 7-9.

dont try and act like im some chargers fan, i just live here so i know what is going on out here. they arent competitive at all. Norv isnt running anything out here, it is the players who are doing all the work and they are all young and extremely talented. the chefs keep trading away anyone who may be decent or running them in the ground. the donkeys are extremely old and the faiders have overpaid far too much this year and wont improve.

i never once said the past decade so that is just you assuming you know what i am thinking. they are doing a lot more then slightly rebuilding.

did you even look at my profile or did you just try and jump on me? did you check any of my posts or did you just figure you would clown me and say that the chargers arent that tuff? im from maryland, born and raised. i have been a skins fan since the day i was born and if you took 2 seconds you could figure that out.

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Jags would go to the NFC West. I can't see the Rams moving out of the NFC. You'd put the Rams in the NFC South and move Carolina to the AFC South. Expansion for expansion.

This makes the most sense. Rams have a slight history of rivalry against Atlanta and New Orleans with the old NFC West, and the Panthers would fit right in the AFC South.

I bet Seahawk fans wouldn't like this though. There team would actually have to work for the division if the Jags were in it. :laugh:

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it makes NO sense at all.

in 06 the chefs go 9-7 and the faiders go 2-14 and the donkeys go 9-7

in 07 the chefs go 4-12 and the faiders go 4-12 and the donkeys go 7-9.

dont try and act like im some chargers fan, i just live here so i know what is going on out here. they arent competitive at all. Norv isnt running anything out here, it is the players who are doing all the work and they are all young and extremely talented. the chefs keep trading away anyone who may be decent or running them in the ground. the donkeys are extremely old and the faiders have overpaid far too much this year and wont improve.

i never once said the past decade so that is just you assuming you know what i am thinking. they are doing a lot more then slightly rebuilding.

did you even look at my profile or did you just try and jump on me? did you check any of my posts or did you just figure you would clown me and say that the chargers arent that tuff? im from maryland, born and raised. i have been a skins fan since the day i was born and if you took 2 seconds you could figure that out.

Don't get too bent out of shape. Their wasn't any animosity intended in my last post. We all have opinions. A lot of the times their different.

I know the AFC records the last 2 years. I stated the division was pretty darn competitive until a couple years ago. The chiefs under Vermeil and Saunders were always very good and typically were double digit win teams. The broncos were always very good as well. The raiders just stink, but do have some highly drafted blue chippers on offense and a strong defense. Don't forget the skins like the broncos are an old team too. The broncos will right the ship. Who knows for the other 2. If the Chiefs had a quarterback, they'd be better off.

I wasn't saying I knew what you were thinking. I'm saying your post seemed like you were saying your bored with the AFC west as there is no competition. But as of a couple years ago it was a very tough division. Redskins went 0-4 against AFC west just in 05. I never said Chargers weren't tough. It sounds like you think you know what I'm thinking. I do indeed think the Bolts are a heck of a squad. In all 3 phases of the game.

I know I'm enjoying the Eagles wallowing in mediocrity for now, and wouldn't mind the other NFC east teams dropping off for a coupe of years. Whether your a fan of, or just follow the Chargers, enjoy the wins while they come. I honestly don't see the team staying dominant, no matter what you think Norv Turner is in charge of.

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what in the hell are you talking about? please try to make sense when addressing me.

i am talking about having a team in the AFC West that is actually competitive with the Chargers.

Why do you think that Lamar Hunt has ANYTHING to do with what I said?

'Mike you're hitting the bottle while posting again aren't you? :laugh:

These are all original AFL teams. You don't screw with tradition like that.

And as for the Jags moving to L.A., this all hinges on the owner selling the team. He has stated that the team isn't for sale.


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