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The Left Beware - Limbaugh signs for $400 million thru 2016

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He also reaches a larger audience than most people care to admit while claiming the media is liberal. Compare how many people listen to him weekly to whatever liberal boogyman comes to mind, on any station be it cable or network... enjoy.

Limbaugh deserves every penny he's getting. His show has been wildly popular for a long time. Good for him, the guy is great at what he does.

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He has perfected the art of the strawman.

Good for him, say what you want about him, he's incredibly talented. Like Destino said above he does deserve the $$$... he draws an incredibly large audience.

I wonder if he believes his own bull**** though?

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Just remember, all you conservatives rushing to praise this jackass, HE HATES YOUR BOY MCCAIN. HATES HIM.

Edward R. Murrow was a broadcasting legend. Limbaugh is a pandering, hypocritical muckraker. They're not even in the same universe.

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His only talent is feeding on the ignorance of Americans.

If it were easy we'd have lots of folks doing it.

I can't imagine sitting in front of a microphone for 4 hours every day and just talking.

I think the same thing about Howard Stern... how do they never run out of material? I doubt I could talk for 4 hours straight once a month.

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I can honestly say that I have only listened to him for a total of about 5 minutes. I thought he was pretty boring.

I would guess that he would secretly love an Obama presidency, his ratings would only go up. When Clinton was elected in 1992, he exploded.

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If it were easy we'd have lots of folks doing it.

I can't imagine sitting in front of a microphone for 4 hours every day and just talking.

I think the same thing about Howard Stern... how do they never run out of material? I doubt I could talk for 4 hours straight once a month.

I never said it was easy. I should of said that it's a really good talent.

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I love it.

The underlying bitterness about this on the left doesn't come from Rush at all.

It comes from the FACT that radio shows espousing THEIR ideas simply don't sell. :laugh:

Capitalism prevails again. Stings don't it? :D

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He has perfected the art of the strawman.

Good for him, say what you want about him, he's incredibly talented. Like Destino said above he does deserve the $$$... he draws an incredibly large audience.

I wonder if he believes his own bull**** though?

Nobody deserves $400 million dollars for spouting off on the radio.

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I love it.

The underlying bitterness about this on the left doesn't come from Rush at all.

It comes from the FACT that radio shows espousing THEIR ideas simply don't sell. :laugh:

Capitalism prevails again. Stings don't it? :D

The fact that so many people are so STUPID boggles my mind. Ah well, I'll be consistent in my support of capitalism...even fat gasbags.
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Just remember, all you conservatives rushing to praise this jackass, HE HATES YOUR BOY MCCAIN. HATES HIM.

Um... ALL real Conservatives HATE John McCain. If you find someone who LIKES McCain I can guarantee you that he isn't a Conservative.

Now on the Limbaugh contract..... If someone's willing to pay him that much money to talk on the radio for 15 hours a week, so be it. That's the American way of life. My personal bent on him is that he's a lot of hot air and not a huge amount of actual ACTION. He'll end up bending over for McCain just like most of the other Republicans will in November.

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Really good article on Limbaugh in the NY Times Magazine this week.


Thought this quote was funny.

At dinner the night before, Bill O’Reilly’s name came up, and Limbaugh expressed his opinion of the Fox cable king. He hadn’t been sure at the time that he wanted it on the record. But on second thought, “somebody’s got to say it,” he told me. “The man is Ted Baxter.”

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Limbaugh is good for a laugh. Kind of like the drunk Uncle at a wedding that won't shutup and everyone has to apologize for. Those that follow his every word are the same ones that think Obama has horns and a tail.

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