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Could we do without cursing?


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I agree, why then are we not allowed to use certain words on this site without the risk of being either banned, or NNT? They are just words/letters...

because not everyone is on the same page. Obviously a large part of the population finds it crass and vulgar.

I don't mean to sound condescending towards the three of you who quoted me above and asked the same question... but it is a pretty ****ing dumb thing to say :silly:

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Having kids has had the opposite effect; the first time I had to convince my two year old he really heard and meant "fork", that cured me of cussing at home.


Since everyone seems to agree they are just words, why not curse in front of and/or to kids?

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This seems appropriate: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojEpASQi_7o

NSFW (Language)

Penn & teller are complete tools and anyone who watches and believes is too....

on a serious note.....I don't curse unless it profits someone......my loose interpretation of this is I curse only lightly and an example would be if I am telling the joke and the pun is substantially better saying hell instead of heck.

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Did any of you watch TO score 4 TD's on us last season, or watch Brian Westbrook run free like there was no defense on the field?? Or maybe you forgot the Brady to Moss toss when it was 38-0?? Better yet Belidick's comment about going for it on 4th down??

If you can contain yourself and not cuss then great but those are moments that make me say **** **** damn ***** cumwad ***** ****.

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Since everyone seems to agree they are just words, why not curse in front of and/or to kids?

Try and explain to your kids teacher, or one of your kids' friends parents that the profanity your kid recently demonstrated is "just words" and see where that gets you. ;)

Regardless of my feeling on the matter, the actual consensus of any import (outside of a message board filled with us young men :D ) is not that profanity is "just words", but that such words are not acceptable in professional or polite conversation. Whether these standards are arbitrary is up to your own personal opinion; but you'd have a tough road to slog if you currently bring that sort of language to the mentioned settings. :laugh:

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I always enjoyed the string of curse words my father would put together when he was angry about some home repair project he was working on: "****! Goddamn mother-****ing, ****-sucking son-of-a-*****!"

I don't think I could give it up for the rest of my life. That being said, what is cursing?

If we eliminated all the current curse words, would different words take their place?

If we eliminate the word "****" and replace it with "sugar". Will it eventually be considered coarse language to so "Oh, sugar!"?

Would the example above become "Sugar! Goshdarn mother-humping, dick-licking son-of-a-witch!"? And would that be any better?

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Try and explain to your kids teacher, or one of your kids' friends parents that the profanity your kid recently demonstrated is "just words" and see where that gets you. ;)

Regardless of my feeling on the matter, the actual consensus of any import (outside of a message board filled with us young men :D ) is not that profanity is "just words", but that such words are not acceptable in professional or polite conversation. Whether these standards are arbitrary is up to your own personal opinion; but you'd have a tough road to slog if you currently bring that sort of language to the mentioned settings. :laugh:

Yeah I agree, that was more of a question to:

What's really so bad with saying curse words? Ultimately, I feel that there really isn't any such things as curse words.....there happen to be some words that are slang, and mean other things. That's right....I don't agree with the premise of this thread.....there is no such things as curse words......and yes I am serious.
I feel that way myself. I feel as all words are just words but "curse" words were taken out and made "wrong" when really they are just words.
It's just words. People get too worked up about it. Why even ask the question?
Just words, they make you look trashy and of poor taste when you use them, but they are words non the less. Being in the restaurant business, I get used to not using them while at work, but I do other times. I would rather not though.
It needs to be the other way around. People just need to stop being so sensitive about sounds we make. They are just words, nothing more.

Everyone should watch the curse words episode of Penn and Teller's BS. It's great.

As far as the actual question being asked...**** no.


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China and Bang are right, it's all about the combinations. To quote Ralphie "My old man worked in profanity like a fine artist worked with oil paint." And yes, I do like to think of myself as an "artiste." ;)

Besides, somehow "Golly gee gosh darnit" doesn't have the same emotional impact, visceral feel or cathartic value as a good string of well put together curse words. Civilization as we know it would cease to exist without the free use of such words.

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Curse words are funny to me, people get so worked up over them. For instance Look at Battlestart Galactica. They use the word "Frak" instead of "****". But isn't the meaning really the same? The same message is conveyed using a different word. I have a co worker who doesn't curse but say "Sugar Mamma" instead of "s***" once again the meaning is the same just a different word. I never really understood why people thought it was ok to replace a word if they are so hung up on curse words.

FYI - Tomb guards curse, there is no rule that says they will not curse for the rest of their lives. I know several people who have been past tomb guards. Hell, look it up on snopes.

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British student gets credit for expletive on exam

LONDON - A British high school student received credit for writing nothing but a two-word obscenity on an exam paper because the phrase expressed meaning and was spelled correctly.

The Times newspaper on Monday quoted examiner Peter Buckroyd as saying he gave the student — who wrote an expletive starting with f, followed by the word "off" — two points out of a possible 27 for the English paper.

"It would be wicked to give it zero because it does show some very basic skills we are looking for, like conveying some meaning and some spelling," Buckroyd was quoted as saying.

"It's better than someone that doesn't write anything at all."

Buckroyd said the student would have received a higher mark if the phrase had been punctuated.

Buckroyd is a senior examiner for the Assessment and Qualifications Alliance, one of several bodies that grade British high school exams.

He said the expletive was used in 2006 by a student in response to the question: "Describe the room you are sitting in."

Click on the link for the full article

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People with high IQ's dont have to swear. There are exceptions (Let's ask George Carlin about those nice 7 words up in Heaven or Hell? George? Why swear I never liked it and it shows low self esteem and no respect for our wonderful English language. So swear in French. Better yet show some class and employ restraint. Can the lowlifes do it?????? Oh Judas Priest I hope so. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

So basically anyone who cusses in your eyes, is less intelligent because they don't want to sound like a human thesaurus? That's a "high and mighty" attitude. I never claimed to be the next "Norman Einstein" (Yes I did that on purpose) but that doesn't make me a dummy because I cuss. And I don't get where you say it shows a low self esteem. That's a rather broad generalization of someone who cusses. Like others said, they are just words. My grandfather had a PHD in English and cussed like a sailor (because he was a sailor in WWII).

Cussing is a habit. It doesn't mean anyone is stupid or can't find other words to put in their place. Most of the cuss words are used as adjectives. It's just slang. F*** is no different than saying Frick or Frack. I just love the high and mighty, we are better than you are argument against cussing. :doh:

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