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Dan Snyder Approval Poll (A Response to Steinberg and McKenna)


What do you think of the new site?  

63 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think of the new site?

    • Amazing
    • Cool
    • Could be better
    • A letdown

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I voted differently in each poll.

The first one (on Extremeskins) asked if you approved Snyder in the last few months. I said yes because he has learned to build through the draft and stop chasing high-profile free agents.

The second one (on the other website, created by that writer) asked if you approved of Snyder. I took that to mean, do you approve of what Snyder has done through his entire tenure? I said no.

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I voted differently in each poll.

The first one (on Extremeskins) asked if you approved Snyder in the last few months. I said yes because he has learned to build through the draft and stop chasing high-profile free agents.


Really? I could have sworn that we went after Chad Johnson.

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Correct me if I'm wrong but Chad Johnson isn't a high-profile free agent. That's because he isn't a free agent. :)

So you approve of trading away our 1st rounder this year, and first to third next year.....to get a high cost, huge cap hit player......as long as he isn't a free agent?

If it is just a trade on those terms, it is great! But if it is a free agent, it is awful?


This is the problem with this poll......most people have no idea what the franchise has done even recently, or what they are doing right now.

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So you approve of trading away our 1st rounder this year, and first to third next year.....to get a high cost, huge cap hit player......as long as he isn't a free agent?

If it is just a trade on those terms, it is great! But if it is a free agent, it is awful?


This is the problem with this poll......most people have no idea what the franchise has done even recently, or what they are doing right now.

If the trade had been made then I would have disapproved however IT DIDN'T HAPPEN. I do know what the franchise has done and that's have a good draft with the most picks we've had in recent years. That's building through the draft and not pursuing high-profile free agents, isn't it?

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I am a little mixed on my perception of Snyder, and what he has done.

In the early years, I think he was awful. But maybe just out of total ignorance.

Dan trying to run a franchise without a gm or anyone around him who knew anything about football is as ignorant as me trying to open up a Chinese restaurant.

I have eaten chinese food....I like chinese food....but I have no business trying to run any restaurant, let alone a chinese restaurant. I would need a restaurant manager first and foremost.

To think he would be successful doing so was just plain ignorant.

On the other hand, I do like that he gives the coaches a blank check to go after anyone they want. I do respect that. He isn't cutting corners in trying to bring players in here.

The fan experience at the stadium blows...I can't give him high marks there.

I also feel bad for the guy.....in the sense that I believe he has been taken totally advantage of by our coaching staff over the years. He paid big $$ to hire the best coaches, and I believe they let him down. Many were just cashing paychecks.

Spurrier was just cashing paychecks.....and I believe Gibbs was just cashing paychecks as well.

Once Gibbs hired Saunders, he basically threw in the towel. Aside from taking over our red zone "offense" and killing our scoring chances, running the worst two-minute offense in the history of the league, and terrible clock management, I don't see anything positive that he was contributing.

He wasn't even communicating competently with the coaching staff, he didn't put forth the effort to learn the NFL rulebook, and he let the team and fans down hard by not preparing them for the crowd noise in Seattle.

His effort was pathetic in many areas. Certainly not worth 25% of what he was being paid.

I have to put that total sense of "WTF" on Gibbs, not on Danny.

So....I think Danny may have been taken advantage of by lazy coaches, who were more interested in cashing paychecks than in doing the hard work necessary to win games.

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wow... a bit harsh but on the right track.

gibbs wasnt doing it for cash or hed be here next year. he did it because the redskins org. needed him or else wed be in trouble.

THE TRUTH IS... Joe Gibbs is the reason Snyder has become a GOOD owner. period.

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I approved. He has made his mistakes, there is no doubt. But I would rather have an owner who is young & rich & willing to reach deep into his pockets for what he believes is the best thing for the team. Unlike some owners who are afraid to spend money or do not invest the kind of money & energy into their teams that Snyder does. He's young for an owner. He has a long road ahead of him. Whether we approve or disapprove of him is irrelevant. My approval of him has nothing to do with the mods or what they want. My opinion is solely based on that. My opinion. Which is, ironically, what the mods want.

Have we been successful thusfar? Absolutely not. But then, that wasn't the question...

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Unless you can get a poll where everybody can only vote once and no "guests" can vote. People are going to suspect there is a level of intervention on these ES ones.

Buford, I think you think too highly of our critics. Even if we conducted a scientific poll ala Newsweek or Princeton Review, the naysayers would still say things against Extremeskins. Thats the consequence of being a part of the best component of DC sports. Maybe one day they'll join us here, but until then, they'll be haters.



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I'm talking about the polls here.

They have these mysterious "jumps" in votes when you refresh. Especially the ones that are team positive/negative.

click on 'view poll results', you can see a listing of ES Members attached to each vote.

it's about as accurate a way to do it... b/c otherwise what is stopping someone from disabling cookies and voting repeatedly, for either side?

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Once Gibbs hired Saunders, he basically threw in the towel. Aside from taking over our red zone "offense" and killing our scoring chances, running the worst two-minute offense in the history of the league, and terrible clock management, I don't see anything positive that he was contributing.

He wasn't even communicating competently with the coaching staff, he didn't put forth the effort to learn the NFL rulebook, and he let the team and fans down hard by not preparing them for the crowd noise in Seattle.

His effort was pathetic in many areas. Certainly not worth 25% of what he was being paid.

Ok, here's something really interesting: I completely agree with your overall point that Danny has hired coaches and given them free reign and paid for anything they want, so he's probably been let down.

However, I don't agree with you on the analysis of HOW Gibbs let Danny down. I didn't read Gibbs' hiring of Saunders as throwing in the towel. I read it as more of an acknowledgement that the game had passed him by a bit, and he didn't want to let anybody down.

The rulebook comment irks me. I know I'm going to be accused of being an appologist, but honestly, in the Bills game, I just gave the entire team a pass. Gibbs' mistake was by far the worst, but after what had happened during the week... He also started his post game press conference with "I cost the team a chance to win." He took full responsibility.

The croud noise comment. Well, since Seattle's home record was 7-1 in 2007 (only loss to the Saints), does that mean all of the other coaches didn't prepare the teams for the croud noise either? I would imagine that the Metrodome was pretty loud (it has that reputation) when the 'Skins went in and blew the Vikings out of the building. So did Gibbs forget how to prepare a team for croud noise in 3 weeks? Giant Stadium has been a house of horrors for the 'Skins. They went in there and beat the snot out of the Giants. That's a loud stadium also.

I don't think anybody ever questioned his effort. Nobody, even the "haters" in the media, didn't dispute his work ethic and the fact he was at the facility until 2 or 3am every night.

I think where Gibbs let Snyder down was not in effort, it was in execution. He tried really hard to get back to the glory days, but he just didn't have the same abilities he did in his first stint. But 85% of Gibbs1 was still good enough for 2 playoff appearances in 4 years. Which doubled the amount of the previous 12 years.

In the end, I think that Gibbs did make Danny a better owner. My :2cents:

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71 percent approval? ESers must be drinking Kool Aid! And how can people say that they approve of what he's done lately when we haven't even seen one pre-season game?

Which just goes to show that Extremeskins has become nothing but a corporate message board. Jack Kent Cooke weeps.

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Which just goes to show that Extremeskins has become nothing but a corporate message board. Jack Kent Cooke weeps.

The above post was sponsored by the fine folks at Home Depot.

Can you show me how JKC was in any way even remotely connected to ES?

This post is brought to you by the fine folks at Popeye's Chicken. Mmm-mmm. Love that Popeye's!

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71 percent approval? ESers must be drinking Kool Aid! And how can people say that they approve of what he's done lately when we haven't even seen one pre-season game?

The poll is about Snyder, not Zorn. And I don't even like Kool-aid.

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The last poll limited it to only the past couple months. It's the reason Steinberg made an overall poll. However, if you check the article posted in the stadium from McKenna, he is sticking by his belief that the mods discourage any criticism of Snyder, and that ES is generally pro-Snyder, incapable of an unbiased poll that would refelct negatively on Snyder. He also seems to think Snyder's approval being 42 approve to 57 disapprove is a "pounding," and that if it wasn't for ESers the approval rating would have been lower. It is my theory that this poll, which asks the very same question Steinberg asked, will closely mirror the results of Steinberg's poll, which would prove McKenna's ill-informed thoughts on ES wrong, and show that Steinberg's poll wasn't skewed by ESers.

Professor Elk.....master of stats! Yes...you do know how to connect theory and measures! You must have graduated from a public school.

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how about a different poll....Professor Elk.....

1) Yes...I approve of the Skins won/loss record since "Danny" became the owner

2) No....I do not approve of the Skins won/loss record since "Danny" became owner

You can't be this hopelessly transparent....can you? Do your parents let you out at night? do they insist you wear your "Danny" watch with its magic phone so they can track you at all times? :laugh:

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I approve of Dan. He wants the best for the team. Learning curve? Sure. Look at it this way. It was trial and error. Dan learned very early of things that do not work. We had to endure it though. I'm no mod and am not concerned about kissing any butt. You really can't clasify Dan's actions any other other category than the "wanting to win" category. I'll take that in an owner any day. We all should.

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WTF man?!?! how is it so impossible for the people who come on here and read what dans been doing (on what seems to be a daily basis) and not say, "hey, hes doing what he can." how is it so hard to imagine. i think the its the corporate ****s who get screwed by dan that are the lurkers/no-good-doers

im 20, i hate the police, hate walmart, and love dan snyder. why? because he will do anything to put us in a position to win. he is a fan just like all of us. hes just in a position where people wish they could be, but cant. i dont care how much of an ass he is. what do you expect from an owner? back rubs?

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It could be a lot worse. We could be stuck with the Bidwells like the Cardinals are.

I like that Snyder is actually winning to spend and take risks to make this team a winner. The effort is there, I think the results will be soon too. He's relatively new to NFL management and the whole Spurrier era really set him back.

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