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Dan Snyder Approval Poll (A Response to Steinberg and McKenna)


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Real simple here guys. McKenna seems to think most on ES are pro-Snyder, and it's because of the mods. So let's see if his theory holds water. The poll is simple, it's the same exact question as Steinberg's poll: Do you approve or dissaprove of Snyder?

This isn't limited to any specific time period. Simply reflect on Dan's tenure here as owner thus far, and decide whether or not you approve or disapprove of the Dan.

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This poll already exists I think, isn't it what his whole counter poll was based on to begin with?
No the last poll was do you approve of Snyder "In the last few months" this poll is the same as Steinbergs "Do you approve of Snyder" meaning overall since he became the owner
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This poll already exists I think, isn't it what his whole counter poll was based on to begin with?

The last poll limited it to only the past couple months. It's the reason Steinberg made an overall poll. However, if you check the article posted in the stadium from McKenna, he is sticking by his belief that the mods discourage any criticism of Snyder, and that ES is generally pro-Snyder, incapable of an unbiased poll that would refelct negatively on Snyder. He also seems to think Snyder's approval being 42 approve to 57 disapprove is a "pounding," and that if it wasn't for ESers the approval rating would have been lower. It is my theory that this poll, which asks the very same question Steinberg asked, will closely mirror the results of Steinberg's poll, which would prove McKenna's ill-informed thoughts on ES wrong, and show that Steinberg's poll wasn't skewed by ESers.

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No the last poll was do you approve of Snyder "In the last few months" this poll is the same as Steinbergs "Do you approve of Snyder" meaning overall since he became the owner

Incredibly massive failure in the grand scheme. The poll wouldn't (or shouldn't) be close if it were completely objective. The only thing he's been successful at is taking advantage of a loyal fanbase.

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No the last poll was do you approve of Snyder "In the last few months" this poll is the same as Steinbergs "Do you approve of Snyder" meaning overall since he became the owner

Bingo. Which is why I said approve in the last poll, because I do approve of his role the last few months. Overall, i don't, so in this poll as in Steinbergs poll, I'm selecting disapprove.

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Overall, I am sticking by approve. This is because, as an owner, Snyder has shown his pocketbooks do not have limits when it comes to trying to improve this team. He certainly has had his faults, and we haven't won a Superbowl, but overall you can't say Snyder hasn't tried. So I lean towards approve, but it is by a thin margin, as some of Snyder's actions have also hurt this team.

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Overall, I am sticking by approve. This is because, as an owner, Snyder has shown his pocketbooks do not have limits when it comes to trying to improve this team. He certainly has had his faults, and we haven't won a Superbowl, but overall you can't say Snyder hasn't tried. So I lean towards approve, but it is by a thin margin, as some of Snyder's actions have also hurt this team.

Spending money means nothing when he's made massive mistakes in the way he's spent it. Giving an A for effort is for kindercare, results speak for themselves.

Al Davis spends money too. Would you give him the same approval rating?

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Overall, I am sticking by approve. This is because, as an owner, Snyder has shown his pocketbooks do not have limits when it comes to trying to improve this team. He certainly has had his faults, and we haven't won a Superbowl, but overall you can't say Snyder hasn't tried. So I lean towards approve, but it is by a thin margin, as some of Snyder's actions have also hurt this team.

Yeah, I agree with you. I've been critical of Snyder, but most of it has been after the fact. I was really against ARE, Lloyd, Arch and Duckett, but otherwise I've supported most of Snyder's moves.

Last year, I had lost faith in Snyder as an owner because he didn't seem to care about winning. And we didn't adress what I thought was our most critical need - our defensive line, but after the performance last year and the following offseason, I'm kinda impressed. Hopefully we can keep it up, but I'm impressed so far.

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Spending money means nothing when he's made massive mistakes in the way he's spent it. Giving an A for effort is for kindercare, results speak for themselves.

Al Davis spends money too. Would you give him the same approval rating?

Were they Snyder's mistakes, or was it the mistakes of the coaches who wanted the guys we brought in? That's the thing, we aren't exactly sure who is responsible for bringing in who, as we haven't had a GM before now. Cerrato is the main guy behind the players being brought in now, so we do have a central figure. The overall W-L record doesn't fall solely on Snyder, though some act that way. He does carry some of the blame, but don't his coaches and staff get any? Trying isn't everything, but it is something.

The owner brings in the coaches and FO personell, but typically doesn't have as much of a say in player acquisition. A lot of our FA busts have actually been chalked up as players that our coaches were targeting ( Saunder-LLoyd, GW-Arch, etc.). Cerrato became a scapegoat for bad moves the FO made. But now that he is charge, things seem to be headed in the right direction. Is it possible Snyder has also been somewhat of a scapegoat? IMO, yes. It certainly doesn't help that he's made some enemies in the press, because when the average fan reads nothing but cynicism and criticism of Snyder, typically their impression of the man isn't going to be too kind either, regardless of the fact they don't truly know which moves were Snyder's and which were coach moves.

In fact, the recent poll of Snyder's apporval over just the past couple months reflects that the fans don't know what Snyder is responsible for. Cerrato is the main reason for the good offseason, but since the team is perceived as doing well, Snyder is perceived the same way. The team and Snyder go hand-in-hand, both succeed and fail based off each other. The reason for this is because of the image of Snyder. A lot of other teams don't blame owners when the team does bad, they blame the coaches and players. Now we do that too, but Snyder has become a polarizing figure in D.C., in part thanks to the media battles, which is why he is so closely tied with the team's success or failure. However, it doesn't actually mean Snyder is the main/sole reason for success or failure. However, a lot of people have been confused into thinking it does.

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Disapprove overall. In another thread Art made the good point that Snyder can only do so much besides shelling out the money, but at some point you have to look at the team's record and the blame has to go somewhere. Lets see....fires Norv during a season where we had a winning record (although we were sliding and I think Norv would've again screwed the pooch against Dallas the next week), fires Marty after coming back from 0-5 (yes, we know about the GM dispute, but did Dan hire one anyway, unless you count Vinny, who was the first one Marty showed the door too), yes, Spurrier did leave after two poor years....I think Dan wanted to stick with him, but I don't think Spurrier was too enamored of Dan's ways.

Gibbs? Can't deny being psyched about bringing the legend back to give it a go, but the pitfall was hiring a coach for what all anticipated to be just a five-year deal.....are you honestly looking at long-term stability when you do that? Whether the alleged "stability" of the Gibbs II carries over to the Zorn era remains to be seen, but so far you certainly can't label the past four years "successful," despite the two playoff appearances.

Two other things: the stadium experience has gotten worse under his ownership for various reasons, and the most important thing: the new Six Flags commercial sucks (Six Flags! More Flags! More Fun!). :)

Having said all this.......I do get irritated when McKenna, Czabe, and others insinuate that there is censorship on this board. I've been on here since 1999 and I find little has changed since then. Sure, there are blind homers, but that's what you'll get.

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I voted disapprove b/c of his overall handling of this team since he bought it. I have liked the direction he's taken thus far this year. I liked how he handled the ST tragedy but overall from the beginning, my opinion is he's just made one screw up after another as far as personnel moves are concerned. I didn't like the way he handled the coaching search as far as letting GW go the way he did. And for the record, I didn't want JG back for the 2nd time around either. I loved JG and what he did for this team in the '80's(when we actually won SB's:D ), but I didn't feel he was the right direction at the time when Snyder brought him back. Obviously there was some positives that came out of it. We've been to the playoffs 2 times and had better records for the most part('06<shudder>) and I can't think of anyone better to have been at the helm during the ST tragedy.

So there. I spoke my feelings and I wasn't even thrown off of this bo.................<crickets>


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Were they Snyder's mistakes, or was it the mistakes of the coaches who wanted the guys we brought in? That's the thing, we aren't exactly sure who is responsible for bringing in who, as we haven't had a GM before now.

And who's fault was that? Dan Snyder is the owner, he could have chosen at any point to make one person the GM and take his hands off the team in regards to football, but that's happened only once since he bought the team and it only lasted a year.

Cerrato is the main guy behind the players being brought in now, so we do have a central figure. The overall W-L record doesn't fall solely on Snyder, though some act that way. He does carry some of the blame, but don't his coaches and staff get any? Trying isn't everything, but it is something.

I blame Snyder for the constant rotation of the coaching staff which is the base and root of the problem that has plagued the team. New coaching staff early on meant the roster would also have to change in order to meet what that coach wanted personel wise. The domino effect starts at one place and that blame is squarely where?

Cerrato is supposed to be in charge now, time will tell if he appointed the right guy to that spot or not. It is also still not known if Snyder will still be in charge of what players get paid. I assume he will. And he's been terrible there.

The owner brings in the coaches and FO personell, but typically doesn't have as much of a say in player acquisition. A lot of our FA busts have actually been chalked up as players that our coaches were targeting ( Saunder-LLoyd, GW-Arch, etc.). Cerrato became a scapegoat for bad moves the FO made. But now that he is charge, things seem to be headed in the right direction. Is it possible Snyder has also been somewhat of a scapegoat? IMO, yes. It certainly doesn't help that he's made some enemies in the press, because when the average fan reads nothing but cynicism and criticism of Snyder, typically their impression of the man isn't going to be too kind either, regardless of the fact they don't truly know which moves were Snyder's and which were coach moves.

Snyder has been the one constant in a stream of failures and it's widely accepted that he's had his hands in the roster decisions more than he should. Coaches may have wanted Lloyd and Archuleta but who is the idiot that gave them all that money? It's Snyder's checkbook.

In fact, the recent poll of Snyder's apporval over just the past couple months reflects that the fans don't know what Snyder is responsible for. Cerrato is the main reason for the good offseason, but since the team is perceived as doing well, Snyder is perceived the same way. The team and Snyder go hand-in-hand, both succeed and fail based off each other. The reason for this is because of the image of Snyder. A lot of other teams don't blame owners when the team does bad, they blame the coaches and players. Now we do that too, but Snyder has become a polarizing figure in D.C., in part thanks to the media battles, which is why he is so closely tied with the team's success or failure. However, it doesn't actually mean Snyder is the main/sole reason for success or failure. However, a lot of people have been confused into thinking it does.

There's always optimism in a fan base during the offseason, particularly with fans of this team. We could probably revisit the offseason when Spurrier was named the head coach and see a good fan approval rating for Snyder for making what people thought would be a great decision. Perception means very little to me, results do. And Snyder hasn't brought in the results.

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And who's fault was that? Dan Snyder is the owner, he could have chosen at any point to make one person the GM and take his hands off the team in regards to football, but that's happened only once since he bought the team and it only lasted a year.

I never said some fault didn't fall on Snyder's shoulders. Actually, we have twice had GMs, now being the 2nd time, under Snyder. Cerrato has a different title, but the same responsibilities. He took the team over, and wisely, IMO, fired Norv. Then came Marty, who was also fired. People praise Marty for coming back from 0-5, but forget that we were 0-5. San Diego even fired Marty when he was doing a decent job. In ther minds, and Snyder's I think, Marty's best isn't good enough. After that, Spurrier and Gibbs were both given complete control, meaning a GM was negated. Both those moves looked great at the time, and I don't fault Snyder for making either of them.

I blame Snyder for the constant rotation of the coaching staff which is the base and root of the problem that has plagued the team. New coaching staff early on meant the roster would also have to change in order to meet what that coach wanted personel wise. The domino effect starts at one place and that blame is squarely where?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but firing Norv was needed, and then Marty was fired, but then Spurrier resigned, and then Gibbs retired, so I don't think the coaching turnover is all Snyder's fault.

Cerrato is supposed to be in charge now, time will tell if he appointed the right guy to that spot or not. It is also still not known if Snyder will still be in charge of what players get paid. I assume he will. And he's been terrible there.

I know Snyder has had his hand in getting the guaranteed money out to lure players over, but he hasn't been involved in the overall contracts, that's the FO's job. I have no problem with an owner guaranteeing money to bring in or keep good players.

Snyder has been the one constant in a stream of failures and it's widely accepted that he's had his hands in the roster decisions more than he should. Coaches may have wanted Lloyd and Archuleta but who is the idiot that gave them all that money? It's Snyder's checkbook.

So because Snyder is a constant, that automatcially makes him the one to blame? That is assumptive at best. And just because something is widely accepted, doesn't mean it is true. Snyder didn't have his hands on the roster decision when Spurrier or Gibbs was here, under Marty who knows, but a lot of that "speculation" has been fueld by embittered media. All that money? You do realize that an overall contract with a Skins player doesn't actually represent what they get paid right? Those FAs were sought after by other teams too, and in a competitive market the guaranteed money was used to lure the players over. We unloaded Arch and that apparently hefty contract of his with no cap penalty, and we got a 6th rounder. Lloyd's cap hit when he was released was minimal, given that seemingly large contract.

There's always optimism in a fan base during the offseason, particularly with fans of this team. We could probably revisit the offseason when Spurrier was named the head coach and see a good fan approval rating for Snyder for making what people thought would be a great decision. Perception means very little to me, results do. And Snyder hasn't brought in the results.

I can't argue with the results part, as we haven't won a Superbowl. However, this team has made the playoffs twice in 3 years, and looks to be pointed in the right direction. Time will tell. However, I don't think Snyder should get all the blame because simply he's been a constant, I think you have to look at ALL the aspects, and realize that a lot of the moves seemed good at the time, and simply fell part. However, if all you are looking at is the results, not the how and why, then I can see/understand why you would disapprove of Snyder.

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I have always disapproved of Snyder, but he will get more votes that approve of him, no doubt.

So far you are correct. It's weird though, because the haters are very vocal, but maybe they are the minority on here. I don't know. I think once the rest of ESers get on here tonight the poll results will change. We shall see.

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I said no, not for his management of the football team but because like a good businessman he wants to make as much money off of people that love the Redskins as he possibly can, while giving little in return. Is FedEx finally going to get that new screen this year? How about an actual replay system? How many fans are getting suckered into paying hundreds for obstructed view seats? What is the price of beer, food, and parking? I remember that the last time I ever bought a meal inside the stadium in 2004 it cost me roughly 20 dollars to get some crappy chicken fingers, a small cup of soggy fries, and a bottle of pepsi. I can only imagine how much the big beer drinkers get to pay for their concessions. Dan Snyder can have a team go 4-12 and FedEx still sells out for every home game, and he makes a **** load of money off of us.

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