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Holding ES Members Accountable for "I'm Done" or "I'm Done if..." Threads


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I've been ****in about this for awhile,created posts even!!!!!! I'll say it again If you don't like the SKINS or what the FO is doing don't let the door hit you in the ass when you leave OUR messageboard

Sorry for stealing your thunder. It was a heat of the moment and one of the guys who this thread was made for was posting on here. I think that's why it caught on.

Besides, I only start amazing threads. :king:

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I'm done with this thread.
:laugh: Sorry to laugh, but you remind me of the OP. IMO people who are done with something simply do away with that thing or disregard it totally. They don't deal with it one more time in order to make a grand proclamation that they are now done with it. :laugh:

Sorry, I just think it's funny.

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One last thing from me and then I'm "done" with this thread. :silly: :laugh: (Just Kidding!) I just find it comical that every year there is always someone that "gives up" on the Redskins or the FO or the NFL. So what? Why does that bother you so much? Why make such a big deal out of it? It's not like it affects you or your alligience to the team. Ajskins quitting has no affect on me. It's his choice.

IMO this will turn out to be a call out thread and it really surprises me that the mods have pretty much joined in. I know their job is hard with all the whiners and immature attitudes that they encounter every day, but they should remain a neutral party in this debate. They made the decision to leave the thread open which is fine, but like I said, let's get to October and then we'll see if this truly will be a call out thread.

All fans react to things different. If some of you could hear what I say during the games, you'd think the world was ending. I'm a "glass is half empty" kind of guy and really what I want to know is, "who the hell drank my water." :laugh: But, anyway, not to go into detail, but my perception of the world is very negative. It has to do with my upbringing and events in my life that have lead to the way I see things.

I really don't beleive Redskin fans will ever give up on their team. This is the type of team and fans, much like the Packers and Browns, where the fandom is handed down from generation to generation. Once you've been a Redskin fan, I feel that you cannot in your heart of hearts, switch teams, like a Cowboy or Patriot fan will. Too much history of sellouts, too much history with the song and too much history of support.

Let ajskins and anyone else rant. It gets annoying, but hey, you know they'll be back. Give them time to cool off. I'll admit that sometimes I get so frustrated with this team, I feel like I could find better things to do on Sunday. But usually I can't find anything to do, so I end up plopping my butt back down on the couch every Sunday.

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You should be able to post whatever you may be feeling at that present time. This is not some sort of publication where responsible journalism is the necessity. If you want to fire something stupid off, so be it.

I think people take this board waaay too seriously. Let's save the vitreal for Cowpie, Philthy, and Vagiant fans. That's what it's for.

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The reason it bothered me so much is because I was trying to have a sensible argument about something and this person could not come up with any evidence to support his claim. So instead of coming up with any valid reasons he just said "if this happens then I am done posting." After hearing comments from other posters I found that this has happened a lot and that these people continue to mill around here making more absurd claims and talking out of their backsides. So why not make these people leave instead of listening to them continually hate everything that is the Redskins everyday?

I'm right there with you man, I'm sure I've called every player on the team the worst player ever in a moment of anger during a game. But there's a difference between getting worked up at a game and posting an absurdly negative thing on a message board months before the season even starts. The effect these people have is they bring down otherwise intelligent and well thought out threads and if they want to bet their posting on something or say that they're done why I say that they should be done.

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The reason it bothered me so much is because I was trying to have a sensible argument about something and this person could not come up with any evidence to support his claim. So instead of coming up with any valid reasons he just said "if this happens then I am done posting." After hearing comments from other posters I found that this has happened a lot and that these people continue to mill around here making more absurd claims and talking out of their backsides. So why not make these people leave instead of listening to them continually hate everything that is the Redskins everyday?

I'm right there with you man, I'm sure I've called every player on the team the worst player ever in a moment of anger during a game. But there's a difference between getting worked up at a game and posting an absurdly negative thing on a message board months before the season even starts. The effect these people have is they bring down otherwise intelligent and well thought out threads and if they want to bet their posting on something or say that they're done why I say that they should be done.

No problem. I see your side of it also. It just surprised me that his rant affected so many people. I see it every year, especially after a loss. I NEVER come in here the day of or day after a loss. I usually give this place a day to cool off. Myself included. I came in the same day of the Minnesota game we lost on opening day 2 years ago and I really can't figure out how I got away without taking a short vacation. The mods were really bending that day. I've learned to let myself and everyone else cool off. My guess is ajskins will be back. He needs time.

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You should be able to post whatever you may be feeling at that present time. This is not some sort of publication where responsible journalism is the necessity. If you want to fire something stupid off, so be it.

I think people take this board waaay too seriously. Let's save the vitreal for Cowpie, Philthy, and Vagiant fans. That's what it's for.

That's fine and I agree. I say goofy **** all the time. (See last 10 posts). But when it comes down to a serious discussion. The person shouldn't come in and say something a 5 yr old member of the KKK might say.


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IMO this will turn out to be a call out thread and it really surprises me that the mods have pretty much joined in. I know their job is hard with all the whiners and immature attitudes that they encounter every day, but they should remain a neutral party in this debate. They made the decision to leave the thread open which is fine, but like I said, let's get to October and then we'll see if this truly will be a call out thread.

THIS applies to you as well. :)

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Ironically, this is a PM I sent someone recently about this very topic. I after so many years of discussing my hobbies and passions on the internet, I finally got into a bicker with another member.

My Sean Taylor thread response was a defense. I know you can agree that there is a huge difference between disagreements and defamation. And you can look at my history and I have never once got into it with another member on this or any message board, ever.

But the one thing I hate from people is being asked to "get over myself" when they obviously write **** on a board, interacting with other living, breathing people with feelings, and tell them they are stupid or their opinion sucks because they simply disagree and lack simple communication skills. The internet is a layer of irresponsibility where people can say whatever they say without consequence. Half the crap people say on here would get them in fistfights in public places. The internet is the reason people are getting less and less polite and very un-intellectual.

So please, understand that I come here for discussion, not irrelevant responses that have nothing to do with my responses and belittle my intellect and desire for a REAL discussion.

Seriously, you're 47 and younger than that guy. When was the last time you told someone "My dad can beat up your dad!"? My sincere apologies, but I look at the older people around me and expect a more mature, wizened attitude. People should look up to their elders. Or maybe not. Who knows?

Maybe I am just really longing to talk to someone who can talk WITH me, not AT me.

I respect you, so I figured I would try to talk with you about it because a thread is not a proper forum for it.....

Can someone tell me how "My trouser truncheon is bigger than yours" is a viable rebuttle to anything other than say, whipping it out and yelling "Now get me a beer!"

I just lose more and more faith in the reason we, as organisms, consider ourselves evolved.

Bill Hicks once said we are viruses with shoes.

And yes, we can whip them out and compare, if you are feeling froggy.


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You should work for Bush. Any dissent or disagreement is hatred, which shall result in banning or other stern punishment. You are either with me or against me. . .

How about holding Snyder accountable for the mediocre on-field product he has offered, by hurting him the only place he would really care--the checkbook.

Or how about we ban all the Snyder apologists who defend him no matter what he does? Isn't that just as foolish as those who condemn everything he does?

I support the right of every fan to post on this board--even a tool like you.

I've been on this board for a while, though I haven't posted a whole lot. However, I cannot recall ever seeing a "Snyder apologists who defend him no matter what he does". If anything, Sndyer gets bashed regularly. It's only this offseason that I'm seeing him and/or the FO getting any consistent kudos. Just my :2cents: ...

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This is a free public message board.. you can post whatever the hell you want. It's up to everyone else weather they want to read the message.

While i never posted things like that, i think it's dumb to try to hold people responsible for what they say on a message board. The whole point of public message boards is the complete anonymity to say whatever you want without any retribution.

You need to remember that we have here all age groups from 8-80. Yes, some posters are immature and have no idea WTF they are talking about or choose to vent in obscure ways.. put them on your ignore list.

Yet they do have the right to say whatever they want.

It's like someone saying that they'll kill themselves if the team doesn't win the next game. So what happens when the team looses.. you going to call for them to live up to their word?

Its a free country baby.. take the bad with the good or join a heavily moderated paid message board.

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This is a free public message board.. you can post whatever the hell you want.
No, it's not. And no, you can't. You agreed to abide by the rules when you signed up for your account. The vast majority of posters here don't want to see 5000 threads on the same subject, and random thoughts expressed as threads detracting from the purpose of this board, which is to discuss the team.
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Okay. Let's review real quick before we go on. From the Rules and Guidelines.

17. Do not create “call out” threads. Threads whose intention is clearly to "call out" another particular member on a personal matter. These forums are not to be used as a medium for personal and/or private vendettas. To the extent personal exchanges/conversations are necessary---and desired by BOTH parties---those members are encouraged to pursue them via Private Messaging. Feel free to question members as to past comments you’d like them to explain in the spirit of good debate.

To be clear. This thread isn't intended on calling someone out on a personal matter. It is doing exactly what the final sentence above states. That is allowed. Now I do understand why there is some confusion in several instances. Especially those that have been around for awhile. However, that's the rule above now and it's fairly clear as to what is and isn't allowed. This thread is an example of what is allowed. Hope that helps.

Carry on, (so to speak).

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