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Holding ES Members Accountable for "I'm Done" or "I'm Done if..." Threads


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Who cares?!?!? Grow up!!! How about not arguing to begin with!

And if you have "been on the board for a little while", then you should know that you're not to make call out threads!

And if you read the thread you'd notice that the Mods have posted in it and have no issue with it thusfar.


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Nobody cares. Why try to hold something meaningless over our heads? This board is for discussion about the Skins. Not your hurt feelings, because frankly nobody gives a damn.

It's like children threatening to hold their breath if they don't get their way, and it adds nothing to this board. Absolutely nothing. Tell us why you are disatisfied, and back it with an argument. A thread about idle, meaningless threats to quit the board should be closed and the poster banned.

:applause: :applause: :applause:

That expresses my thoughts better than my brain does. Thank you for saying it.

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My first guy is skins4me58203. He said:

The thing about this internet thing is that you can't get away from things that you say.

If this guy ever creates another thread, I'll never post again.....

Isn't it kind of idiotic to call me out about a statement that hasn't even had the time to come true or not. Jeez, if you want to call me out about Rock returning kicks, please wait until we return at least one kick off. The season needs to start first....

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While I don't think him calling you out was right, I have to say threatening to stop posting if Rock returns kicks is kind of retarded.

I'm offend by your comment and take it as a personal attack. Not nice Darrell, not nice at all....

LOL..i love this place....

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Telling a group of people to leave because you don't like their viewpoint is essentially banning, even if not done by the Mods. I did NOT completely miss the point of the post.

"If you really hate the Redskins or the things they do so much, then we don't need you anywhere around the board. I'm sure you could all get together and start a board begrudging every move this teams makes. Just stop using this one."

Criticizing dumb moves by Skins is not hatred. I can't speak for others, but I don't begrudge every move the team makes, just the bad ones, yes there is subjectivity in judging moves, but to anyone willing to be objective, this has been a SIGNIFICANT portion of them until recently. Let's be honest, since Snyder took over, there has been lots to criticize for anyone not wearing blinders. So by doing so, we're haters? By insisting that fans deserve something more than an "A+ for effort" from the owner for the millions they spend we're hating? If we're critical, you don't need us around? That is certainly a form of ban, even if not one literally enforced by Mods. Perhaps I should have used a more precise word like Censorship, intolerance, etc., but that doesn't change the general jist of this post or my meaning.

Better idea: the starter of this post wants a board that bans people whose opinions he doesn't like, he should start his own, then he can pick and choose who joins it, and who can't speak. And on his board, everyone can wallow in the mediocrity, and tell themselves how "great" a team with consistently mediocre on field performance is.

Loving something doesn't mean you should abandon the ability to reason.

Back to work.

WOW you still dont get the point of the original poster. He's saying don't let your mouth write checks that your arse isnt prepared to cash. If you say your going to leave if the team makes some move that you dont like that you should have the common decency to follow through on the threat. I'm guessing that this is a concept too complicated for you to digest.

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While I understand where the OP is coming from, I believe that members who post such ludicrous statements are only venting out their frustration.

It is easy to understand how passionate fans can become discouraged, and feel as though their energy is wasted when the team doesn't perform to our standards...

But deep down, we never REALLY mean it when we threaten to abandon our loyalty to the Redskins. It's in OUR BLOOD

What the OP doesn't realize is when people such as myself make statement like that, it is meant to demonstrate how much we belive in the point we are arguing .

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Great. Another homer, non-homer thread in disguise. Hasn't this been played out already?

So far this is my favorite thread. Except for the one where I said I would leave this site if Rock is returning kicks this year. But again, that what caused this thread.

But I do love the "you don't like Rock, then your not a fan". It's just a silly, ignorant view point from a silly, ingnorant person.

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How about we just make new avatars for the "quitters?" Like a picture of Bobby Petrino, or something like that?

Besides, if you say you're going to quit, you should close your account anyways :D

^^^ I like this line of thinking. :applause:

Accountability, what a concept!

I have no problem with a fan that takes exception to certain team moves, the FO at times...disagreeing, criticizing a certain player etc. But those that say they will no longer be fans due to such and such condition ie, player, coach, move, change etc. Be held to it..leave, give away your paraphernalia, don't weasel back in when we're wining. Be gone.

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Who cares?!?!? Grow up!!! How about not arguing to begin with!

And if you have "been on the board for a little while", then you should know that you're not to make call out threads!

Considering that YOU have been on the board since 2005 you should know the actual rule & what it means. Not what you think it means. Because you don't & it doesn't.:) But we'll wait here for you to go look it up, & come back more enlightened then when you made your post there. And then you can explain it everyone else here so that they don't do likewise & look foolish.:)

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I don't see how "accountability" applies to empty ultimatums. In this cacophany of voices that is an internet message boards, people say ridiculous things to make passionate points. Sometimes it compensates for a lack of intelligence, or is just a moment of venting. Either way I've grown accustom to it as a mere rhetorical device.

I've come to accept this as part of Extremeskins discourse; good for those trying to stop it, I guess? Maybe I'm just a cynic like that.

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Considering that YOU have been on the board since 2005 you should know the actual rule & what it means. Not what you think it means. Because you don't & it doesn't.:) But we'll wait here for you to go look it up, & come back more enlightened then when you made your post there. And then you can explain it everyone else here so that they don't do likewise & look foolish.:)

The ES rules are huge proponents of accountability. Did you notice that the people who got nervous of being called out started to show themselves in droves? It prompts me to check all their posting history. haha. I think I can come up with one.

Howz about this one?:

Well, it's been a good run, folks; but it's over. After this weekend's postings and the responses to them, I have come to the conclusion that now is the proper moment to end my time here as ES. I've kicked around whether I should write this or not, and decided that you folks at least deserved the respect of a parting comment.

I'd like a moderator to lock this thread, but I'm sure there are some of you who will find it necessary to comment one way or another.


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It is a bit entertaining to have people say and do just that. Almost as fun as those who say they are "done with this thread" and then next thing you know "Oh. And another thing....".

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I don't see how "accountability" applies to empty ultimatums. In this cacophany of voices that is an internet message boards, people say ridiculous things to make passionate points. Sometimes it compensates for a lack of intelligence, or is just a moment of venting. Either way I've grown accustom to it as a mere rhetorical device.

I've come to accept this as part of Extremeskins discourse; good for those trying to stop it, I guess? Maybe I'm just a cynic like that.

So you're defending stupid people that use hyperbole to make their points because they're not intelligent enough to back up their arguments with real facts?

Don't make empty ultimatums...period.

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So far this is my favorite thread. Except for the one where I said I would leave this site if Rock is returning kicks this year. But again, that what caused this thread.

But I do love the "you don't like Rock, then your not a fan". It's just a silly, ignorant view point from a silly, ingnorant person.

Call people ignorant all you want, but most people in that thread were disagreeing with you, not saying you weren't a fan. For those who were, well I can't defend them, thats stupid on their part.

You couldn't adequately back up your point that Rock isn't the right man for the job, so you got flustered and made the stupid comment that you would leave if Rock returned kicks. I'm not going to say we should hold people to their comments, because I know that people say stupid things on the internet that they don't mean...but they should stop.

Most of the people that post on this site are adults, yourself included. If you make a stupid comment, get mad and insult someone or post something inapropriate just apologize. It takes a real man to say "Hey you know what I screwed up I'm sorry." All you had to do was say "Haha guys I'm not going to leave, I was just flustered" no one would have held it against you. I have found that most people on this site are very forgiving.

However, you had a nasty tone in your posts in that thread and you've come in here to make more dumb remarks, seemingly just to make people mad. I remember you being very confrontational, and people don't appreciate that...especially when you're saying that someone like Rock, who is a fan favorite, isn't very good.

If you haven't figured that stuff out then whatever, its up to you. I don't think the Mods will start holding people to their threats of leaving the site and as long as you stay within the guidelines you'll probably be fine here on ES.

I don't know you skins4me and I probably won't ever meet you, and you probably don't give a damn about what I think but I'll say this to you and everyone else on this site:

Using the anonymity to insult people, make empty threats to leave or even try to start a fight with other members (I've seen it) is plain stupid. A few quotes come to mind: "If you can't say anything nice, don't say it at all" "Put your money where your mouth is" and "Arguing on the internet is like the special olympics, even if you win you're still retarded." For the last quote, obviously people enjoy debating in the Tailgate but remember, this is the internet...there are no points for winning a debate. If you come on ES with the wrong attitude and start 'fighting' with people, you're going to lose alot of respect. Maybe you don't care, you don't know these people right? Well I enjoy it here, I love my Redskins and I love talking about them, so thats why I try and be respectful when I'm posting. If I were to say something stupid that really annoyed someone, such as what you've done, I would probably say sorry and carry on with my life...tiger would probably forgive you.

At the end of the day, its your life, I don't really care either way. You can come and go as you please, but I agree with alot of people in this thread-I am somewhat annoyed by the "If ____ happens, I'm leaving" or the even more dramatic "If ___ happens I won't be a Skins fan anymore." Its stupid, childish and probably not true.

Just some advice.

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