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Holding ES Members Accountable for "I'm Done" or "I'm Done if..." Threads


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Great. Another homer, non-homer thread in disguise. Hasn't this been played out already?

I don't see it that way at all.

If this thread serves it's purpose (for the record, I have serious doubts that it will), it will not be a homer/anti homer thread.

You're allowed to be anti-front office, anti-Redskin, all you want. I have no problem with anyone complaining about it. When you say "THATS IT, I'M DONE WITH THIS TEAM", you're going to be called out. Because if you say that you're more than likely full of ****......

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Well, IF the Skins don't make Colt the starter this year I am not going to be a Skins fan anymore. And I will brainwash my kids as well.


In my book - either you are a fan or you are not. There is no such think as gray area unless you are a fairweather or a Cowpukes fan.

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Nobody cares. Why try to hold something meaningless over our heads? This board is for discussion about the Skins. Not your hurt feelings, because frankly nobody gives a damn.

It's like children threatening to hold their breath if they don't get their way, and it adds nothing to this board. Absolutely nothing. Tell us why you are disatisfied, and back it with an argument. A thread about idle, meaningless threats to quit the board should be closed and the poster banned.

ummm...let's be careful here TBD#44: you're saying that someone should be banned because of THE CONTENT OF THEIR POST.......content that falls outside the usually narrowly circumscribed bounds of no threats, racial slurs, etc. I would submit that walking down this road...however pleasant it might be in the short run....speaks more (in an unfavorable way) about the advocate than the target.

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I don't see it that way at all.

If this thread serves it's purpose (for the record, I have serious doubts that it will), it will not be a homer/anti homer thread.

You're allowed to be anti-front office, anti-Redskin, all you want. I have no problem with anyone complaining about it. When you say "THATS IT, I'M DONE WITH THIS TEAM", you're going to be called out. Because if you say that you're more than likely full of ****......

I would agree with you but the OP added this little number -

If you really hate the Redskins or the things they do so much, then we don't need you anywhere around the board. I'm sure you could all get together and start a board begrudging every move this teams makes. Just stop using this one.

I find this type of statement as inflammatory and stupid as "That's it I am done with this team"

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I would agree with you but the OP added this little number -

If you really hate the Redskins or the things they do so much, then we don't need you anywhere around the board. I'm sure you could all get together and start a board begrudging every move this teams makes. Just stop using this one.

I find this type of statement as inflammatory and stupid as "That's it I am done with this team"

I think the OP meant that when these disgruntled fans are blowing up the board come DEC. when the Skins are 12-0 (:wavetowel)talking about how they knew that "Zorn was the coach for us", "drafting a TE in the 2nd was the best idea since the gasoline engine, etc..... We would like to give them a HARD time and say "Well what did you mean by this then?"

not picking fights, don't forget it's just the World Wide Web...:D

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I don't see it that way at all.

If this thread serves it's purpose (for the record, I have serious doubts that it will), it will not be a homer/anti homer thread.

You're allowed to be anti-front office, anti-Redskin, all you want. I have no problem with anyone complaining about it. When you say "THATS IT, I'M DONE WITH THIS TEAM", you're going to be called out. Because if you say that you're more than likely full of ****......

Already started.


Pssst pjfootballer sucks!



:cheers: Just trying to keep the peace. :silly:

Great. Another homer, non-homer thread in disguise. Hasn't this been played out already?

My thoughts exactly. We'll see how far this gets.

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ummm...let's be careful here TBD#44: you're saying that someone should be banned because of THE CONTENT OF THEIR POST.......content that falls outside the usually narrowly circumscribed bounds of no threats, racial slurs, etc. I would submit that walking down this road...however pleasant it might be in the short run....speaks more (in an unfavorable way) about the advocate than the target.
Actually, I was targeting thread starters more than just posters. I'd rather see bumps and lack of new threads than tantrum threads. Even in the offseason. Saying "I'm Done" should be treated like a letter of resignation. Do you think JG is going to come back from time to time and call some Red Zone plays? Not only has he stated he doesn't want to anymore, the team would not allow it. We should help the board quitters maintain whatever dignity they have left by helping them stick to their word.

While I'm venting, here are some more threads that should be disallowed:

  • When are we gonna wear the chartreuse/mauve jerseys? (at least they get merged)
  • I put JC at safety, and we won the Madden SB! Let's try it!
  • I want to pop Vinny's bugeyes out with a butter knife!
  • Danny, SELL THE TEAM
  • ANY post over 1200 words

There are more, but I have to go key my neighbors car now to prove a point.

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Interesting how you were the first to even bring banning someone into this. So it's not surprising that you completely missed the point of the OP.

Telling a group of people to leave because you don't like their viewpoint is essentially banning, even if not done by the Mods. I did NOT completely miss the point of the post.

"If you really hate the Redskins or the things they do so much, then we don't need you anywhere around the board. I'm sure you could all get together and start a board begrudging every move this teams makes. Just stop using this one."

Criticizing dumb moves by Skins is not hatred. I can't speak for others, but I don't begrudge every move the team makes, just the bad ones, yes there is subjectivity in judging moves, but to anyone willing to be objective, this has been a SIGNIFICANT portion of them until recently. Let's be honest, since Snyder took over, there has been lots to criticize for anyone not wearing blinders. So by doing so, we're haters? By insisting that fans deserve something more than an "A+ for effort" from the owner for the millions they spend we're hating? If we're critical, you don't need us around? That is certainly a form of ban, even if not one literally enforced by Mods. Perhaps I should have used a more precise word like Censorship, intolerance, etc., but that doesn't change the general jist of this post or my meaning.

Better idea: the starter of this post wants a board that bans people whose opinions he doesn't like, he should start his own, then he can pick and choose who joins it, and who can't speak. And on his board, everyone can wallow in the mediocrity, and tell themselves how "great" a team with consistently mediocre on field performance is.

Loving something doesn't mean you should abandon the ability to reason.

Back to work.

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Criticizing dumb moves by Skins is not hatred.

How is threatening to quit something criticism? And how are you going to criticise something here after you quit, never to return?


1.To examine and judge as a critic; to pass literary or artistic judgment upon; as, to criticise an author; to criticise a picture. [imp. & p. p. Criticised (-s?zd); p. pr. & vb. n. Criticising.]

2.To express one's views as to the merit or demerit of; esp., to animadvert upon; to find fault with; as, to criticise conduct.v. i.1.To act as a critic; to pass literary or artistic judgment; to play the critic; - formerly used with on or upon. Several of these ladies, indeed, criticised upon the form of the association. - Addison.

3.To discuss the merits or demerits of a thing or person; esp., to find fault. Cavil you may, but never criticise. - Pope.

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This is the EXTREMESKINS board, extreme emotions are part of being a extreme fan. Part of the reason I love football so much is the feeling I get from the wild mood swings that come with the game. So what if someone gets on here in a fit of rage and says something dumb (Hell I've done it in public a few times.) it is his/her right as an American. I am glad we have this board so we can vent whenever we need to blow off steam.

Hey, I hold myself to this same standard.... but anything EXTREME is, at times, stupid. And I am at times.... less than bright. And so is everyone else who fanatically follows anything. From football to basketweaving. It's all the same crap.

The one thing I really look for in a post ranting, raving, pissing and moaning is this:

Does the person posting have anything resembling a point?

If I were to get so bent out of shape I was vomiting ultimatums left and right, I would at least try to explain WHY I felt a certain way. Thats what drives me nuts about the "****ers." They feel strongly about something, but I'll be damned if I know why half the time. And it wouldn't be a big deal if it wasn't for the sole fact that they are writing it for the rest of the Interweb viewing world to read.....

There was only one player I did not want us to get and Brennan was it. His is a garbage person, a garbage player, and has a garbage attitude. This entire second day has been so disappointing on so many levels and this just caps it. If he ever plays a down for Washington, I'll throw away 21 years of fandom. Gibbs would have never let us take Brennan.


That's my personal favorite. :)

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