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Does Anyone Smell a Spurrier Like Season?


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Is it just me or am I smelling a Spurrier like season? All offensive weapons going out to catch a pass and the opposition playing Rock'em Sock'em Robots with our QB's. Notice I did say QB's...

No, because Jim Zorn won't be stupid enough to have Trung Candidate block Michael Strahan 1 on 1 during a game...

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Not at all. Our team is 10 times more talented than it was back then. We have a MUCH better RB and OL and better QB. Our defense back then, outside of LaVar and Champ(Smoot was not that good back then) also lacked talent, especially in the front seven.

No way in hell do I see a Spurrier like season for the Skins in '08. If you look at our team, we are pretty talented. Yes, we do lack some depth in some areas(thankfully WR is not one anymore) but when healthy, I think we stack up with the best of the league.

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I'll compare Spurrier and Zorn like this, Spurrier was a successful QB and Coach in College, Zorn was a successful Pro QB (not great, but lasted 11 seasons)..a successful assistant Pro Coach....and now hopefully the next chapter a successful REDSKINS Coach!

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Why don't you just give up on the team while your at it.. We haven't even seen what zorn as a coach yet the players can do yet.. Think negative you get negative. If you people think it's so easy why weren't you asked to coach.. Don't look to far into the season when it's not even here yet.:applause:

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Is it just me or am I smelling a Spurrier like season? All offensive weapons going out to catch a pass and the opposition playing Rock'em Sock'em Robots with our QB's. Notice I did say QB's...

No, no, no and no!

We may go 3-13, but in no way will this be a Spurrier like season. No way, no how.

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sick and tired of all the doubters. Spurrier??? please tell me you are kidding! I was gettin on D.S. for making a whirlwind move, when I looked around after the draft and saw a Redskins team that is ready to smash the nfc east in the mouth. as a life long fan i say, ITS TIME!!!

i think we look awesome. all we, need we have. o-line when healthy is arguably the best in the league. good job D.S. and Coach Z!!!


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There's no comparison at all.

Spurrier came from a college system that he tried to force into working in the NFL at the expense of the QB's he put out there.

Zorn comes from extensive pro coaching, particularly working under Holmgren as Holmgren's extremely important QB coach, a crucial position in his proven offensive system.

Plus the offense is much more talented and well coached.

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Big difference, Spurrier didn't learn how to coach under Holmgren. If Zorn fails, it'll be the first failure of the Holmgren tree. My bets are on the success of Holmgren as a mentor.

Marty Morningwhig? he was a product of Holmgren then went to SaN Fran

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Trung Canidate is the starting running back.

Shane Matthews is not the starting quarterback.

Jacquez Green and Reidel Anthony are not the receivers.

So, do I think this will be a Spurrier-like season? No :)

At the same time the Redskins are going to face an uphill climb to make it back to the postseason.

The NFC is going to be much better in 2008.

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Spurrier spent 10 years as a QB in the NFL.

I'm not saying that Zorn = Spurrier, but don't act like Spurrier didn't spend time at a skill position in the NFL.

Didn't they still use pigs when Spurrier played. Honestly, I thought people would catch the inference regarding the length of time between when they did their Pro gig(s) and when they coached here.


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Thanks Mr. S for your kindful insight and not calling my thought idiotic but actually giving reasons.... I can definately see your view but when I think of some of the others I just see bowls of fruit!?

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: nicely done!

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Is it just me or am I smelling a Spurrier like season? All offensive weapons going out to catch a pass and the opposition playing Rock'em Sock'em Robots with our QB's. Notice I did say QB's...

Forget Holmgren's offense or the WC thing, just look at the kind of guy Zorn is. You can tell right away that he's a teacher and a cool customer. Spurrier was the antithesis of Zorn. It has nothing to do with the draftees b/c we should be able to contend for the playoffs with our current players, assuming they are mostly healthy.

Spurrier embarrassed his players, and acted like a teenager losing a game of Madden when we lost. He's in no way, shape, or form the teacher or the professional that Zorn is. Zorn may not know how to run the headsets, get the plays in on time, or make the right decisions regarding challenges and 4th and short, but he's got to be given time to learn how to be a HC in this league with regard to the gameday "in's and out's." We may not come out 11-5 his first year, but even though I'd like nothing more than to think he'd lead us right back to the playoffs, we've got to be realistic about the fact that we're building within an already playoff caliber team. That in itself gives us the ability to win now if Zorn sticks to the basics. Still, we could easily lose a couple important games if he makes some mistakes, but that comes with being a rookie HC. He's got a lot of friends that can help him and will or are already helping him become a good rookie HC. Personally, I won't judge him to unfairly come opening day, b/c I realize that he's got a lot to learn about how to build a winning team.

With regard to the draft and the FO, we are essentially "modeling" (notice the quotation marks...not comparing us to the Pats right now) the way that the Pats have done things in the last decade or so these past two seasons, and we've got a better chance at winning now than we've ever had just b/c of Zorn's teaching ability and the fact that we have a good team, draft aside. Remember, Belichik is a teacher and a X's and O's guy as well, and Zorn reminds me of him in a lot of ways. There is nothing fake or sugar coated when it comes to Zorn. You can tell if you listen and watch him that he just tells it like it is and is completely forthright. It's scary how much he reminds me of a "good cop" version of Belichick. Zorn's just got better people skills in front of the media and camera. This organization is truly in "good hands" as it seems to me. :2cents:

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I'm under no delusions that we're going to be competitive this season. Blache may be a solid defensive coordinator, but Gregg Williams gave us an edge week and week out. I think our defenses age will start to show and our offense will struggle early on.

I fully expect us to be lottery bound.

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Are you kidding? Spurrier played with the Bucs when they were worse than a JV football team. Do you consider a 30 year old guy who played pee-wee league when he was in first grade to have football experience? Come on???

Manning played his entire career with the Saints and he was still seen as one of the best and very experienced.

Just because a player is cursed to play on a perennial loser doesnt mean the player doesnt have a high football IQ and gained valuable experience.

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How can you compare Spurrier and Zorn other than the desire they had to ignite the offense.

Spurrier was not a hands on coach like Zorn intends

Zorn being a former QB intends to protect his Quarter Back unlike what Spurrier did to Ramsey

why even say something like this?

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