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Hillary on TV just called for Bush to boycott the olympics...


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We don't need to boycott the olympics, we need to stop buying stuff from china.

Under current trade deals, consumers don't even know what is made or not made in china. China and other foreign countries no longer have to label their products "Made in China" as they once had to.

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I agree. The athletes have worked literally their whole lives for this moment. Its awfully easy for Hillary to call for them to give up THEIR dream........funny, since she wont give up hers.

Fact is the athletes are their representing the United States. In wars, do we ask soldiers to sacrifice less? In boycotts of products do business men sacrifice less?

The sacrifice we would be asking athletes to make in a boycott of the olympics is not even comparable to other types of sacrifices we ask of our citizens to send political messages.

One of the prices of world leadership is you actually have to lead.

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Fact is the athletes are their representing the United States. In wars, do we ask soldiers to sacrifice less? In boycotts of products do business men sacrifice less?

The sacrifice we would be asking athletes to make in a boycott of the olympics is not even comparable to other types of sacrifices we ask of our citizens to send political messages.

One of the prices of world leadership is you actually have to lead.

Are you seriously comparing the Olympic Games to war? :insane:

And Hillary is not the President. She's just posturing.

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Fact is the athletes are their representing the United States. In wars, do we ask soldiers to sacrifice less? In boycotts of products do business men sacrifice less?

The sacrifice we would be asking athletes to make in a boycott of the olympics is not even comparable to other types of sacrifices we ask of our citizens to send political messages.

One of the prices of world leadership is you actually have to lead.

The athletes may be wearing a USA uniform but they are representing themselves. Given the opportunity, the athletes would change nationality in a heartbeat in response to a politician deciding to exploit and waste their talent to make a political point.

The IOC is to blame for creating this mess.

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Are you seriously comparing the Olympic Games to war? :insane:

Yes I am saying that war is the ultimate political protest. I am saying that our country asks people to sacrifice in it's name all the time, and that athletes who would be asked to sacrifice in a politcal boycot of the Olympics are not being unreasonable victemized by their country in comparison to other Americans who shoulder hardships in time of political terbulance.

And Hillary is not the President. She's just posturing.

Hillary might be just posturing, but she's put forward a pretty interesting proposal.

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The athletes may be wearing a USA uniform but they are representing themselves. Given the opportunity, the athletes would change nationality in a heartbeat in response to a politician deciding to exploit and waste their talent to make a political point.

The IOC is to blame for creating this mess.

:wtf: dude my son would have never done that! :wtf: have you been smoking?

Edit: Sorry for that! He most likely a cowgirl troll.

Edit: and by the way Fu. if you ever talk bad about my son again you will become a cowboy fan.He is a redskin fan!

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The athletes may be wearing a USA uniform but they are representing themselves. Given the opportunity, the athletes would change nationality in a heartbeat in response to a politician deciding to exploit and waste their talent to make a political point.

It's the American Olympic Team, and if the athletes want to compete under a different nation's flag, they always have that option.

The question is would we be competing with China in the 1950-1990's if they were pulling this crap. If not, why not. Are we a better country today cause we no longer care about pursecuted peoples living under foreign occupation who endever to be free? Or are we worse off?

The IOC is to blame for creating this mess.

I agree with that. Problem is though, the mess isn't even a mess unless western nations have the backbone to stand up to China.

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It's the American Olympic Team, and if the athletes want to compete under a different nation's flag, they always have that option.

Politicians are happy to throw away an athlete's career for a little bit of press coverage. All the while they accept political donations, trade delegations and anything else to promote their own agenda. If Hillary is serious about Tibet or any other aspect of Chinese foreign policy, what is she doing about it other than ****ing up the careers of athletes on a whim.

Any sports boycott is only worthwhile if all the major nations engage in it. The boycott of the Soviet games by Carter was a complete waste of time and did nothing to affect Soviet foreign policy, as was the retaliation at the LA games. Sure China will be a little pissed off if just the USA decides not to show up, but they'll quickly get over it when it helps them win more medals. If no-one shows up then people take notice. A lone USA boycott is an absolutely pointless exercise and only serves the politicians.

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:wtf: dude my son would have never done that! :wtf: have you been smoking?

Your son would have respected the right of Hillary to destroy his Olympic chances in a meaningless and worthless political gesture?

The USA is so pissed off at China we're prepared to do absolutely nothing ... other than ruin the careers of some American athletes who have trained all their lives for this event.

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I agree. The athletes have worked literally their whole lives for this moment. Its awfully easy for Hillary to call for them to give up THEIR dream........funny, since she wont give up hers.


Bunch of bull****, Hillary sucks.

The whole POINT of the Olympics is for countries to put their differences aside and enjoy sports and competition.

Want to see a bitter group of people? Talk to athletes who've had their country boycott the Olympics. My crew coach in college was an alternate on the 1980 team that should have gone...and didn't. Even as an alternate, extremely bitter.

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It's the American Olympic Team, and if the athletes want to compete under a different nation's flag, they always have that option.

The question is would we be competing with China in the 1950-1990's if they were pulling this crap. If not, why not. Are we a better country today cause we no longer care about pursecuted peoples living under foreign occupation who endever to be free? Or are we worse off?

I agree with that. Problem is though, the mess isn't even a mess unless western nations have the backbone to stand up to China.

Get real

First off if the Olympics were being held in the US there is not a doubt in my mind that left wing radicals, socialists, the French, and other anarchists would be protesting with the same amount of furor against us.

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Want to see a bitter group of people? Talk to athletes who've had their country boycott the Olympics. My crew coach in college was an alternate on the 1980 team that should have gone...and didn't. Even as an alternate, extremely bitter.

It's soooo surprising for him to have that attitude when the US boycott had such a profound impact on Soviet foreign policy. :rolleyes:

I wouldn't be bitter, I'd be ****ing angry.

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