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Hillary on TV just called for Bush to boycott the olympics...


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4/7/08 11:22:13 ET: HILLARY on TV just called ON BUSH TO BOYCOTT OLYMPICS OPENING...

The openning? Why not the entire olympics? Being a child of the 60's I can't believe how redicoulous US foreign policy has become, from both political parties. It's like foreign policy is just an extension of business today.

I was wondering when this would happen. Jimmy Carter boycotted the Moscow Olympics when Russia invaded Afghanistan. China knocking the hell out of the Tibetins seems like it should rank right up there.

Coarse, China is one of our largest trading partners and has like a trillion dollars of currency they're holding. It would be a very ballsy move to boycot the olympics. Then again, do we really want to live in a world where communist despots own American soverenty. Where America is afraid to pursue their conviction because of political pressure by communists.

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The games are about the athletes. They should not bring politics into the mix.

I agree. The athletes have worked literally their whole lives for this moment. Its awfully easy for Hillary to call for them to give up THEIR dream........funny, since she wont give up hers.

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The games are about the athletes. They should not bring politics into the mix.
I thought the Games were about a Global Community being celebrated by athletes.

China could drop our interest rate by 1.5% and is holding the dollar by the balls.

Besides, "hey we aren't coming to the Olympics, here is a couple more billion dollars" seems a little hypocritical, doesn't it?

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Boycotting never solves anything.

Agreed. All you're doing is depriving athletes who have worked their entire lives for something of finally filling their dreams

Didn't we learn anything from Jimmy's mistakes? :doh: What is phase II of Hillary's plan, a grain embargo?

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A billion of them if im quoting Powers Boothe correctly. ;)

He says something like 500 thousand and then that little ***** Danny pipes up and says: "I thought there were a billion of them."

That's when Powers explain there were heavy casualties.

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A billion of them if im quoting Powers Boothe correctly. ;)
He says something like 500 thousand and then that little ***** Danny pipes up and says: "I thought there were a billion of them."

That's when Powers explain there were heavy casualties.

and spits his mouthful of liquor into the fire.

600 million. Get your **** straight guys. :silly:

Here's a clip.

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The games are about the athletes. They should not bring politics into the mix.

The Olympics has always been political in nature.

  • China boycotted the Olympics after 1952 when Taiwan was allowed to compete.
  • Netherlands, Spain and Switzerland boycotted the olympics in 1956 because of the Soviet repression of the Hungarian uprising.
  • The Soviet Union, Cambodia, Egypt, Iraq and Lebonon boycoted the 1956 games because of the Suez Crisis.
  • In 1972 a large number of African countries threatened the IOC with a boycott, to force them to ban South Africa, Rhodesia, and New Zealand. ( NZ because of their Rugby tour of South Africa ).
  • Twenty-two Aftrican countries boycotted the olympics in 1976 when New Zealand was allowed to compete, still because they exchanged rugby tours with South Africa.
  • Taiwan did not compete from 1976 -1984 because they were banned from using their flag or calling themselves the Republic of China.
  • America and sixty five other nations boycotted in 1980 olypics when Russia invaded Afghanistan
  • The Soviet Union and 14 of its Eastern Bloc partners (except Romania) countered by skipping the Los Angeles Olympics in 1984

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Boycotting the Olympics sure did a bang up job before.

The fact is the Olympics is a multi billion dollar financial investment by the host country. Boycotts bring a global spotlight on the host countries inproprieties, inhibit their ability to recoup their investment and give the leaders a huge public relations problem.

It's probable one of the most effective ways to protest.

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