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Response to caller 'a serious mistake,' says Planned Parenthood of Idaho (merged)


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Response to caller 'a serious mistake,' says Planned Parenthood of Idaho

Planned Parenthood of Idaho officials apologized Wednesday for what they called an employee's "serious mistake" in encouraging a donation aimed at aborting black babies.They also criticized The Advocate, a right-to-life student magazine at the University of California-Los Angeles, for trying to discredit Planned Parenthood employees in seven states in a series of tape-recorded phone calls last summer.

The call to Idaho came in July to Autumn Kersey, vice president of development and marketing for Planned Parenthood of Idaho.

On the recording provided by The Advocate, an actor portraying a donor said he wanted his money used to eliminate black unborn children because "the less black kids out there the better."

Kersey laughed nervously and said: "Understandable, understandable. ... Excuse my hesitation, this is the first time I've had a donor call and make this kind of request, so I'm excited and want to make sure I don't leave anything out."

On Tuesday, The Advocate released transcripts and audio recordings of this phone call and another to fundraising representatives in Ohio.

The student editor-in-chief of The Advocate said she's not surprised by Planned Parenthood's response and that the unedited recordings speak for themselves. The activist students think Planned Parenthood targets minorities and minority neighborhoods.

On Wednesday, Planned Parenthood of Idaho "firmly and unequivocally" denounced racial bias, admitted making a mistake and said the group had taken corrective action.

"A fundraising employee violated the organization's principles and practices when she appeared to be willing to accept a racially motivated donation," said CEO Rebecca Poedy in a written statement. "We apologize for the manner in which this offensive call was handled. We take full responsibility for the actions of the fundraising staff member who created the impression that racism of any form would be tolerated at Planned Parenthood. We took swift action to ensure that each of our employees understands their responsibility to communicate clearly with donors about the fact that we believe in helping all individuals, regardless of gender, race, or sexual orientation, make informed decisions about their reproductive health care."

A spokeswoman for the organization would not say whether further disciplinary action was taken against Kersey, saying that was a personnel matter.

A longtime anti-abortion activist and conservative lobbyist - Idaho Values Alliance Executive Director Bryan Fischer - called Kersey's response in July reprehensible and said she should have been fired.

"It turns out that blatant racism is alive and well in Idaho, but it's not coming from the Aryan Nation types - it's coming from way-left organizations like Idaho's own Planned Parenthood," Fischer said. "They should have stridently rebuked that donor for being a racist and a bigot and refused to take that money."

The national Planned Parenthood office did not return phone calls Wednesday, but local officials denounced the editor of The Advocate as "a known anti-choice extremist."

"While the actions of our staff member were unacceptable, it's also unacceptable for opponents of abortion to use racist, deceptive tactics to smear Planned Parenthood," Poedy said. "The race-baiting tactics on display in this case are not news 'exposes,' but rather the product of the most cynical form of politicking."

Lila Rose, the UCLA student who led the Planned Parenthood investigation as The Advocate's editor-in-chief, said it is sad that the organization would focus on what the students did.

"They do not change their ways," Rose said. "They attack the whistleblower."

Nationwide, Planned Parenthood received about $902 million in revenue in 2005-06, according to its annual report. Private donations made up about 24 percent, or $212 million.

"It is unacceptable for a nonprofit to accept donations that target specific races," Rose said.

The Advocate is waiting for responses from Idaho and Ohio before releasing recordings from Planned Parenthood organizations in several other states, she said. In the meantime, the magazine is calling for UCLA to cut its ties with Planned Parenthood.

It is legal in Idaho for someone who makes a phone call to secretly tape it.


Evidently this is stirring quite the firestorm right now with regards to the $300,000,000 that PPFoA gets every year from the gov't. First I heard of it.

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I wonder how many calls The Advocate had to make before they got a someone to answer the phone that was stupid enough to fall into their obvious trap? I doubt a UCLA student activist group started its calls in Idaho.

It also would be interesting to hear what the Planned Parenthood people were saying on the other end of the line while that call was taking place. "Hey Marcia, I've got a real nutter on the line, what should I do.... I don't even know what to say..."

Does anyone on this board - even strong pro-life people - think that this reflects anything more than that?

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I think this really is a nothing story while being Pro-Life and yet against repealing abortion laws(that's another topic). On the other hand I have heard on numerous occassion people who are for abortion cite racial motivation for being a large part in why they are pro-choice. So what am I saying, nothing really but it felt nice to type a paragraph.

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Speaking as a strong pro-lifer I doubt they target black fetuses(just seems to work that way)

Why the fuss when they gladly accept donations to end the process of life?

Is taking a racial motivated donation worse? :(

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I wonder how many calls The Advocate had to make before they got a someone to answer the phone that was stupid enough to fall into their obvious trap? I doubt a UCLA student activist group started its calls in Idaho.

It also would be interesting to hear what the Planned Parenthood people were saying on the other end of the line while that call was taking place. "Hey Marcia, I've got a real nutter on the line, what should I do.... I don't even know what to say..."

Does anyone on this board - even strong pro-life people - think that this reflects anything more than that?

Apparently they called several State-level PPF orgs and are going to release the tapes soon.
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Apparently they called several State-level PPF orgs and are going to release the tapes soon.

I wonder why they didn't release them all at once. :whoknows:

Gotta say, this seems more like a nervous, "what do I do now" response than anything else.

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Wow, that is entrapment if I've ever seen it.

There are much better ways to get your message out. This is just embarassing. And the fact that they are trying to make it about race is despicable too.


Perhaps they weren't making it about race, but attempting to reveal something that thought already existed?
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I wonder why they didn't release them all at once. :whoknows:

Gotta say, this seems more like a nervous, "what do I do now" response than anything else.

I would agree, except for the part where she said she was "excited."
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Perhaps they weren't making it about race, but attempting to reveal something that thought already existed?

There are much better ways to go about it.

I wonder if I called Pat Robertson this afternoon and said "I would really be interested in donating $1000 to CBN, because I like the role that Mr. Robertson has played in keeping minorities in check"...

what do you suppose the other person on the phone would do/say? Be careful how you answer, because I might just do it to prove a point. :)


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I would agree, except for the part where she said she was "excited."

I suspect if someone called me saying something so completely absurd/ridiculous/scary... it would take several moments for my brain to comprehend exactly what just happened. In the meantime while that is processing I might say anything.

ZG, quite frankly I'm surprised you give this any credit.

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Skeeter: Stem Cell resurch? What'n tha hell's that?

Duane: Gol-dangit Skeeter, it's when they take the cells from them there aborted feeterses, and then they go ahead an' stick em inside some der-flicted guy, an them there cells gits tagether and goes on ahead and repairs all the dang der-flictions.

Skeeter: Well dang! That don't sound too bad there, Du-ane!

Duane: well, it sounds alright and all, til you goes and gits some stem cells from one of them thar aborted black baby feetersus.

Skeeter: Whoa! Hang on! So you means ta tell me that if'n I had some like Spinal injury, and I couldn't walk, then they could put them stem cells from a black baby in there, and I mights to be able to walk again?

Duane: Yup, an' if it's black baby stem cells, you probably gonna be able to play basketball too!

Skeeter: Naw naw naw,, vote agains' that stuff.

Duane: Yup. Vote no right thar.

the preceeding has been brought to you by Rednecks for No Political Change Whatsoever.


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I suspect if someone called me saying something so completely absurd/ridiculous/scary... it would take several moments for my brain to comprehend exactly what just happened. In the meantime while that is processing I might say anything.

ZG, quite frankly I'm surprised you give this any credit.

Again, I would tend to agree. But from what I heard (the actual recording) the call was several minutes long. It wasn't just some 30 second call. The lady tried repeatedly to reframe the conversation from "I want it to be earmarked for black babies" to "earmarked to help african-american women in need." He repeatedly told her why and she still was willing to accomodate him. :whoknows:
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PP is still trying to "whitewash" (pun fully intended) Margaret Sanger's racist views, eugenics and the role all that played in PP's history. I'd bet the clinics ND spoke of were probably part of the "Negro Project". Even so, I think there's nothing more afoot here than greed. Fundraisers are sort of like used car salesmen, doing whatever it takes to separate the donor from the cash and the right to lifers sought to use that to their advantage in this case.

**Edit-I take back what I said about the clinic in ND's neighborhood. I don't think he's old enough for the Negro Project clinics to still have been around when he was a kid.**

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Again, I would tend to agree. But from what I heard (the actual recording) the call was several minutes long. It wasn't just some 30 second call. The lady tried repeatedly to reframe the conversation from "I want it to be earmarked for black babies" to "earmarked to help african-american women in need." He repeatedly told her why and she still was willing to accomodate him. :whoknows:

Well if that is true then yes, my opinion will certainly change. I didn't get that from the article though.

Let me put it this way... I certainly HOPE this isn't true. :(


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Skeeter: Stem Cell resurch? What'n tha hell's that?

Duane: Gol-dangit Skeeter, it's when they take the cells from them there aborted feeterses, and then they go ahead an' stick em inside some der-flicted guy, an them there cells gits tagether and goes on ahead and repairs all the dang der-flictions.

Skeeter: Well dang! That don't sound too bad there, Du-ane!

Duane: well, it sounds alright and all, til you goes and gits some stem cells from one of them thar aborted black baby feetersus.

Skeeter: Whoa! Hang on! So you means ta tell me that if'n I had some like Spinal injury, and I couldn't walk, then they could put them stem cells from a black baby in there, and I mights to be able to walk again?

Duane: Yup, an' if it's black baby stem cells, you probably gonna be able to play basketball too!

Skeeter: Naw naw naw,, vote agains' that stuff.

Duane: Yup. Vote no right thar.

the preceeding has been brought to you by Rednecks for No Political Change Whatsoever.


Wow. When you put it that way things make a wee bit more sense.

But seriously, I was unaware of any connection between PP and black's, real or perceived.

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PP is still trying to "whitewash" (pun fully intended) Margaret Sanger's racist views, eugenics and the role all that played in PP's history. I'd bet the clinics ND spoke of were probably part of the "Negro Project". Even so, I think there's nothing more afoot here than greed. Fundraisers are sort of like used car salesmen, doing whatever it takes to separate the donor from the cash and the right to lifers sought to use that to their advantage in this case.

**Edit-I take back what I said about the clinic in ND's neighborhood. I don't think he's old enough for the Negro Project clinics to still have been around when he was a kid.**

So true. If people would just do a bit of research on PP and Margret Sanger then this story makes perfect sense.


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Sorry, you are going to find these people everywhere. who knows how many thy REALLY called before they got the resposnses they are looking for. yeah its bad that they found this, but generalizing that PP targets a certain race is ludicrous. An organization like this is constantly under the microscope as it is. They just finally found a few who would play their game.

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Perhaps they weren't making it about race, but attempting to reveal something that thought already existed?

This reveals more about the organization trying to do harm to planned parenthood then it does about planned parenthood. If I call any phone bank enough times I'll get an idiot that was half asleep during the do's and don'ts meeting. Pretty damn low IMO.

Having said that... planned parenthood needs to step up their training and awareness because that **** is disgusting.

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