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Response to caller 'a serious mistake,' says Planned Parenthood of Idaho (merged)


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This reveals more about the organization trying to do harm to planned parenthood then it does about planned parenthood. If I call any phone bank enough times I'll get an idiot that was half asleep during the do's and don'ts meeting. Pretty damn low IMO.
the organization was a newspaper at UCLA.
Having said that... planned parenthood needs to step up their training and awareness because that **** is disgusting.
The PPF lady on the phone was Vice President of Marketing and Development. I'm sure she was in need of more training.
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the organization was a newspaper at UCLA.

The PPF lady on the phone was Vice President of Marketing and Development. I'm sure she was in need of more training.

Ouch ...that left a mark

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wow... Just Wow!


The revelation a few weeks ago that Planned Parenthood employees had encouraged telephone donations from callers hoping to facilitate abortions of black babies — money that was "offered" from members of an anti-abortion group at UCLA — led to a quick apology from the family planning organization. Planned Parenthood said its employees made a "serious mistake" in encouraging the donations.

The callers contacted Planned Parenthood's vice presidents of development and marketing in Idaho and Oklahoma, other officials at their Ohio and New Mexico offices and officials in three other (so far) unnamed states because the UCLA group suspected that Planned Parenthood was specifically targeting minorities and minority neighborhoods for abortions.

The donor and a representative of New Mexico Planned Parenthood were recorded as saying:

Donor: "I really face trouble with affirmative action. I don't want my kids to be disadvantaged ..."

Planned Parenthood representative: "Yeah."

Donor: "... against blacks in college. The less black kids out there the better."

Planned Parenthood representative: "Yeah, yeah, it's a strange time to be sure."

Tapes of the calls to New Mexico and Oklahoma Planned Parenthood branches were released on Wednesday. Lila Rose, a UCLA undergraduate who ran the study, told FOX News that tapes for the final three states will be released within the next few weeks.

Rose claimed that Planned Parenthood development officials in all seven states that her group contacted gave similar responses and were encouraging donations that were limited to funding only abortions for black women.

A spokeswoman for Planned Parenthood wrote FOX News that the group questioned the “authenticity of elements of these edited tapes” and added that Planned Parenthood had expanded its employee training program so that employees understand that “our organization helps all individuals — regardless of gender, race, or sexual orientation.”

Rose denied that the tapes were edited and asked, “Why are they apologizing for what is on the tapes when they are simultaneously telling the media not to cover this issue because they say that the tapes were edited?” Planned Parenthood did not respond to questions about how it knew the tapes were edited.

Rose said that the study was done both because of the controversal views of Planned Parenthood's founder, Margaret Sanger, and Rose’s belief that the group was still following those founding principles. Sanger advocated using birth control, sterilization, and abortion to weed out "the problem of the dependent, delinquent and defective elements in modern society."

Rose also noted that she was concerned that “80 percent of Planned Parenthood clinics are in minority neighborhoods.”

Planned Parenthood officials did not produce a response to this claim. The organization performed 22 percent of all abortions in 2005 (260,000 out of 1.2 million abortions).

A Planned Parenthood spokeswoman wrote that the organization “denounces racial bias,” and “what is deeply troubling is that an opponent of reproductive health care is baiting Planned Parenthood employees with deceptive, politically motivated tactics.”

Blacks do, indeed, have much higher rates of abortions than whites or other minority groups. In 2000, while blacks made up 17 percent of live births, they made up more than twice that share of abortions (36 percent). If those aborted children had been born, the number of blacks born would have been slightly over 50 percent greater than it was.

The comparison with whites and other minorities is striking. Whites made up 78 percent of live births, but only 57 percent of abortions. Non-black minorities had 7 percent of live births and 5 percent of abortions. If the aborted children had been born for either group, the percentage increase in the number of children born to these groups would have been less than that for blacks: 16 and 32 percent, respectively.

Data from 1973 on indicate that black women's share of abortions has consistently been at least twice their share of live births.

But not all those babies would necessarily have been born if abortion were illegal or harder to obtain. A number of recent academic studies have found that making abortion more difficult results in less pre-marital sex and fewer pre-marital pregnancies.

Professor Jonathan Klick at the Florida State University Law School and Professor Thomas Stratmann at George Mason University authored a recent study claiming that Roe v. Wade increased premarital sex by as much as 25 percent, because the option of ending unwanted pregnancies through abortion made sex less risky.

In 1973, the year the Supreme Court rendered its Roe v. Wade decision, there were 11 abortions per 1000 women aged 15 to 44. Eight years later, that number doubled for the same group to 22. In terms of the total number of abortions, 615,831 legal abortions took place in 1973; 1,300,760 in 1981.

The Centers for Disease Control recorded detailed information on the race of those having abortions from 1970 to 1981. It shows Roe’s impact on abortions by blacks in the years immediately before and after the decision. The Supreme Court’s decision had the biggest impact on blacks, raising their share of abortions from 21 to 30 percent, while their share of live births only increased from 12 to 15 percent.

Obviously, numerous factors may explain the changes over time in abortion rates for different racial groups. But even after accounting for other influences on the decision to have an abortion — such as per capita income, the size of welfare payments, unemployment rates and unemployment insurance payments, and the age and gender distribution of the population — white women's share of abortions still fell by almost 7 percent after Roe.

Planned Parenthood did not respond to requests for comments about the large differences in abortion rates between black women and women who aren't black.

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Obviously planned parenthood is a target for the Republicans.

Donor: "I really face trouble with affirmative action. I don't want my kids to be disadvantaged ..."

Planned Parenthood representative: "Yeah."

Donor: "... against blacks in college. The less black kids out there the better."

Planned Parenthood representative: "Yeah, yeah, it's a strange time to be sure."

PP has no control over what their donors are saying. Sounds like the employee was just trying to be non-confrontational. To expect an argument is a little bizarre.

Professor Jonathan Klick at the Florida State University Law School and Professor Thomas Stratmann at George Mason University authored a recent study claiming that Roe v. Wade increased premarital sex by as much as 25 percent, because the option of ending unwanted pregnancies through abortion made sex less risky.

Interesting study. I would like to get a copy of that. I'm kind of curious how they can separate the effects of Roe from the cultural changes that have gone on in the last four decades.

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Interesting study. I would like to get a copy of that. I'm kind of curious how they can separate the effects of Roe from the cultural changes that have gone on in the last four decades.

Cultural changes? hahahaha. None of course. Or if there are changes they are for the better......obviously. :doh:

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You mean you have not aborted this thread yet?

A. I am working on it while doing other stuff. I will merge it with the other thread. Just giving the guy a heads-up and reminder to search. We have have the new Google method in the Read-Me in the Stadium. :)

B. I knew you'd chirp in. You have already pushed your envelope pretty far, btw, in the recent past, so my suggestion for you is to just address the topic and save any comments regarding moderator activity for ahwile. If you have something else to say about this comment, you can PM me. :)

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So what I got out of this is it is a phone call between someone who is donating and the person from PP that is accepting the donation. The caller is the racist POS and the caller just seems to be trying to get thru the call and get the donation.

If I am incorrect then I will admit to it, but from the looks of it I dont see how PP did anything wrong.

And Jumbo is ready to kill....:silly:

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Fortunately, it's easy to find good posters. :laugh:

Is that because they are rare,or do they really stand out that much?

I'm taking notes since I hope to be one when I grow up.

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I wonder how many calls The Advocate had to make before they got a someone to answer the phone that was stupid enough to fall into their obvious trap? I doubt a UCLA student activist group started its calls in Idaho.

It also would be interesting to hear what the Planned Parenthood people were saying on the other end of the line while that call was taking place. "Hey Marcia, I've got a real nutter on the line, what should I do.... I don't even know what to say..."

Does anyone on this board - even strong pro-life people - think that this reflects anything more than that?

I still think I was right when I said this before... so I'm gonna quote myself.

This is a tempest in a teapot.

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I'm sure I don't want to know the answer to this, but if only 24% of their funds come from private donors, where does the other 3/4 of a billion dollars a year come from?

I have sex with alot of women..and Im allergic to condoms. :silly:

you can figure the rest out..

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I still think I was right when I said this before... so I'm gonna quote myself.

This is a tempest in a teapot.

Agreed ...the genocide will continue as usual with the willing help of the carriers.

Not like this is news.

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I'm sure I don't want to know the answer to this, but if only 24% of their funds come from private donors, where does the other 3/4 of a billion dollars a year come from?

Well, they do a lot more than abortions.

From Wiki:

"Services include abortion services, contraceptive (birth control) services; emergency contraception; screening for breast, cervical and testicular cancers; pregnancy testing and pregnancy options counseling; testing and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases; sexuality education, menopause treatments; vasectomies and tubal ligations, and more....

Planned Parenthood receives almost a third of its money in government grants and contracts ($305.3 million in FY 2006). It received $345.1 million in clinic income that year, $212.2 million in private contributions and bequests, $33 million in other income and $7.2 million for the Alan Guttmacher Institute for a total of $902.8 million."

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Agreed ...the genocide will continue as usual with the willing help of the carriers.

Not like this is news.

I understand if you loathe Planned Parenthood because you are pro-life. That makes perfect sense. They perform tons of abortions.

It's just silly to loathe them because you think they are secret racists.

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I understand if you loathe Planned Parenthood because you are por-life. That makes perfect sense. They perform tons of abortions.

It's just silly to loathe them because you think they are secret racists.

Do you have to be racist to commit genocide?...or is the results that determine it?

For the record I do not think they specifically target blacks,it just works out that way. :(

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Do you have to be racist to commit genocide?...or is the results that determine it?

For the record I do not think they specifically target blacks,it just works out that way. :(

I was supporting the fairness and legitimacy of fyour eelings against PP (even though I disagree with you on the underlying issue).

I suspect that the real reason for the higher abortion rate among blacks has to do with economics and the social problems that currently plague the black family, the same things that lead to over half of black children being born out of wedlock (a much higher percentage than any other ethnic group).

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Well, they do a lot more than abortions.

From Wiki:

"Services include abortion services, contraceptive (birth control) services; emergency contraception; screening for breast, cervical and testicular cancers; pregnancy testing and pregnancy options counseling; testing and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases; sexuality education, menopause treatments; vasectomies and tubal ligations, and more....

Planned Parenthood receives almost a third of its money in government grants and contracts ($305.3 million in FY 2006). It received $345.1 million in clinic income that year, $212.2 million in private contributions and bequests, $33 million in other income and $7.2 million for the Alan Guttmacher Institute for a total of $902.8 million."

I knew I didn't want to know the answer, but thanks for providing it anyway, P.

I'm going to leave this one alone. I don't think I have an opinion about this that I can share without risking a permanent ES vacation. :doh:

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