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Betts and 1st pick for Boldin


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:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :40oz:

Gold. Comic gold.

Where do I even begin?

No proven back up? Betts had one good season behind a fully healthy O-line, and still didn't get half as many TDs as Portis did while playing injured. I say this because Rock has had several 100 yard games, and since you love to extrapolate the one time Betts did anything really well, I can therefore do the same with Rock.

Imagine Betts running the ball 20 times a game given he has only had one good season, 2 years ago, and can only manage to get in the endzone once or twice a season.

No pass rush? All of a sudden we can't draft a DE in the 2nd or 3rd?

Season over? Because of a back-up? More like your schtick needs to be over.

JC won't have time to get the ball to Boldin, but Betts would somehow be able to run on that line? You do realize JC will have better time with a healthy O-line this season? If JC doesn't have enough time to throw, it means we'll have the same O-line situation as last season, where starters are injured. How did Betts do in that situation?

Yes we do have to look at the big picture, instead of constantly looking out for your man-crush.

Seriously, we can't get rid of a back-up, but who has been one of the biggest supporters of trading CP? You have. You are fine with Betts and Rock, but not CP and Rock. Yup, no bias there at all. :laugh: Thanks for the chuckle.

McD5, owned again, big surprise. When will he just give up the Betts worship?
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If we are definately planning on drafting a WR in the first round then trading that away in this deal for Boldin would solve that issue with out a big loss except Betts, but with Portis, I don't see the 2-back system working. So we could just draft a RB in the later rounds and he could become a developmental player. But would Zona really go for this because they do have James at RB?

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I'm sure it's been mentioned, but if we're shopping our 1st I would prefer Fitzgerald. I don't think both AZ WR's are worth 1st rounders, so I don't see why Boldin would take a 1st round pick AND Betts to acquire.

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I'm sure it's been mentioned, but if we're shopping our 1st I would prefer Fitzgerald. I don't think both AZ WR's are worth 1st rounders, so I don't see why Boldin would take a 1st round pick AND Betts to acquire.
Boldin > Fitzgerald. That's why.

Especially in the WCO, Boldin would be absolutely disgusting in the WCO with his YAC ability.

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:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :40oz:

Gold. Comic gold.

Where do I even begin?

I would begin with looking at what Betts did when running 20 times a game....about twice the yardage that Portis gave us. Add another 400 yards receiving on top of that--and yes, it is doubtful that Rock could be as good.

But the real issue is a pass rush. If we give away our first......sure we can try a DE in the second or third round, and end up with the talent equivalent of say a Fabini or Wade(albeit offensive linemen.)

And then we can use our next pick on a corner....one round lower in talent that we would have otherwise had.

We can also pray that our offensive line stays healthy yet again. :laugh:

Or.....rather than finding a decent pass rusher.....we could find an elite pass rusher. Say a Strahan type....or a Dwight Freeney.

Having Boldin to throw to.....no backup running back, and an average pass rusher is not the way to build a team.

So, to start, if I were you.....I would just start taking notes to begin your football learning process.

Watch what Parcells does this season. Watch the focus on both sides of the line. Then tell me how Boldin is going to help our pass rush.


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A friend was listening to the radio today and said he heard

sometimes I get the feeling this is simply a softer way of saying "hey guys, what do you think about" ....

What radio station was it? And did I hear a 'niner' in there? was it a walky-talky? :silly:



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Betts and and #1 for Boldin and there #2 or 3 that way we have depth still in the draft, i like this play for any trade cause its going to be hard to get a good value at #21 in the 1st and there are some good #2 and 3 picks out their, just a thought... This works for the Hall trade, our 1st for Hall and 2nd or 3rd

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Heck yeah, I remember him running over ray lewis for a touchdown. He is a Powerful, fast, quick, Great hands, team player. Look up that play up on youtube. Our new offense main focus Is QB; and WR breaking tackles(yards after catch).

I give Betts and the 21st pick(easy). Will still have Mason, and Rock, to back up our starter CP.

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So we can't win without Betts????:rolleyes:

Get real we do what every team is starting to do running back by committee. A combination of Rock,Mason,Nemo will do just fine as a back up rotation!

No running game we go to the air like Seattle did to us in the playoffs, you see what the WCO teams do when the running game fails= They air it out!

Get real? Did you miss the Seattle game?

Did you see their pass rush?

What about the Giants? How great was Brady throwing against that pressure?

We might be able to go past the wildcard game without Betts--although that is questionable.

What we can't do is be a serious contender without a pass rush.

Trade for Boldin=sacrificing our pass rush.....and dropping at least one round lower on every subsequent pick.

We need a line......both offensive and defensive. Without that, we could have Randy Moss and still not go all the way.

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:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :40oz:

Gold. Comic gold.

Where do I even begin?

I would begin with looking at what Betts did when running 20 times a game....about twice the yardage that Portis gave us. Add another 400 yards receiving on top of that--and yes, it is doubtful that Rock could be as good.

But the real issue is a pass rush. If we give away our first......sure we can try a DE in the second or third round, and end up with the talent equivalent of say a Fabini or Wade(albeit offensive linemen.)

And then we can use our next pick on a corner....one round lower in talent that we would have otherwise had.

We can also pray that our offensive line stays healthy yet again. :laugh:

Or.....rather than finding a decent pass rusher.....we could find an elite pass rusher. Say a Strahan type....or a Dwight Freeney.

Having Boldin to throw to.....no backup running back, and an average pass rusher is not the way to build a team.

So, to start, if I were you.....I would just start taking notes to begin your football learning process.

Watch what Parcells does this season. Watch the focus on both sides of the line. Then tell me how Boldin is going to help our pass rush.


:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I remember what Betts did when he got about 20 carries a game recently, which is nothing. There's a reason we strayed from the split back system after the first few games in '07. CP could handle it, Betts could not. Betts is nothing more than a one-hit wonder at this point.

DE in the 2nd automatically means they will only have talent equivalent to Wade or Fabini? Better not tell that to Osi Umenyora, Jared Allen, Trent Cole, Kyle Vanden Bosch, or Aaron Kampan, all guys taken in the 2nd round or later.

With or without the 1st round, we can still draft good O-line depth in the 3rd and later rounds. @nd round: DE, 3rd round: CB, 3rd round comp.: O-line, 5th: O-line, etc.

The only reason you assume the pass rusher would be average is because you don't want your boy Betts to be traded. No back-up RB? How do we know? Rock could do well, as could Marcus Mason. They can't do much worse than Betts' 3.6 ypc last season.

Football learning process is something you desperately need to start comprehending, or at least considering over your man crush with Betts. Top-flight, elite WR, or a back-up RB. Hmmm, I wonder which one is more important to a team? That's a tough one.

You care to respond to my point about you constantly advocating a CP trade, meaning Rock would back-up Betts, but now that it is CP and Rock, and your boy getting traded you are all up in arms?

Parcells is a mercenary. When's the last time one of his teams won a playoff game?

How is Boldin going to help our pass rush? How is Betts going to help it? And I'm the one who needs football lessons.:rolleyes:

Tell me how Betts is going to produce even half of what Boldin could without banking on an injury to CP? And don't bother bringing up injury history, Betts is in the same boat.

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Get real? Did you miss the Seattle game?

Did you see their pass rush?

What about the Giants? How great was Brady throwing against that pressure?

We might be able to go past the wildcard game without Betts--although that is questionable.

What we can't do is be a serious contender without a pass rush.

Trade for Boldin=sacrificing our pass rush.....and dropping at least one round lower on every subsequent pick.

We need a line......both offensive and defensive. Without that, we could have Randy Moss and still not go all the way.

You need to get real dude. The only reason you are assuming we can't get a good DE in the 2nd round is because that is the only straw you can grasp at, and it's not a good one, at all.

Biggest advocate of trading CP, and having a duo of Betts and Rock. Now that we are talking about trading Betts, Rock all of a sudden isn't a good back-up in your mind. Yeah, no bias there.:rolleyes:

One pick being traded, and all of a sudden we can't draft multiple players at positions where studs are found in the later rounds.

You should consider yourself lucky the Boldin trade is speculation at best right now.

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Betts aint that interesting to Arizona. Edge still has some game left in him and they could easily draft a RB this year. There is a solid crop of RB's available after Mcfadden.

I would think the Cards would be completely interested in a guy that can step up and rip out a 1000yd season....because edge ain't doin' it no more. Additionally, this would open up 2 reasonable 1st round picks for a team that frankly, needs it. They could use those picks for the best OL, DL, LB on the board...need positions. They STILL have B. Johnson at last check...he's not horrible in the least.

Would the skins be hurting? I think not. Rock Cartright would easily take Betts place...in his limited capacity, he's shown he can break out big yardage and has been marked as an all-pro special teams player (per the Skins).

In short, if you're Vinnie Cerrato, you should at least buy Boldin's agent a nice bottle of wine and have the Cards GM on the shortlist of people to call in the offseason.

This is a very feasible trade, I'm for it totally. But I don't see it happening.


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He would want a extended contract upon getting here. We never will develop from within and people wonder why we go no where. We overpaid for Randel El and its showing. I rather us sign Kelly and Sweed and be done with it

randel el was never proven as a sure handed and game changing receiver

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:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I remember what Betts did when he got about 20 carries a game recently, which is nothing. There's a reason we strayed from the split back system after the first few games in '07. CP could handle it, Betts could not. Betts is nothing more than a one-hit wonder at this point.

DE in the 2nd automatically means they will only have talent equivalent to Wade or Fabini? Better not tell that to Osi Umenyora, Jared Allen, Trent Cole, Kyle Vanden Bosch, or Aaron Kampan, all guys taken in the 2nd round or later.

With or without the 1st round, we can still draft good O-line depth in the 3rd and later rounds. @nd round: DE, 3rd round: CB, 3rd round comp.: O-line, 5th: O-line, etc.

The only reason you assume the pass rusher would be average is because you don't want your boy Betts to be traded. No back-up RB? How do we know? Rock could do well, as could Marcus Mason. They can't do much worse than Betts' 3.6 ypc last season.

Football learning process is something you desperately need to start comprehending, or at least considering over your man crush with Betts. Top-flight, elite WR, or a back-up RB. Hmmm, I wonder which one is more important to a team? That's a tough one.

You care to respond to my point about you constantly advocating a CP trade, meaning Rock would back-up Betts, but now that it is CP and Rock, and your boy getting traded you are all up in arms?

Parcells is a mercenary. When's the last time one of his teams won a playoff game?

How is Boldin going to help our pass rush? How is Betts going to help it? And I'm the one who needs football lessons.:rolleyes:

Tell me how Betts is going to produce even half of what Boldin could without banking on an injury to CP? And don't bother bringing up injury history, Betts is in the same boat.

Quoted for emphasis.

Long, crushing posts like these are too few and far between in a sea of one sentence simple agreement posts. But this here should be enjoyed, especially when it's on the case of McD5 and his usual hopeless man-crush.

Mc bud, give it up already. There's a reason you have the sig you currently have, just try and remember that.

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I am all for a so called "sick" WR but if you don't have a solid Oline to give JC time to throw to not just this sick WR but to others as well it doesn't make any sense to drool over a tall WR like this. Hopefully I am wrong.
Believe me, Arizona's line hasn't even been in the ballpark of what we have now, so that's not even a concern. Boldin's good enough at coming back to the QB when he's in trouble and making a play out of nothing with a short pass once he's got the ball in his hands. Just ask Kurt Warner how many times Boldin (and Fitz) have bailed him out of sticky situations without an actually reliable RB or offensive line to help him out.
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Believe me, Arizona's line hasn't even been in the ballpark of what we have now, so that's not even a concern. Boldin's good enough at coming back to the QB when he's in trouble and making a play out of nothing with a short pass once he's got the ball in his hands. Just ask Kurt Warner how many times Boldin (and Fitz) have bailed him out of sticky situations without an actually reliable RB or offensive line to help him out.

Excellent point. I can't believe I didn't think of that in response to the "we have O-line and QB issues" stuff. AZ's O-line is terrible, and JC is just as good, if not better, than Leinart at this point.

Last time I checked, our D was better than AZ's as well.

McD5 is always loudest when it comes to talks about trading CP. Some people can't handle the taste of their own medicine.

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This would be a fantastic move for all parties... (Let me also add that I live in AZ and know more about the team than I care to admit thanks to local sports radio)

1. Boldin now wants a bigger deal, more comparible to Fitz. Boldin is a great team player and all, but the man has his pride (plus his agent is good ol' boy Drew R :D)

2. I saw a couple of people mentioned Edge in AZ as a reason that the Cards wouldn't pick up Betts. Edge is NOT considered the long term option in AZ at the rb position. He is mentioned as a good pick up; but way too expensive for the production he has given.

3. Betts will not fit well into the style of offense the skins will be running which will be a more spread out WCO. Betts is a downhill between the tackles runner-which Portis is also good at (Betts is better in this aspect, however). But what this means is that Betts will be used less for the Gibbs smash mouth-Portis will be used as a multi-threat; run and receiving. Whisenhunt as a guy that many of us know in Russ Grimm, and I honestly think that Grimm is druling at the opportunity to get a between the tackles back like Edge.

4. Betts stock will only get lower. He will not have another performance like he had in 06, and we may be able to add value to a trade if we trade him now.

5. I also read in this thread that there is concern about addressing the dline.

A: We will have to give up a 1st rounder if we wanted to get Boldin. So lets go off of that. By the time the draft rolls around, if we were able to make this deal happen, we use our first to pick up a top flight wr-something we were already considering doing, so we save a draft pick as well as another FA move.

B: With the comp pick that will most likely be in the 3rd round, we will still maintain plenty of picks to add depth to the rest of the team, while still being able to add a quality dl in the 2nd round.

I will go on the record as I do not believe this will happen. Az's FO has improved since the Bidwell's son has taken over as the GM (that's part of the reason they were 8-8 last year). Boldin will find a way to get Az to renegotiate his contract imo and will get the same money as Fitz. If that doesn't happen, they will let his contract expire and Boldin will be a top FA when he hits the market.


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As much as I love the way Anquan plays the game if you honestly think hes worth Betts and a 1st rounder your somewhat retarded. Think about it, we have been begging for a redzone threat (someone who can run a damn fade) but the the dudes only 6'1 (shorter then cooley). We all love his YAC capability but Moss and ARE are gonna be capable of bigtime YAC in the WCO. We would expect him to be our #1 WR but do you really want your #1 WR having the mentality of a LB consistently seeking contact which brings injuries. Now im not saying I dont want him but not at the price you guys are willing to give up. I would say Bett's, 3rd round and comp pick or ARE and a 2nd but I wouldnt go any further then that. And for all of you who are so anxious to trade Betts because of his poor performance last year you have to take into account the fact that were not payin the guy squat in comparison to other quality backup RB's. Dont forget Arizona is one of the worst managed franchises in all of sports, lets take advantage of that.

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