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Sweet Sassy Molassy

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  1. 1. Is McCain's stance on immigration going to hurt him

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Well, next time you go sashaying into some store wearing a half-shirt and listening to Journey on your Iphone, look around. If there's a guy with a paper, you're liable to get that look.


I don't own a half-shirt (whatever that is), nor do I have an iPhone. Pretty sad, though, that you think all people that listen to Journey are ghey. Old Journey? Classic. Pretty much everyone I knew growing up liked them. New Journey? You can talk trash about those guys all you want.

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I don't own a half-shirt (whatever that is), nor do I have an iPhone. Pretty sad, though, that you think all people that listen to Journey are ghey. Old Journey? Classic. Pretty much everyone I knew growing up liked them. New Journey? You can talk trash about those guys all you want.


Growing up around a bunch of gay guys may have held an undue influence.

And I don't know if you are ghey. but the Journey is a strong indicator. Sort of like moles can mean skin cancer, but not always.

No worries tho,, Journey fans can still lead rich, rewarding lives regardless of their affliction.

Just look at Mick!


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Growing up around a bunch of gay guys may have held an undue influence.

And I don't know if you are ghey. but the Journey is a strong indicator. Sort of like moles can mean skin cancer, but not always.

No worries tho,, Journey fans can still lead rich, rewarding lives regardless of their affliction.

Just look at Mick!


Still with the gay jokes? Give it a rest already. We get it, you don't like Journey. Pretty sure you probably like bands that I wouldn't approve of, as well. But I'm not gonna bag on you for it.

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Give it a rest indeed.

I think it's funny that someone could pretend to be offended by some gay jokes 141 posts into a thread devoted to racial stereotypes.

Back to making fun of the asians then.

Obviously their panties don't bunch as easily as Journey fans'.


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Man did this thread get hijacked by Journey.

On topic... Ive read the entire thread and didn't see this comment anywhere yet... Surprising.

Most Asian people love tobacco. love it. Go to any Asian Country (heck even in America) and look. Everyone having a cig. Its baffling when you notice how much they love them some smokes.

Also, in China or some developing Asian Countries, they love them some animal horn, or paw, or entrails, or eyes, or some sort of animal part. Pickled Bear paw, next to the fish eyes and the Monkey fingers. One brings good luck, one brings fertitlity, one compliments Meso very nicely... You don't see much of this in America, but you go to China... and its an odd ingrediant buffet. Ask Anthony Bourdain.

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Also, in China or some developing Asian Countries, they love them some animal horn, or paw, or entrails, or eyes, or some sort of animal part. Pickled Bear paw, next to the fish eyes and the Monkey fingers. One brings good luck, one brings fertitlity, one compliments Meso very nicely... You don't see much of this in America, but you go to China... and its an odd ingrediant buffet. Ask Anthony Bourdain.

My refrigerator is home to pretty much anything in the sea. My wife (Chinese) eats things that do not resemble food to me. I've got tentacles in my fridge, all sorts of things.

Course she says I eat hot dogs, and we all know what those are made of. So, I definitely saw her point.


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I noticed someone said cameras,

I am going to say taking pictures of everything, and anything.

I have seen them taking pictures

while skiing down the hill

for hours straight at the beach

pictures of my dog, for some reason

I would also like to add traveling in large groups on tours, while taking lots of group pictures. If you even need a camera, ask the nearest Asian person.

This used to be true in the 80's especially with Japanese people and that is where the sterotype originated. With the advent of digital cameras, it pretty much inlcudes all races now. Especially perverted or pedo guys of all races and creeds with all their upskirt pics and whatnot. Hell, Almost all phones now are camera phones and you see all kinds of pics and videos uploaded online.

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