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Movie memories


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Do you have a specific movie(s) that when you watch it, it takes you back to a time in the past that you experienced?

For instance, when I watch "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" it kind of makes me kind of nostalgic about the 70's when I was just a little kid. The clothes, the television programs, cars, etc.

Not to mention that sound:

Jaws is another one. It reminds of going to the beach out on the Patuxent River or Ocean City when I was a kid. Minus the shark of course. ;)

What are your nostalgic movies?

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Back to the Future 1. One of the first movies I ever loved, it makes me remember the nights I'd come in from a day of playing hide & seek and going around on the Big Wheel.

Return of the Jedi is the first movie I remember watching, reminds me of my grandfather's house on the bay. Watching that movie there for the first time is one of the only memories I have of the place.

Terminator 2 just puts me back in the early/mid 90's. That movie probably creates the biggest feeling of nostalgia for me.

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Probably not what you mean, but every time I see the Wizard of Oz... I flash back to being a kid with the whole family gathered around to watch it. We used to watch it every year. There were a couple other family event movies, but that one and maybe "Sound of Music" were the biggest.

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Probably not what you mean, but every time I see the Wizard of Oz... I flash back to being a kid with the whole family gathered around to watch it. We used to watch it every year. There were a couple other family event movies, but that one and maybe "Sound of Music" were the biggest.
That works too. It can either be the content or the personal history related to the viewing of it. :)

Mine just happened to be the content that more reminded me of those times. :cheers:

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Guest sith lord

There's so many. I remember watching The Empire Strikes Back in the theaters back in the day. I'll never forget that. Another memory that stands out is the double feature of The Thing and Cat People at the drive in.

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I'm with you on the Wizard of Oz, reminds me of family and innocent fun times too. The last couple years I've been working on the niece and nephews to have the same kind of association with a Christmas Story. We've watched it together and had it on all day in the background while opening presents and playing with them, cooking good food and such. Hoepfully, they'll look back on it and think of Uncle KAO and some good times. I know I already do.

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Star Wars in 1977. It had just opened and my dad took me and my 2 brothers and stood in line for 2hrs at the Uptown theatre. And we missed the 1st 5 minutes - luckily I saw it like 5 other times over the summer.

Me too...the last time I saw it in the theater in 1981 especially...I went on a Saturday afternoon and sat in the middle of the theater...and then in the front row I saw this girl who I was madly in love with...and we sat together and had a really good time.

I am a huge Star Wars fan (still have the toys from 1977) and I saw it about 4 times but I think that time was the best.

"The Empire Strikes BacK"...when Vader said his famous line and hearing a packed movie theater gasp all at once is forever etched in my ears.

The first "Superman" movie...seeing Clark run across the street and rip open his shirt revealing that big red "S"...I remember my jaw just dropping and thinking, "Wow it really is him!"

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The back to the future movies remind me of being a kid.
Sometimes I just look back at those times and am like "Man, life was so much simpler then." Then I look at how much homework and other crud my 7 year old boy is starting to have to deal with and it makes me feel sad. Its a lot harder for kids to be kids these days. :(

Does anybody remember those old soda/beer cans with the metal strip that you pulled off and threw away? You had to be careful walking in your barefeet back in the 70's!

I also remember back in the day, it seemed like there were always bees in the clover on the lawn. Don't see them anymore either.

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I remember the first time I saw Ferris Beuller's Day Off...I was probably about 8 and was loving every minute of it because Ferris was the coolest guy ever. PLUS it was the first time I ever heard the Beatles (Twist and Shout). That parade scene remains one of my favorite in cinema.

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The 1986 version of "The Fly"...the only time I ever thought I would get sick in a movie theater.

It wasn't a bad movie at all...very powerful...by the end of the movie I had felt i had been hit in the chest with a baseball bat.

"Saving Pvt. Ryan" the entire theater leaving in silence.

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The Lost Boys will forever be one of my favorite movies in part because I first saw it at my favorite childhood place - Camp Wingaroo :) We used to watch it before going on ghost hikes.

One year when our camp director actually rented Bram Stoker's Dracula - we watched that until the half naked women started popping up and then the tv was quickly turned off and we switched back to the Lost Boys!

EDIT: I also have very vivid memories of going to see Jurassic Park. My parents were in Seattle and my sister in law took my brother (not the one she was married to) and I to see it. I guess I was 9 at the time so my brother was like 13. He refused to sit with us be cause we keep screaming and jumping out of our seats.

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One more... Shakespeare in Love

It came out the year my first play got a New York production and so many of the difficulties they were going through in getting R&J off the ground seemed to parallel what I was going through with M&GK.

And it's true... it's impossible, but somehow it all works out.

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Another for me is Stand By Me. It was the first movie that I could relate to my friends and I because it didn't hold much back. Curse words, the occasional cigarette, shooting guns (which I didnt do). But the movie certainly wasn't made to be a kid-flick. Sure I didn't run away from any trains while crossing a bridge, but the relationship those kids have reminds me of the friends I had as a kid.

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Smokey and the Bandit

First movie(adult movie) that I ever went to see and saw it at a drive thru.

It's the first movie I ever saw where they were cussing every other minute. :laugh:

Now when I see it on reruns, I think of bad hotdogs,good popcorn and watered down drinks at Bengi's drive thru in Baltimore.

And....how much they butchered the movie to edit out the cussing. :laugh:

Gleason as Buford T. Justice= Classic Comedy

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Also, the opening scene storming the beach. So powerful.

Agreed...I remember reading that James Doohan (Played "Scotty" on "Star Trek") saw that and called Steven Spielberg and thanked him for that opening. Because he was a part of the invasion of Normandy landing and said that people need to realize how chaotic & difficult it was on so many levels to be a part of it. He lost part of his left hand as a result of it and he said he did see a lot of his friends die that day.

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