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I like coffee cakes ... but I hate coffee

Sweet Sassy Molassy

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Kosher - I'm just weird.

I have a thing with the consistency of food.

Mushy stuff = gross.

Fruits = mushy.

Veggies = Crisp.

Oh, but I don't like tomatoes. But I like tomato products


Makes sense that you don't like tomatoes. The tomato is a fruit. :)

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I've never had a coffee cake before but I do love me some Starbucks

Why doesn't Starbucks sell coffee cakes?

I've never had any of the Starbucks drinks, the only thing I get there is the Odwalla assortment of juices. The Starbucks in Lenox Mall in Atlanta used to carry this one coffee cake that was straight money. It was a peaches and creme coffee cake. Holy shnikeys was that thing good. Then one day they stopped carrying it. Jerks.

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I've never had any of the Starbucks drinks, the only thing I get there is the Odwalla assortment of juices. The Starbucks in Lenox Mall in Atlanta used to carry this one coffee cake that was straight money. It was a peaches and creme coffee cake. Holy shnikeys was that thing good. Then one day they stopped carrying it. Jerks.

I usually get the White Mocha if I get coffee from there. The breakfast sandwhiches they sell are money but you end up dropping almost $10.00 on breakfast if you get a coffee also.

They call it a Scone...


Never understood that, but ok.....

I hate scones they suck *****

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Totally off topic ... but I think that I saw your wife on the beltway last weekend or two weekends ago. 4-Runner with HOF 44? I looked in the car thinking that it would be a man driving ... nope ... it was a woman.

Actually it probably was Babbers....I heard SSm has some pics...:paranoid:

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Is there something wrong with me?



Yes, because good coffee is delicious, you cheap **** :silly:

Folgers, Maxwell house, and all that other shelf **** is horrible, i agree. It all tastes like ass, no matter how many times they write gourmet on the bag.

Starbucks also sucks, because they use the same type of nasty ass Arabica beans, which blow.

If you want good coffee, order some real Kona (not that 10% store blend)

You should also try Kenyan, and a few of the flavored coffees you mix and grind yourself at Farm Fresh.

If you try any of those, get back to me - I guarantee you will no longer hate coffee.

Coffee isn't bad, bad coffee is bad. If you want the good ****, you gotta pay for it. Good coffee is $10+/Lb. Great coffee is $25+/Lb. that's just how it goes.

Oh, brew it in a French Press instead of a coffee pot, and it's even better.

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Starbucks also sucks, because they use the same type of nasty ass Arabica beans, which blow.
Arabica is actually the higher quality coffee. The problem is that the plants are more fragile and harder to produce so you can easily get a bad crop of Arabica beans. The Robusta trees are more resistant and easier to produce. You can get exceptional Robusta, like in Kenya which you note below.

Starbucks coffee sucks because with such a large company they are forced to buy coffee from very large farms. They are also more loyal to their growers and they support Fair Trade. Most smaller coffee companies will buy the best quality crops they can find every season rather then stay loyal to certain farms. Starbucks is also more likely to brew older coffee.

You should also try Kenyan, and a few of the flavored coffees you mix and grind yourself at Farm Fresh.
Kenyan coffee is delicious. One of my favorites. :cheers:
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Yes, because good coffee is delicious, you cheap **** :silly:

Folgers, Maxwell house, and all that other shelf **** is horrible, i agree. It all tastes like ass, no matter how many times they write gourmet on the bag.

Starbucks also sucks, because they use the same type of nasty ass Arabica beans, which blow.

If you want good coffee, order some real Kona (not that 10% store blend)

You should also try Kenyan, and a few of the flavored coffees you mix and grind yourself at Farm Fresh.

If you try any of those, get back to me - I guarantee you will no longer hate coffee.

Coffee isn't bad, bad coffee is bad. If you want the good ****, you gotta pay for it. Good coffee is $10+/Lb. Great coffee is $25+/Lb. that's just how it goes.

Oh, brew it in a French Press instead of a coffee pot, and it's even better.

I've tried the expensive stuff too. I just don't like the stuff in general. I especially can't stand items that are coffee flavored. That stuff is horrible to me. Coffee Ice Cream, Tiramisu, all that stuff is crap to me.

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My Uncle Stu was recently rushed to the hospital for a variety of ills, Bleeding from his ears, male pattern baldness, and the dreaded restless leg syndrome. A team of doctors hunkered down for several days trying to figure out the cause of Uncle Stu’s problems. Finally, stumped, they called my Uncle in to give him the bad news. When he was seated they asked him if he’d like a cup of coffee. Uncles Stu told them that he hated the stuff and never touched it.

The doctors were so outraged that three of them physically threw my Uncle out of the hospital and down the front steps.

So to answer your question – yes there is something the matter with you.

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