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Where were you 16 years ago today...


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I figrued we needed a break from all the coaching rumor threads, the front-office bashing and attacking one another . (Not saying that some of things aren't justified and so forth but still we all needed a break).

Agreed! Great idea, ECU! :applause:

(Personally, I am exhausted from all of "this")

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I was in high school during the first two Gibbs SB appearances and just watched those with my mom, and then during the win over the Broncos I was in college and was only watching with one buddy. I was living in the DC area when we played Buffalo and watched it at a SB party my aunt and uncle had. It was great watching a game with about 30 other Skins fans and every time we'd do something good everybody would clap and cheer! I remember the pregame intros and Thurman Thomas was all ****y doing his duckwalk, and then the Skins were intro'd and Rypien jogged out and gave two thumbs up. He was so collected, playing like someone with absolutely nothing to lose. I did get nervous as the Bills started to cut into the 24-0 lead we had built, and actually went into another room to watch the game by myself on another TV! But then when Ryp hit Clark on that TD to make it 37-10 I ran into the other room whooping and hollering! Driving home I happened to have a random Skins poster in my car and I just held it up to the window and was honking down I-66.

Geez, that seems so far removed from the BS we're having to endure now.

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I was in the Metrodome, upper deck Skins side on about the 10 yd line.

Not being a season ticket holder at the time I went to the game for about $450.00 per ticket because I didn't know how much longer Gibbs would be coach or when we might get there again.

Lots of good memories.

1) They handed out foam 7-11 snowballs 2 blocks from the stadium and took them back at the gate (I still have 1);

2) I met Neil Olkewicz in the stands and he was primed and ready to go wearing his old jersey.

3) Bruce Smith showed up on the field 1.5 hours before the game and looked nervous while jammin to his tapeplayer (remember no ipods?)

4) The blonde in front of me reminded me that we would be singing HTTR alot when the Bills fans seemed to outnumber us early in the game. We did.

5) Thurman Thomas lost his helmet and didn't really show up until the Bills second possession.

6) The Skins dominated the first half, the Bills were just a non-factor in the game.

7) I laughed so hard at Andre Reed losing his temper and his helmet that I spilled my drink. I spilled it on my leather coat where you can still see the stain today (I wouldn't dare clean it off).

8) At half time I was the guy yelling FROSTY at the top of his lungs, while the snowman himself was on the field dancing in front of Gloria Estefan.

9) When Curt Gouveaia ran the interception back for a TD at the beginning of the second half, I knew we had completely won.

10) I still think Art was robbed from that touchdown pass, even after seeing it on tape.

11) Byner/Riggs/Ervins were unstoppable.

12) Ryp was awesome.

13) Darrel got at least one pick from like across the field, awesome.

14) The Bills never really had a chance yet their fans were class acts, not the kind of Cowboys/Eagles fans that have frequented FedEx.

15) A guy who identified himself as a head NFL official that sat behind me to the right and sat with a Guido looking guy that had bet heavily on the Bills with the spread got very angry with me for cheering for the Skins to Run up the score and threatened to have me removed. He shut up and stopped bothering me when I said I would go public with his name (which he had previously volunteered) and what he and his buddy Guiddo had said about the score and the spread if he did (don't tell me that Vegas doesn't run the NFL).

16) The fans sang HTTR all the way through without any accompanyment after every score, I still get chills remembering that.

17) The afterparty had all the celebs there including Don and Mike, George Michaels, Pat Ryan, Players Charles Mann, Jumpy Geathers, Chip Lohmiller, and others.

Lord thank you for that night, it was wonderful !!

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Right at this moment, I had cracked open a bottle of wine, and my girlfriend at the time, was taking my picture in front of my Skins xmas tree. We had a deal that as long as the Skins were still playing, my tree could stay up. I had watched the game with my best friend, and we did not drink a drop. We wanted a clear head for every play. I got home, bottle in hand and just watched every sports show known to man. Even bought some stuff off Home Shopping. It was new at the time:eaglesuck :gaintsuck :dallasuck :cheers:

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I was about a month away from going away to boot camp for the Navy and about 5 months away from getting married out on leave from boot camp. It was the happiest couple years of my life. (being in the Navy.):laugh:

Of course it seemed terrible when I was in, I look back now and wish I never got out.-AKA- "the good 'ol days".

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Guest ComebackKing

I was 3 years old; more worried about when my next snacktime was than football.

Sure wished I could have lived those days!

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12 yrs. old, nervous as hell, covered in Redskins gear, watching the game with my bro, nachol. I still get nervous thinking about the Monk overturn/missed field goal to start that game. Sidenote: What was your favorite moment of that game other than the final score? Mine? Knocking Jim Kelly out cold with Brad Edwards decleating Don Beebe(?) at the marker a close second.

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I was 28 and watched the game at a buddy's house. I still remember the Bills' defensive players taunting Mark Ripien after his 3rd down pass went incomplete when the Skins started the game with a 3 and out. The camera caught Ripien yelling back "kiss my _ _ _!" as he headed off the field. I think a lot of people forget how great a season Ripien had that year.

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