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Where were you 16 years ago today...


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So, what did I do with those Bills fans back at the office in Rochester when I returned? Since Redskins fans are known for our class, I opened the staff meeting on Wednesday morning with the comment, "great game," while sipping coffee from my Redskins Super Bowl Champion mug showing the schedule results.


Love it!

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I watched the game at home with my family. It was one of the greatest nights of my life. I stayed up watching whatever post game coverage I could find. I still miss the tape I made when my whole collection was inadvertantly thrown out. Who needed tapes when you have DVD's? :doh: The 2-Disc Redskins Super Bowl set and Americas Game set has eased the sting a bit.

The next day at school was crazy, as just about everyone was on the Redskins bandwagon.

Redskins merchandise was EVERYWHERE, a couple of places set up stands like the fireworks ones on the 4th of July selling all sorts of gear. I miss those days.

One guy who went to my school (I was in 7th grade) was a Giants fan who had been talking **** all year because of thier Super Bowl win. He got dogged for the rest of the year, and before the SB.

One other guy was a huge Bills fan. I'll give this guy credit. He came to school the next day completely decked out in Bills gear despite the loss. He caught a little ****, but actually earned a lot of respect because he was the real deal fan. Admittedly I felt sorry for him years later as I cheered the Bills when they played the Cowboys in the Super Bowl to no avail.

I can only imagine what it will be like when lightning strikes once again, and the mighty Redskins are triumphant.

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I was 11 years old and watching in my parents' living room w/ my friends Tad and Andrew. There was snow on the ground and we got in trouble earlier in the day for throwing snowballs at cars that were passing the house. We hid behind my parents' cars that were parked at the curb. Good times....

That sounds oddly familiar...I think I got in trouble for throwing snowballs at cars also, I was in Alexandria though.


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i was in school here in switzerland!! I was 15.

I remember this neighbour congratulating me (he knew I used to live in D.C. and was a huge fan) and my eyes lit up!!!

That's awesome.

Side topic:

Is Berne the financial center of Switzerland? And is it elevated in the mountains or just surrounded by mountains?

Reason I ask is because one of my favorite movie series 'Smiley's People' was filmed partially in Berne, I believe.

Just curious

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In August of '91 I bought a house, and bought a new TV to watch the 'skins on. I had a party at my house to watch the Superbowl that year.

I still have the same house and the same TV. I'm thinking maybe I should upgrade; maybe it'll have a positive influence. :)

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My parents took me and my sister Up to atlantic city for the weekend , I think the hotel was Trop world or something because it had like an amusment park inside the casino for kids ( fun place from what i remember) And for the game we watched it in this like dinner theatre place converted to watch the game on like this HUGE screen .. I just remember my dad saying that he wished they would have stayed in D.C Because there were a lot of bills fans but I walked out of that place making fun of grown men when i was just 12 years old hahaha Loved every moment of it! My dads reason of being out of town was that every time he was out of the MD D.C area the skins won the superbowl game. Every time he was in the area They lost so he said why break a streak.

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SB Party at someones house in Bowie....didn't know anyone, except the couple that brought us.

Got ****-faced and kept cussing out Jim Kelly, Thurman Thomas and Bruce Smith on the TV.

Ran everybody, all Redskin fans, out of the living room and into the kitchen.

Watched most of the 4th by myself.

One of the best days of my life.

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I remember watching the game at our meeting house...and when it was over I was just there by myself and I just looked around and very quietly said, "Yes...we did it!"

I got back to my dorm and my suite-mate (who's dad was a season ticket holder) and I just looked at each other and high-fived for at least 10 seconds straight.

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I was a senior in high school and although I ALWAYS watch the games alone my best friend talked me into going over to his parents house to watch the game. I was so nervous because I didn't have my good luck chair to switch to if the Skins were losing. The whole time my friend and his brother were giving me a hard time and they were pulling for the Bills just to mess with me. I got the last laugh!

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