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Funny Thing About Those WP Guys :)


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True that man, sometimes the right decision isn't always the most popular one.

Yeah, and sometime's the wrong decision's the least popular one.


It's ok to take into account what other people think and feel if you don't really know what you're doing.

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JLC in his blog & Maske on the Cowherd show have both claimed that Dan has now backed off of Fossil due to fan reaction. Has anyone else noticed if it's just the WP citing the negative fan reaction, or are the national media guys mentioning this as well? And are the national guys referencing the WP if they're mentioning it, or are they just saying it as well?

I didn't actually answer this in my last post, just gave opinion. From what I've seen (and I've not seen it all), I see a few blogs (that were posted here), and the Poll on the WP and the Washington City Paper, which actually cited posts here - regarding fan reaction to Fassel (sp?).

I've been reading most of the major sports sites (FoxSports, SI, ESPN, etc.) and haven't seen anything specifically pertaining to fans (although I haven't looked in the last 2 hours). Larry Michael has just been discussing it on Redskins Radio, specifically mentioning message boards. That's about it. It would be interesting to see if the reaction of the fans makes it out into the "larger" media. I've been a Skins fan for many years and this is about the most negative reaction I've seen to a potential coach.

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I know this isn't the point of the thread, but just want to point out that it's not only the fans who are disgusted by the thought of Fassel as HC. The players have voiced their support for GW, and for all we know they could be prepared to revolt if Fassel is hired.

So for the media, or anyone, to assume that Snyder is simply being influenced by fan reaction is short-sighted. My guess is Snyder is taking the players' opinions to heart more so than the fans' opinions. If anything, it might be the combination of the player and fan reactions.

And Snyder SHOULD take the players' opinions into consideration, particularly given the fact that we are a playoff team. If we were 4-12 I would say screw the players opinions. But that's not the case.

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Yeah, and sometime's the wrong decision's the least popular one.


It's ok to take into account what other people think and feel if you don't really know what you're doing.

Point is, make your own decision and don't listen to us Yahoos who don't really know any better anyways. Right or wrong, it will be your decision.


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nothing I read or heard suggesting the Boy Owner is listening to fans, only that fans are reacting negatively

The Boy Owner would do well to listen to fans since revenue, as well as overall value, depends on the fan base in the long run

He has enjoyed the benefit of the most FANatical fan base in pro sports. If he blows this decision, and from all reports he is/was about to, I completely believe we have seen a market-top in franchise value

The supposedly brilliant business man would have been responsible for that reversal, not to mention the demise in fan base.

I am a bellweather fan, as are many here. AFter a while, it feels like we are rooting for burgundy and gold colored laundry

Make all the arguments you like about success under Gibbs, or failures of Saunders, vindication through Collins, or the future under Williams... these are worth arguing, but you cannot deny these things:

-we ended the season as a TEAM

-it felt good to be a Redskin fan again, ... a sense of pride and dignity

-continuity going forward was a real possibility

-most would argue that success is more likely on the field with all these ingredients

ALL of the above has been damaged, even if Williams is the eventual hire.

Dan and his moronic sidekick have accomplished just that.

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Amen to this. On top of this, several players, if they so choose to revolt in any fashion, could simply refuse to play in to the Skins' usual salary cap game of restructuring contracts in the same fashion that Mr. Springs did during the last off-season. Could you imagine, for instance, Clinton Portis not be willing to restructure. This could put us into the preverbial cap hell that the national media is claiming will come year in and year out.

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I know this isn't the point of the thread, but just want to point out that it's not only the fans who are disgusted by the thought of Fassel as HC. The players have voiced their support for GW, and for all we know they could be prepared to revolt if Fassel is hired.

So for the media, or anyone, to assume that Snyder is simply being influenced by fan reaction is short-sighted. My guess is Snyder is taking the players' opinions to heart more so than the fans' opinions. If anything, it might be the combination of the player and fan reactions.

And Snyder SHOULD take the players' opinions into consideration, particularly given the fact that we are a playoff team. If we were 4-12 I would say screw the players opinions. But that's not the case.

Amen to this. On top of this, several players, if they so choose to revolt in any fashion, could simply refuse to play in to the Skins' usual salary cap game of restructuring contracts in the same fashion that Mr. Springs did during the last off-season. Could you imagine, for instance, Clinton Portis not be willing to restructure. This could put us into the preverbial cap hell that the national media is claiming will come year in and year out.

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Like said before. If dan is listening to fans during this coaching search. I have lost all respect for him.

He should not listen to us. If he feels Jim Fassel is the best for the job,than he should hire him.

True that man, sometimes the right decision isn't always the most popular one.

If Dan Snyder had an ounce of credibility making football decisions, then you both would be correct. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be the case.

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Like said before. If dan is listening to fans during this coaching search. I have lost all respect for him.

He should not listen to us. If he feels Jim Fassel is the best for the job,than he should hire him.

While I see your point, I have 0 faith in who he feels is best for the job. And considering Williams hasn't been hired, I wouldn't say it's really "listening" to fans.

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Like said before. If dan is listening to fans during this coaching search. I have lost all respect for him.

He should not listen to us. If he feels Jim Fassel is the best for the job,than he should hire him.

Perfectly stated. I will lose the little amount of respect I have if the fans in any way influence his decision. I just hope a higher source of football knowledge intervenes and assists with his decision.

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What has Dan ever done to suggest that he ever listens to the fans on any subject whatsoever? Obstructed view seats? The Non-jumbotron? The $2M beers? Keeping Norv Turner? Promoting Cerrato?

I don't believe for a minute fan reaction influenced the coaching search because to Dan we are just another way to line his pockets - sheep to be fleeced. Baaaaahhhhh.

Fassel was reported as being offered the job. It apparently was not true, ESPN jumped the gun. If they had Fassel in two or possibly three times and he didn't get the offer it just means that he always smacked Vinny when he did that, "This is the most annoying sound in the world" thing he does. Gregg has been skipped because after the first time he wore steel toed boots.

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The NFL is a fan-driven business. Without Skins fans, there would be no Washington Redskins. Sure, it's Danny's team and he can do with it what he wants but NOT listening to the fans will indeed affect his revenue. For those of you saying he shouldn't listen to us, I'm here to tell you you're dead wrong.

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Funny thing about those WP guys-

all last night on NFLN and ESPN the scroll on the bottom of the screen read "Washington Post reports Fassel..." and it was wrong.

now "The "Washington Post reports" the reason our assumption, I mean breaking news was completely false was because of the something the Redskins did. Yeah, that's it - It's their fault. Be mad at them.

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I would say that the WP guys are stirring the pot a lot too. So much speculation is being reported as it's almost FACT. Nice that the reconize the average fan, but they appear to be making this more of a circus than the FO. Granted the FO is not helping matters...

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nothing I read or heard suggesting the Boy Owner is listening to fans, only that fans are reacting negatively

The Boy Owner would do well to listen to fans since revenue, as well as overall value, depends on the fan base in the long run

He has enjoyed the benefit of the most FANatical fan base in pro sports. If he blows this decision, and from all reports he is/was about to, I completely believe we have seen a market-top in franchise value

The supposedly brilliant business man would have been responsible for that reversal, not to mention the demise in fan base.

I am a bellweather fan, as are many here. AFter a while, it feels like we are rooting for burgundy and gold colored laundry

Make all the arguments you like about success under Gibbs, or failures of Saunders, vindication through Collins, or the future under Williams... these are worth arguing, but you cannot deny these things:

-we ended the season as a TEAM

-it felt good to be a Redskin fan again, ... a sense of pride and dignity

-continuity going forward was a real possibility

-most would argue that success is more likely on the field with all these ingredients

ALL of the above has been damaged, even if Williams is the eventual hire.

Dan and his moronic sidekick have accomplished just that.

Well thought and can't disagree although we fans can be fickeled and forgetful, especially if we have a winning season.


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The NFL is a fan-driven business. Without Skins fans, there would be no Washington Redskins. Sure, it's Danny's team and he can do with it what he wants but NOT listening to the fans will indeed affect his revenue. For those of you saying he shouldn't listen to us, I'm here to tell you you're dead wrong.

Considering some of the opinions expressed on this board, I wouldn't want ANY owner to take some of the advice on this board. Certainly, feedback can be useful, but it shouldn't drive decisions.

Personally, it amazes me those who ream Snyder, then go and suggest stuff that is even stupider than anything Snyder could think of.


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It is not that complicated a choice....You have the respect of the players...you have just gone through a really tough season....There is a deep connection between players and staff. The team has come together and was optimistic about the next season. Why would you blow something like this up? Why not let it ride with GW at the helm?

It was really hard for this team to build to this point.

I cant wait to get the whole story as to why the little guy did not hire GW upon satisfying the Rooney Rule.

Owning a team is more than pocketing the cash....What makes our Skins francise so awesome is it's history and Fan dedication. Any good manager knows when to deligate responsibility. You dont want an employee who just nods and kisses your ass all the time (fassel,vinnie). If you dont know football let somebody who does run the team(ie. gw, any good GM).

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