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So.......... What do you do for a living ?


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I'm in the middle of opening my own business here in Charleston. Damn it's a pain in the ass. Along with all of the detail work involved, I had an investor back out on me last week to put money into his friends restaurant. That hurt just a bit.
what are you opening down there? i have several friends and a couple former students down there that i could send your way.
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Ya, we all have a person we invission as the best choice to take over for Joe Gibbs, but the reality of it is, we don't know jack ****

Either does Vinnie.

Someone posted on another thread the draft picks he's been responsible for. Now I my not be invovled with the NFL, but there's not a doubt in my mind I could of drafted better players.

I love this team no matter what. But giving Vinnie the power that he has now and hiring Fassel is a huge mistake!

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I work at a Particle Accelerator. A Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility in Newport News. Its part of the DOE, Department of Energy. It use to be funded by SURA (Southern Universities of Research and Association).

I work in the Electrical Engineering Support division, as a Diagnostic Systems Technician II.

I support the electronic side of the Harp System, Viewer System, Beam Current Monitor System, Beam Position Monitors.

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I’ve been living in Afghanistan for the past year, in a place called Bagram Airfield.

While I was there, I won Street Sense at this year’s Kentucky Derby (K-Derby);

I was on youbet.com and coming in from Afghanistan. And I was looking at Barbaro the year before that down at FT Lee, VA and before that? was Giacomo--- he was unordinary. This year I wagered a grand on the Giants this past weekend and then wagered that winnings of 5+ grand on the Giants to win the Super Bowl, this past Monday morning. Yep I caught the spread with the Giants at 14 point under doggs...won't happen you say?

So! I play with other peoples' money! But if it does then I’ll be up 5+ grand with 14 point odds. That’s what over 80K. If the Giants' win, what will I do? I'll drop the whole 80K on this year's K-Derby.

If you like the ponies, run the Watchmakers' pool (1st and second pool is usually out by 4 APR of every year and the 3rd and final pool is out two weeks later, but you have to look every week because the analyses changes). But I wouldn't go off and start reading Andrew Beyer's commentary. He has several books out on how to pick 'em, but very complex. He's talking about trip handicapping and that you shouldn't rely on past performances. I don't rely on past performances. My technique is just the most recent...starting in early March of the same year. Right now there still in the barn but they'll start running and prepping the up-coming K-Derby in 2 months. Now I will reference Beyer's column, every year.

But I'm not looking at what he's looking at. Yes, I know he's a professional handicapper and he's written or rather authored more than 2 books (all soft back), but I'm from Barry Farms, S.E., D.C. , and yes I have my degree, but I developed my own technique. Last year I only won 12K minus taxes, because Street Sense’s morning line was 6-1 and paid $11.80. Don't bet a horse, to win, that carries a 5-2f in any pool. “Place” or “Show” is different depending on the field.

The object of course is to pick the horse to cross first, second and third. Curlin was a sure bet not to come in 1st place. What was my substance based on? Well he was trying to break Apollo and that hadn't been done since 1892; he was also trying to break Regret and that hadn't been done since 1915. But if you looked at Street Sense his pools were (what I refer to as smooth).

You have to be a special pony to “Win” or “Place” in the Kentucky Derby and the Watchmaker said Curlin had not ran as a 2 yr old and had only 2 starts going in; Nothings special about that; no way he was going to “Win” and he also wouldn’t be experienced enough to “Place”. Curlin’s pool was also "fool" of peaks and valleys. So you had to find the pony that was going to “Place” since Street Sense had the odd right behind Curlin at 6-1 the day prior and had just romped in the Breeder’s Cup Classic for the 5 million dollar purse, there was strong substance that he would win, but the biggest thing was his pool. Based on the Watchmaker, Street Sense was sure to win. The Watchmaker had him @ :

Pool #1 @ 10-1

#2 @ 8-1

#3 @ 6-1

Last years K-Derby was very easy to pick. Year before that with Barbaro was a hard race because every pony had something bad to say. Bluegrass Cat and Jazil had F’s all over the place. So picking them to place or show was even more detailed.

But last years K-Derby is like this year’s Super Bowl: By the time New England figures out Jacobs or Bradshaw it will be too late. And the passing lanes will be wide open. That’s what I new would happen to Greenbay: Ryan Grant would not run well and Greenbay would become one dimensional and less effective. Who’s better Pioli

(N.E.'s GM) or Ernie Acorsie , the Giants' GM ?

Now if you asked what do I want to do for a living? I want to get 5 automated barns, equipped with heat, water drippers and feeders on 140 acres there or about and contract Purdue and raise chickens. Okay and also raise and sell goats. Why goats? Goats are low maintenance. You just have to worm them and clip their nails, feed the babies and occasionally bring one into the house and literally nurse it. Goats are strange animals they’ll reject a baby if they automatically don’t hit their feet at birth.

Biggest thing about raising chickens is cleaning up all the feces every time Purdue drop a new flock. Purdue also would have to come in and change the grain because as chickens grow their protein changes. You also must have a location within 50 miles of a Purdue chicken plant. Right now it’s one down in Sussex County, VA and their also some just across the VA line. But one may ask what’s up with the 50 miles? I don’t know it’s just a parameter. When they bring you the chicks their little so it may have something to do with travel and the elements of weather. Tana and CP you know me.

Yes Sir Sean, Sean Taylor yes sir! Still loving and missing you man!


I nominate Bubba as The Washington Redskins next Head Coach, then we can really run them! Seriously--all these smart folks on this site. I'm not included of course.

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In describing Dan Snyder this way, you also just described 20-something of the 32 NFL owners. And most of the others were born into it or inherited it. Al Davis is probably the only exception to these two categories.

You may have a point if this were 1999. But Dan Snyder's 8 years running the team count for nothing? That's pretty arrogant of you.

Which is why most owners hire a GM instead of making football decisions themselves. Feel free to address the point of how Snyder knows anymore about football decisions than many of us do. And don't tell me that it's because he's watched football games for 8 years as an owner...
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Player personell manager for an NFL team. Now what!!

I am in fact the ever present and omnicient unnamed source.

Ahem... well, the one that's usually right. The other unnamed source is Bob. He's standing right over there. Say "Hi," Bob.


Now you know.

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Which is why most owners hire a GM instead of making football decisions themselves. Feel free to address the point of how Snyder knows anymore about football decisions than many of us do. And don't tell me that it's because he's watched football games for 8 years as an owner...

The only thing you can hope is that Snyder has learned something by actually speaking to coaches and football people on a daily basis. We as fans certainly don't have that.

Being around people that way, you should be able to pick up some kind of knowledge. What and how much is the question.

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