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So.......... What do you do for a living ?


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I work at the Pentagon where I get to see and do some cool things.

I work for a company that helps make DCSmooth safe at work so that he gets to see and do some cool things.

That more than qualifies me to express my opinion for the team ive followed my entire life and more than qualifies me to discredit some of the idiot threads that show up on this message board.

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Sorry dude, but you're waaay overqualified for that gig.

As for me, I play raquetball for a living so I am overqualified to pick personnel for the Skins F.O.

Finally, it's not so much about the individual hire but rather the overall body of work. In Snyderatto's case he's had one mulligan from me (SOS). After that, all Snyderatto's decisions

...are suspect. (Friends don't let friends drink and post.)

In any event, moving right along...WildBill and Peregrine hit the nail squarely on the head. One doesn't need to be a Doctor to know it's malpractice if they amputate the wrong limb. When examining Snyderatto's body of work, I'd say the malpractice analogy is particularly relevant.

I said this prior to Coach Gibbs' return and I'll say it again. Snyder is flirting with losing the interest of the fanbase. Most of us dyed in the wool diehards will continue to follow the team. However, there are also those more casual fans that are just tired of the continued mediocrity. These folks may either sell/give away their tickets to some games or simply not show up if we don't start to make some progress.

Gibbs' return forestalled that. However, there is a very real risk that if we return to business as usual, the fanbase will voice it's displeasure. Passing over Gibbs' seemingly hand picked successor is a move that could easily be perceived as being "back to the bad old days" and probably rightly so. Whether Snyderatto is intent on Fassel (as he seemed to be prior to Gibbs' return) or someone else, if that coach doesn't continue the improvement the team made under Gibbs 2.0, I wouldn't at all be surprised to see the scenario I described above to play out. Not a pretty prospect.

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I'm not a talent evaluator, nor do I have any great level of experience with football or professional football talent or team management (then again, neither does Daniel Snyder). What I do know however, is that if you make wholesale changes to your franchise every 2-4 years you will never be a successful franchise (something Snyder apparently isn't aware of and hasn't learned even when the lesson is taught by a HOF coach).

Case in point, The Washington Redskins.

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I'm in the U.S. NAVY. 12 years active duty. Thats what I do for a living.:)

Great post pete. I feel the same way.

I dont understand why people are so upset.

People are upset because they love this team and they are scared of what could happen with Gibbs gone. This team has been underachievers since Gibbs left the first time. For the last 15 years we have watched teams like (Green Bay, Atlanta, Chicago, NY, Philly, Seattle, St Louis etc make it to the Superbowl. Since Gibbs left in 1992(15 years ago) there have been 11 different teams that have made the superbowl from the NFC. If someone asked you in 1993 if you thought the Skins would make the superbowl in the next 15 years, what would you have said? This is the issue, just about everyone in the last 15 years in the NFC has had some kind of success except for us and a few other doormat teams(Detroit, Arizona). This is the reality, we are a confused and inconsistant organization and guess what, it started when Snyder bought the team. How the hell can we go the last 15 years without at least making it to the NFC championship game? This is who we have become and its getting old. The best teams are the ones the can scout and are masters at drafting and they have consistancy(they maintain there coaching staff for several years). Look at the facts, we are the exact opposite of what a winning franchise is.

PS - I appeciate the fact you risk your life for this country!

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I'm a pro football franchise-owning billionaire that has not so much as played college football, let alone grasped how to consistently win at the NFL level. Due to my riches and poor-to-mediocre track record, I'm obviously qualified to make Coaching and GM hires. No wait... That's Dan Snyder. Nevermind.

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Come on Pete, this is a message board for crying out loud. It's what we do. You can't tell me you have never questioned a political leader before can you? How about maybe a teacher you once had or a child of yours has (if you have children). Did you have all the experience and knowledge they had?

Besides, our (Redskins) track record isn't real good of late (track record meaning number of successful FA acquisitions vs. the number of poor ones, the number of draft picks that have hit compared to those who haven't, the number of wins vs. losses, and the most important, the number of championships won during the Snyder/Cerrato reign). There is reason to doubt Snyder and Cerrato. To do otherwise is to express ignorance, not homerism.



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