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So.......... What do you do for a living ?


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I'm a retail buyer for a boating store. I also manage the floor, set-up the displays and set prices.

I also have only hired successful employees and also increased the total net sales of the store by 20% last year. I believe that alone gives me a better track record than Vinny. I at least don't **** the bed when hiring people.

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Yup, I only work on high end euro trash :silly: BMW, Triumph, Ducati, and MV Agusta are the marquees we carry at our dealership.

I know you lie! There is no "fixing" a Triumph. The run on Tuesday afternoons, during months with an R, in leap years. Furthermore, they are built by devils and fiends, and adhear to no known laws of chem or physics... :laugh::laugh::laugh:

But, the reason we get our undergarmets bunched in our hindquarters is because we are passionate. AND after watching teams struggle or dominate over a period of thirty years, we do get a sense of of what works and what does not.

I have nothing against any of the mentioned coaches as people. I don't know them, and admit it freely, but I do have a right as a fan to be pessimistic because it braces me for pleasant surprises down the road.

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Since I own a Bed and Breakfast (albeit in Costa Rica and not Idaho) I feel that I am at least fully qualified to be the Offensive Coordinator of the Oakland Raiders.

Sorry dude, but you're waaay overqualified for that gig.

As for me, I play raquetball for a living so I am overqualified to pick personnel for the Skins F.O.

Finally, it's not so much about the individual hire but rather the overall body of work. In Snyderatto's case he's had one mulligan from me (SOS). After that, all Snyderatto's decision.

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My life is busy.

I am a professional dancer and also repair screen doors.

I also do a lot of volunteer work with girls who know dick.

I am studying combat oragami part-time while moderating ES.

ok...I'm finally done laughing!!!!

I am the Presidential candidate of the Naked Body Party....our Motto: "Naked Bodies of the World Unite"!!!!!! :D

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I build and fix servers and advise on technology for a large electric company. In my life I have been an air traffic controller, a union negotiator, a migrant laborer (my hippy days), a clerk in a 7-11 in a high crime area and an electrician in the Charleston Naval Shipyard. I also read books for the blind and was a bartender (non-drinking) to get through college. Oh, I was a COBOL programmer for a while also.

I don't care if they gave Vinny another title. He's going to draft another "best player available" and make a big splash this year like he's done every year since he's been in charge. The new title will not increase his brainpower enough to finally draft a lineman. He knows, just like the media does, that you don't need linemen to win games. It's all about WR, CB, RB, safeties and occasionally a LB. On the offense, if the man doesn't do a great dance in the end zone, then we don't need him. He'll sell the farm to bring a WR like Lloyd in, and not bother to extend a contract for a guard like Dockery when he can. Same old Loveable Vinny.

A new title won't change him. I expect he'll continue bringing in all of those players that have won those SuperBowls for us during his tenure. What a guy!

Hold it! Fighting a wedgie...Darned panties.

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Yes, we still exist. Legacy systems ROCK!

Back in the days I almost got into PASCAL and COBAL but got a degree in Biology instead. After college I went the Microsoft way - Windows that is - Currently IT Manager and develope using VBA. Still love DOS programming though!!!

EDIT: PETE if you come to ES then you have more knowledge and the know how to run a successful NFL team!!! I am surprised you actually don't think so. There is actually more brain power here at ES then at Redskins Park!!!

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