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Tom Cruise is INSANE!!! Scientology Promo Video


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I would love to know more about it:

unfortunately i don't have the many thousands needed per tier to learn it.

If they dropped the levels to say 100$, 200$, 400$ they'd get more incoming.

The current (conservative) total cost for the whole bridge to OT9 readiness is estimated at $365,000 - $380,000.

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Yea I feel sorry for people that get roped ionto Scientology. They obviously don't know its a cult and these people are just stealing money from them. What a scam..........

That is no different than any other organized religion on earth. What I find hilarious is people that believe in other religions making fun of this one when their own religion is probably more absurd.

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Watch this Scientology Promo Video. Somebody needs to wake these people up. They think they are God's gift and they are the only ones to save the world.

I think you can say that about most religions. Especially religions that go on TV, advertise and basically tell you that you are a POS and not worth the air that you breathe.

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These guys remind me a lot of the Lyndon Larouche folks. I did some research into them last year and I was astounded at what I read. Very similar tactics. They pray on people who are confused about their direction and/or purpose in life, and somehow convince them that all the answers are to be found in their cult. It's quite amazing, really.

Basically all cults prey on the weak, directionless, unemployed, no family, etc. That's the only way to reel you in. They find out your weekness and exploit it.

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Watch this Scientology Promo Video. Somebody needs to wake these people up. They think they are God's gift and they are the only ones to save the world.

Par for the course, it's how religion goes. People thought of Christianity, Islam, Judaism, ect, the same way when they were young. Realistically, there's not much difference in what Scientology claims to other religions, it's just newer and not widespread enough that it's still in it's cult phase, basically.

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I actually feel sad for someone who considers Scientology a religion.

A cult is very different. I think some people think cults and religion are one in the same.

What is the difference? A religion is a big cult. In both, you get asked or are pressured into donating money, are indoctrinated into believing in fairy tales and are instructed on the preferred way to live and act.

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These guys remind me a lot of the Lyndon Larouche folks. I did some research into them last year and I was astounded at what I read. Very similar tactics. They pray on people who are confused about their direction and/or purpose in life, and somehow convince them that all the answers are to be found in their cult. It's quite amazing, really.

Or fraternities/sororities.

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Anyone else here that thought that Scientology was a religion that believed in science and evolution? That's what I thought until I found out it was based on a sci-fi book...

It just shows you can make anything sound legitimate by putting an -ology on the end.

The Church of Beerology

The Church of ****ology

The Church of Analsexology

The Church of Bestialology

See, I would join anyone of these churches just from the name alone.

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Par for the course, it's how religion goes. People thought of Christianity, Islam, Judaism, ect, the same way when they were young. Realistically, there's not much difference in what Scientology claims to other religions, it's just newer and not widespread enough that it's still in it's cult phase, basically.
except theres absolutely no basis to it. its a work of science fiction for God's sake
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except theres absolutely no basis to it. its a work of science fiction for God's sake

Yeah, same thing was said the first couple hundred years after Jesus died. If Scientology keeps adding members, in a 100 years or so, it'll be viewed as a religion. They all start this way.

Tell me, other than the fact that you believe the unexplainable, unproveable "science fiction" in the Bible, what makes those stories different? If eventually enough people believe in Scientology's stories, and they believe it's the word of God not science fiction, how are they different from any other religion. The reaction to scientology is typical of the outsider reaction to ANY religion still in it's infancy/cult stage. How and why are the tenets of that any more or less believable than Jesus walking on water and coming back from the dead to an outsider?

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Got this from TMZ today:

Lawyers from the house that L. Ron built have sent a copyright infringement letter to Gawker Media to get them to remove their copy of the crazy Tom Cruise video making the rounds. All the letters in the world won't make it seem any less crazazy!

Gawker Media, which runs the Gawker and Defamer websites, posted the letter they received from a law firm representing the Church. In the letter, they allege the tape was "stolen from one its Churches." It probably just got scared and ran!

For their part, Gawker says they did nothing wrong -- and as of this posting, they have not taken down the video.

TMZ posted a few excerpts from it today. We'll keep checking the mailbox for our letter.

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I don't find that particularly 'disturbing' - he's clearly passionate about scientology, and it appears to me, almost obsessed with it. If anything, the idea that 'scientology can fix/cure anything' is simply arrogance in its highest form. It shouldn't be surprising that so many hollywood celebs find its draw irresistable.

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Yeah, same thing was said the first couple hundred years after Jesus died. If Scientology keeps adding members, in a 100 years or so, it'll be viewed as a religion. They all start this way.

Tell me, other than the fact that you believe the unexplainable, unproveable "science fiction" in the Bible, what makes those stories different? If eventually enough people believe in Scientology's stories, and they believe it's the word of God not science fiction, how are they different from any other religion. The reaction to scientology is typical of the outsider reaction to ANY religion still in it's infancy/cult stage. How and why are the tenets of that any more or less believable than Jesus walking on water and coming back from the dead to an outsider?

You're very insightful. I get a lot of that crap about my religion too.

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Guest ComebackKing

I like him as an Actor. I like that he's friends with Snyder and goes to Redskins games... But that's just totally, utterly, and absolutely insane.

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