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Tom Cruise is INSANE!!! Scientology Promo Video


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I think it's a privilege to call yourself a scientologist and it's something that you have to earn... and... because a scientologist does... he... or she... has the ability to... create new and better realities and improved conditions... aah.. being a scientologist, you look at someone and you know absolutely that you can help them.


So for me it really is KSW, and it's just like.. it's.. it's nothing that thing that-ah.. ah.. I don't mince words with that. You know.. with anything. In large sense, but that policy to me has really gone.. *mmph*.. boy. And I-ah-I.. there was a time when I trying to see and you know what... when I read it-aah-you know, and I, ah, just went *pooh* this is it. This is EXACTLY it.


Being a scientologist... when you drive past an accident.. it's not like anyone else... as you drive past, you know you have to do something about it, because... you know you are the only one that really can help.


That's... that's what drives me... it's that I know that we have an opportunity... and-ah... to really... to help... for the first time... ef-effectively... change peoples lives... and-ah... I'm dedicated to that... I'm gonna... gonna absolutely... uncompromisingly... dedicated to that.


Once you're there to help, ok, but... we as... you know... as... us as the public, we have a responsibility, it's not just the words... it's not just being a scabbage... you know... it's not just... it's not just me, it's you, its everyone out there, kinda... rereading KSW and looking at what needs to be done and saying ok... am I gonna do it or am I not gonna do it. Period.


And Im gonna look at that car and am I to afraid because I have my own ethics.. to put in someone elses ethics.. and that's what it all comes down to


And I won't hesitate to put ethics in someone else.. you know.. because I put it ruthlessly in on myself... and I think that-ah.. I respect that... in-in others... and ah... you know... I'm there to help. And we're here to help and my opinion is, is that, look: you're either onboard.. or you're not onboard. Ok? But just.. if you are onboard, you are onboard just like the rest of us. Period.


We are the authorities on getting people off drugs, we are the authorities on the mind, we are the authorities on improving conditions.. criminon.. we can rehabilitate criminals... we have happiness, we can bring peace... aah.. and unite cultures.. aah... that... once you know these tools and you know that they work, it's.. it's not good enough that-ah, just I am doing ok.


Traveling the world and meeting the people that I have met... talking with these leaders.. in differious fields... they want help.. and they are depending on people... who... know... and can be effective... and do it. And that's us. That is our responsibility to do that.


It is the time now. Now is the time. Ok? It is being a scientologist, people are turning to you, so you better know it... you better know it... and if you don't.... you know... go and learn it. *haha* you know... but don't pretend you know it... and... we're fo-... we're-whatever... we're here to help.


And if you're a scientologist, you see life bu-, you see things for what they are... in all it's glory, you know? All of it's complexity... aah... and the more you know as a scientologist, you become overwhelmed by it...


*haha*... and-ah... I well, and you know, sh-... they said... so... like, have you ever met an SP? *hahahahahha*.. and ah... *haha* you know.. and I thought, what a beautiful thing, because maybe one day, it will be like that? You know what I'm saying? Maybe one day *giggle* it will be... wow, SP? Like.. they'll be reading about those in the history books, you know? *haha*



Thing is, I just go through that tech, and it's literary.. it's... it's not *hah* how to run from an SP... it's PTSSP, how to shatter suppression. Confront, shatter suppression. You apply it *snaps fingers* it's like boom.


Because they don't... come up to me...and do that... ah... they won't do it to me... not to my face... you know... or anywhere in my vicinity where they feel they can... be... confronted, you know... they just don't do it.


I wish the world was a different place... I'd like to go on vacation... and go and... go and romp and... play... and... just... do that, you know what I mean? ... I mean... if that is what I wanted to be, ok? ... That's how, I-you know, there's times I'd liked to do that, but... you know... but I can't... because... I know... I know... so... I-I, you know... what you know.. it is just... I have to do something about it... it's not... you know you can sit here and wish it was different and then you look at and you go ok this is aah ok and then there's that moment you go *haha* *sigh* you know... I have to do something, don't I? Yep. I ha-have to do it because I can't live with myself if I don't... and it's and that really is it.


I don't care if someone thinks it's hard or easy, it's, you're-you're helping... you're contributing everything you can... or... you're not.. ok?.. aah because I'm carrying my load... alright?...and only that, as much as I'm carrying, I still feel like I gotta to do more, alright? It's still a thing of... let's go!


If you could just see the look on their eyes, you know the ones that are doing.. you know.. and you know the spectators, who are the ones that are going "well, that's easy for you" or "what am I doing?" and it's just... that thing is-ah... I've cancelled that in my... area..*hahaha* it's like man, you either in or you're out. That spectator is been in something.. that is, we have no time for, you know?


So it's our responsibility to... educate... create the new reality, you know? We have that new responsibility to say "hey, this is the way it should be done" because we do it this way and people are actually getting better.


And... let's get it done... you know?... Let's really get it done and have enough love, compassion and toughness... and, that you're gonna... do it!.. aah and ahh.. do it... right!


I have to tell you something, I'm really.. it-it is.. you know... it's rough and tumble.. and it's... wild and ruly... and it's a blast... it's a blast... it really is... fun... because damnit, there is nothing better.. that than going out there and fighting the fight and suddenly you see *blufh* things are better.


I wanna know that I've done everything I could.. every day... and I think about those people out there.. who.. are depending on.. us... and-ah... I think about that... and it does make me feel-ah... that, god *haha* there's... you know.. we got more work, I need more help, you know? Get those spectators... you're in the playing field or out of the arena, you know? *haha* that's really, that's how I feel about it


I do what I can... and I do it... the way I do everything *hahahahaha* there is nothing hard to away *hahahahahahahahaha* it's just pheeew

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One thing that's scary is that you see the Tom Cruise of old, the Tom Cruise of Jerry Mcguire and Mission Impossible, Rain Man, etc., and you think...."damn, is that the same person?" The mighty fall in different ways. You have Britney Spears, and then you have Tom Cruise. I watch this interview and I think, wow is he really that brainwashed? It just makes you realize, even people of that stature are vulnerable.

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One thing that's scary is that you see the Tom Cruise of old, the Tom Cruise of Jerry Mcguire and Mission Impossible, Rain Man, etc., and you think...."damn, is that the same person?" The mighty fall in different ways. You have Britney Spears, and then you have Tom Cruise. I watch this interview and I think, wow is he really that brainwashed? It just makes you realize, even people of that stature are vulnerable.

He is insane and I would tell him that to his face.

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