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At what MOMENT did you KNOW we were in TROUBLE?


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Without a doubt the turning point was a lack of points from the kickoff turnover. This would have:

- Fired up the Skins players

- Continued to quiet down the fans and demoralize the Seattle players

The lack of converting turnover to points achieved:

- Disappointment and dejection of Redskin players

- Gave Seattle the opening they needed to get fired up again.

Crucial mistakes.

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From the onset of the first two series. We were dominated up front on both sides of the ball.

What sealed it though was coming away with no points after the kickoff recovery. As soon as the field goal missed I said we wouldn't be back in the redzone the rest of the game.

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I knew we where in toruble early, but those quick 14 almost made me think I was watching magic unfold before my eyes.

What did it for me was seeing how even the TV guys where pointing out that we where giving Heyer help with Kerney almost on every play. What i noticed though was that instead of helping Heyer block Kerney, the help man was blocking Kerney on his own and most of those times Heyer was left blocking no one. This meant 1 less offensive weapon and one o-lineman who essentially did not need to be there. This strategy handcuffed our playcalling all day long. Later on, Seattle caught on to it and was blitzing heavy from the other side since they knew we would always "double team" Kerney.

I know Kerney is good and all, but i would have liked to see Heyer try to block him on his own before and then wait for help from Sellars/Yoder/whoever if he needed it. I think it was a waste to have a FB or TE block Kerney all day. maybe he gets beat a few times, maybe even badly, but if that TE or FB is not there to help him, that gives Collins 1 more option-and usually the best check down option- to work with.:2cents:

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I got that feeling the moment the game started. We just looked flat and "out of it" so to speak. It took the team awhile to start playing well.

Yep. That's because they thought they won the Super Bowl the previous week by beating Dallas in a game the Cowboys didn't care about.

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I personally knew we were in trouble when we chose to receive, I am a very strong believer in kicking off to the other team 100% of the time when you win the toss.

When I knew we were in deep trouble: when we had to punt to them off our first possession.

When I knew we were done: After it was 7-0 Seahawks. We looked awful in pass defense and I had a good feeling that their QB was going to pick us apart deep all day and I was pretty much right about all of that.

In the NFL, if you win the toss and choose to kick, the opposing team gets to choose in the second half. The Seahawks *probably* would have chosen to get the ball again in the second half. No need to give them an extra possession, if you ask me...

It's a weird rule that, unfortunately, hasn't been changed (like college)...

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Well it didn't hurt us on this play particularly, but it did make me think our defense would have a tough time.

One one of Seattle's first drives, the commentators pointed out that Marcus Washington was in the flat covering a WR.....at that point I knew that not having Carlos Rogers out there might eventually burn us because even elite LBers are going to have trouble covering WRs.......so on Seattle's first drive after Suisham missed the FG, Seattle gets a mismatch in a 4 WR set and an easy TD pass is thrown.....

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I personally knew we were in trouble when we chose to receive, I am a very strong believer in kicking off to the other team 100% of the time when you win the toss.

WooferMagoo refutes this in a later post (with something I didn't know either), but I like putting the pressure on the other team by making them take the opening kick.

...ugh. Our. Coaches. stink.

What a careless and inconsiderate statement to make. Typical mass generalization. Coaching kept us in a game (as was the case most of the year) we had no business winning based on the first half of play, but despite that we still had our chances to win it.

The true point of no-return for me was the same non-converted TD on the recovered kickoff that about 10 others have pointed out. While Seattle pushed the Skins around the field most of the game, the fact was they had dominated the stats without putting the game away. After we took the 14-13 lead, I was feeling "Dallas '05" all over again. But then we didn't put the Seahawks away.

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when suisham booted that 30 yarder, i knew we were done. the whole game for us was about momentum, and we had it all at that moment, and he singlehandedly killed it for us. it gave all the confidence back to the homefield team, and the rest is history, and why were talking about the draft and free agents, and not about dallas.

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After the missed FG. The Seahawks were reeling after giving up 14 unanswered and had just committed a bonehead mistake to give us the chance to go up eight or at least four. We got absolutely nothing out of that and proceeded to throw the game away. The missed FG swung the momentum such that even a second Landry pick could not lead us to victory.

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When we missed that field goal, it was like Carlos Rogers II. Our coaching mind state is too fragile when it comes to adversity. They started the game helping Stephon out with "TWO" players. Same thing they did with Jason Campbell, they showed absolutely no confidence in him and he played like it. This coaching staff makes you pull your hair out. No aggressive offense or defense.

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