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cowboy redskins game moved to 4?


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Here is what I hope is a simple question. Its been 5 years since I have depended on cable TV to watch football, since I've always had the direct TV NFL package. I will be traveling in Florida next sunday, away from my system. Are 4:15 games by default national games that all local fax stations pick up? i.e. if it is a 4:15 game, can I assume that there will be a football game on the local fox channel? Also, is one game designated the primary game and any other games just for the home cities?

Any help would be apprecitated.

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It makes a difference for the people who are going to the game and have other family functions planned for this weekend.

How this isn't obvious is really beyond me. Just because some might not have any conflicts doesn't mean no one does.

For me personally, I'd like a 4pm game because I have friends out of town visiting, and I want to tailgate but I'm taking them to the airport in the AM. So there's just one example. I'd like to know asap just so I can plan accordingly with my friends.

Hm other people have different issues from you (general you, not the quoted person). Shocker.

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