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If Homeland Security allowed only 1 Sport to exist,which one do you keep?


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With the possibility of another attack like 9/11 or something even more massive to the U.S.I've wondered if this situation were to come to fruitation,which I hate to say.....Is a very good possibility!

If Homeland Security cut down all the sporting events,do to high populations and the risk involved...And only allowed 1 sporting event to stay as it once was on all levels (pro,college,H.S.and such)

Which one would you vote for, if it were on a voting ballot and why?

1)Baseball=Obviously probably the most popular and would probably win the vote,but with the steroid allogations and everything...one has to wonder if baseball gets banished all together it facing all the other sports on a ballot!Of course...Baseball is a 9 month sport,(12 IMO) so that doesn't hurt their cause either.

2)Basketball=With all the fighting going on in the NBA and the fact I stopped watching it years ago (not the same w/o Jordan,Bird,Magic etc IMO)I would seriously care less!HOWEVER,College basketball is my 2nd favorite sporting event and since that would be gone,I would have a difficult time w/o the Bracket Busters every year and my fill-in sheets!

3)Football=This is the one, America has to keep IMO...Even though I don't keep track of College like I should,that would definately change in this situation!Shoot...Even H.S. football is pretty cool to watch as well and what College schools are recruiting for.IMO...Football is the total team sport that not just requires those on the field to play well,but the lockerroom to be fired up and excel their team to victory!

4)Soccer=I would be suprised if it were on the ballot?

5)Hockey=It's the one sport where fighting improves the ratings!I think not... IMO!!I can't even name all the NHL teams!How many are there anyways?Exactly...

6)Motor Racing=Nascar has exploded over the years and I think there would be more votes on this one, than most people would think.....UNFORTUNATELY!If I wanted to watch a car drive 350 times around a LAP,I would hire some idiot from Africa who has never been to the US before to try to find my house... :doh:

7)Tennis=Since there are more poor people than rich people, I think we are safe!...and I'm middle class.

8)Golf=As long as they keep making Tiger Woods golf games,I wouldn't even know it had been banished at all! :laugh:

9)Horse Racing=Love this sport!!Fun to bet on and fun to watch...It's the anti-Nascar sport!If you blink,you will miss a race with the horses...With Nascar,If you take a crap,have some naughty,naughty....make a lunch,call your buddy,make a bet,paint your house...you can still get done before LAP 197...

10)Boxing=Well...since you have to pay 3000 dollars on PPV to even watch the damn things,why should I care?If I need to watch a Boxing match...I can either pop in Rocky or go to the hood!Boxing has sure lost it's pazazz over the years,but I'm sure their are fans of the game still.

(just missing the cut)

11)Wrestling=It's fake! :cheers:

So who do you vote for? (only 1) If Homeland Security drops all sports except 1 and the U.S. can vote for the one they want to keep?

No Redskins would just not be acceptable!Gotta vote Football people!

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