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Legitimate Playoff Chances, but


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we have to get one win under our belts before anything. However, the Bears are 5-7, and a win over them would put them out of the picture. We also have the tiebreaker with Arizona and Detroit. Minnesota will be a must win up there as well to get the tiebreaker over them. Dallas will rest their starters the last week of the season. If this team can somehow learn to finish a game, and get over this tradgedy which is going to be the toughest thing they have ever gone through in their lives and win their last 4 games there is a really good chance 9-7 will get them into the playoffs.

Sean help us through this tough time, and I know God has many more important things to worry about, but let him know any help he can shed our way would be appreciated.

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Great post. Don't let anyone tell you it's unrealistic or stupid either. That's what being a fan is all about. You always cheer for the upset and the long shot chances.

If we win against Minnesota(and yes, I know that's a BIG if), I hope the haters in this forum will turn their attitude around.

If the Redskins play to win, then why shouldn't I expect them to win. They're my team after all.

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We can do this. The way the schedule lines up, we have the opportunity to deliver crushing blows to Chicago and Minnesota's chances, and thus vault us into the playoffs. But of our four remaining games, the Minnesota one worries me the most. They have flipped a switch and are playing great right now, and it's in their building.

But we can do it. It starts Thursday night.

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We can do this. The way the schedule lines up, we have the opportunity to deliver crushing blows to Chicago and Minnesota's chances, and thus vault us into the playoffs. But of our four remaining games, the Minnesota one worries me the most. They have flipped a switch and are playing great right now, and it's in their building.

Someone else mentioned that Minnesota's offense is one-dimensional which is where Williams shines in creating a defense to shut that down.

I agree ... if we create a game plan to shut down AP and Chester, it will force Jackson to air it out.

But we can do it. It starts Thursday night.

I mentioned in another thread that, with a loss by Arizona and Detroit, our running the table should get us that final wild card spot. Arizona's next two are in Seattle and New Orleans; three of Detroit's last four are against Dallas (at home), at San Diego and at Green Bay.

And you're right ... IT STARTS ON THURSDAY!!!


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I will say again....if we get to week 17 with a win and we are in scenerio...

you are a fool to think dallas will sit anyone. do you really think they want us in the playoffs?

I actually think dallas will sit. That said even if they don't Do you really think we would lose to dallas in our house if a win will get us in the playoffs after all we have been through. Truth to the matter is that we will simply want it more then dallas at that point and we will be a on a roll. Of course we need to win the next 3 games to get there...

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ANYTHING is possible. We have lost 4 in a row in a very crucial stretch of games, it sucks, big time. The upside is that we have been in all 4 games until the end, and we were only a couple plays away from winning all 4. With a little bit of good fortune and a lot more effort on that pathetic offensive line, I could see us making a little bit of noise. It all has to start this thursday.

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I would have had more faith in this team winning the last 4 if they would have showed some heart against Buffalo or not choked the last 4 losses away. I hope they can get rolling here at the end of the season, but honestly i have lost faith in the Redskins ability to win a game.

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Someone else mentioned that Minnesota's offense is one-dimensional which is where Williams shines in creating a defense to shut that down.

I agree ... if we create a game plan to shut down AP and Chester, it will force Jackson to air it out.

They may be one-dimesnional but it's a pretty freakin good dimension. The Vikings are playing great football right now on both sides of the ball. And Jackson is starting to look more and more like a NFL QB. At the very least the Skins will have to respect his ability to get the ball down the field. He's starting to hit those.

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If we win against Minnesota(and yes, I know that's a BIG if), I hope the haters in this forum will turn their attitude around.

I'm still unsure why everyone that points out the very real problems and to the actual results of this team is labeled a 'hater'. I love the Redskins. But they are not a good team. I have a lot of evidence towards this fact.

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I'm still unsure why everyone that points out the very real problems and to the actual results of this team is labeled a 'hater'. I love the Redskins. But they are not a good team. I have a lot of evidence towards this fact.

you know...........

its real funny how when WE are winning (that being the skins) everyone uses the term "we" and when the team loses its "they":doh:

geez, and I thought the Buc fans were bad.

We are the Redskins.

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I love the Redskins. But they are not a good team.

None of the 8 teams fighting for the last playoff spot is a good team, though. Thats why you have to keep hope alive.

New Orleans is the team to worry about. If they run the table, they will have the tiebreaker over us. (Better conference record). In a three or 4 way tie scenario, it might be different.

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