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Legitimate Playoff Chances, but


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if we can win this Thursday night ... that gives us 10 days to prepare for the Giants. I believe if the stars align and we win the next 2 games ... we will be ready to take this thing to the house.

I will be rooting my ass off for the B&G, but I won't be holding my breath at the sae time. HTTR!

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you know...........

its real funny how when WE are winning (that being the skins) everyone uses the term "we" and when the team loses its "they":doh:

geez, and I thought the Buc fans were bad.

We are the Redskins.

I have never referred to the Skins as a 'we'. Ever. Why would I?

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We have a shot, just very slim. I have a hard time believing we can do it though, the way we've blown out opportunities the past two weeks. I mean, if we could've won either of our last two games, which we blew, we would be tied for the wild card. I'm not sure there is any indication we can do it now. It is extremely hard to be optimistic right now. But hope springs eternal, hopefully we will be mad enough after Sunday's debacle to actually win against the Bears. Keep in mind the Cardinals and Lions need to lose, along with the other teams tied with us.

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None of the 8 teams fighting for the last playoff spot is a good team, though. Thats why you have to keep hope alive.

New Orleans is the team to worry about. If they run the table, they will have the tiebreaker over us. (Better conference record). In a three or 4 way tie scenario, it might be different.

True. The NFC is a very weak conference. That's what makes this so frustrating. Teams are supposed to get better as the year goes on. The Skins have lost 4 straight. The wildcad spot was theirs for the taking. Now, they have to work their asses off for it. I don't think they are in a position to do so.

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