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What do all of these folks have in common?  

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  1. 1. What do all of these folks have in common?

    • They're all dressed handsomely
    • They're all wealthy
    • None of them are serving in Iraq
    • All of the above

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My entire post was about the head to head rivalry.

No it wasn't, or you wouldn't have mentioned Super Bowl wins and Super Bowl appearances, since those can NEVER be "head to head".

I broke it down by decades, because that is generally more accepted than picking and choosing.

A decade is 10 years...by definition, ANY 10 year span is "picking and choosing". So if you truly felt that way, you would NEVER have broken down the stats into 10 year periods. You would have stayed true to your own words and "either look at the entire History of the 2 franchises or none of it". You contradicted yourself when you found value in breaking the comparisons down into decades.

Whether you're talking about the last 10 years or you're talking about the 10 years between 1990 and 1999, you're still talking about stats within the same context. That's where the contradictions come in and weaken your argument and your stance.

Suppose I admit this to you. If I could swap every stat with you in the decade fo the 80's I would. I'd gladly accept you having more wins head to head than us in exchange for your 2 Lombardi trophies in that decade. In a heartbeat. Not even a 2nd thought. That's what it's supposed to be about.

If that's the case, why did you say this: "Not even in their dominant decade, and our worst, were they better."

See, that's why I made the comment about being impressed that you were able to say these things with a straight face lol :laugh:... :)

I'll also acknowledge that cherry picking any 10 years at random would show that at times the Redskisn were the better and at times the Cowboys were. I'll also admit that in very rare circumstances that is probably true of every great rivalry. So if you want to tell me that you guys were the better team from 1997 to 2006 I won't argue with you. You were. No problem from me admitting a fact.

Um, "cherry picking"? Since when is going on the last 10 years "cherry picking"? It's a fluid timespan that continuously removes the year farthest removed from the present and replaces it with the just completed season. It's the most effective way at showing recent and relevant successes of the two franchises and comparing them...a concept which you described as "lame" and "needs to have a merciful death and put out of its misery."

Is there ANY valid reason for NOT wanting to compare the last 10 years between the two teams? None that I can think of.

Head to head I appreciate my team's History against each of the division rivals. I hope that's cool with you. If not, not much I can do about it.

Head to head is fine, everyone values that against division rivals. But you mixed them up with overall successes regardless of head to head records in your post...then also gave head to head records WAY too much validity in determining which team was "better" during any given timespan. Well, take that back...you did when it suited your purpose lol ;)...

Nice post BTW.

Thanks...I love debating, especially when you get to use smack talk while doing so lol :cheers:

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This Cowboys fan makes a good argument, but you might remind him the the Redskins won two NFL Championships long before the Cowboys existed, meaning that both teams have won 5 Championships. You might further remind him that the two playoff games in which we beat the Cowboys, who have yet to beat us in the playoffs, were in fact conference Championships games, which makes them all the more significant. Finally, our recent success goes beyong the 2005 series sweep, we have actually won 3 out of the last 4 against them.

While any fool can see that the Cowboys have the edge in head-to-head matchups, you cannot ignore the fact the Redskins have had the edge in the series for the past couple years, nor can you poo-poo the fact that the Redskins were the victors in the two biggest games in the series history, and how dare this Cowboys fan ignore our 1937 and 1942 Championships!

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Just curious, but which part? The last tidbit I said, in not as many words, was just something to use to anger Cowboys fans.

Or was it the part on loyalty? That part is true. I know there are many of you Cowboy fans who are die-hard and have always been loyal. However, I also know for that every one of those, there is probably 2-3 bandwagoners. This comes down to quantity(Cowboys) vs. quality (Redskins).

As I said, my response to this would get me banned. I'm not here to diss your team on your forum. Not going to happen.
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Oh I know you do. I was just trying to help my man talk some smack to you. Having traded jabs with you in the past I know it's a daunting task. :)

Anyway, enough with the group hugging. Your team sucks and I loathe it with all my being.

There. I feel better now. :)

Touche'. As long as you always hate them, we'll never have an issue Henry. You know that about me. I dig the hatred of my team. I find it comforting.
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No it wasn't, or you wouldn't have mentioned Super Bowl wins and Super Bowl appearances, since those can NEVER be "head to head".
You're telling me that teams do not compare championships? You never remind the Eagles they have no Super Bowl trophies?

I'm calling bull man. If you personally really don't, props to you. I've seen it done here dozens of times though.

A decade is 10 years...by definition, ANY 10 year span is "picking and choosing". So if you truly felt that way, you would NEVER have broken down the stats into 10 year periods. You would have stayed true to your own words and "either look at the entire History of the 2 franchises or none of it". You contradicted yourself when you found value in breaking the comparisons down into decades.

Whether you're talking about the last 10 years or you're talking about the 10 years between 1990 and 1999, you're still talking about stats within the same context. That's where the contradictions come in and weaken your argument and your stance.

Interesting that you tell me what I would never do. I'll tell you what, I will always break it down by the decades and if you want proof of this, drop by our site and check out the History Zone. I've done the same thing for every team we've ever faced. I will always do it by decade because that makes the most sense in the overall analysis of football History which I respect greatly BTW. Ask anyoen who knows me, I do not only know the History of one team. I just happen to be a fan of only one team. But I can intelligently discuss all 32 of them, and by intelligently I mean show respect for great teams and players and know their accomplishments.
If that's the case, why did you say this: "Not even in their dominant decade, and our worst, were they better."

See, that's why I made the comment about being impressed that you were able to say these things with a straight face lol :laugh:... :)

I said it because as I've already said, I was talking about head to head. In that decade we did come out ahead in the head to head matchup. Why deny that? I didn't deny I'd trade the results of the decade.
Um, "cherry picking"? Since when is going on the last 10 years "cherry picking"? It's a fluid timespan that continuously removes the year farthest removed from the present and replaces it with the just completed season. It's the most effective way at showing recent and relevant successes of the two franchises and comparing them...a concept which you described as "lame" and "needs to have a merciful death and put out of its misery."

Is there ANY valid reason for NOT wanting to compare the last 10 years between the two teams? None that I can think of.

None at all, as long as you admit it is about the entire History, that head to head we have had the upper hand, and in return I'll acknowledge we haven't had playoff success.
Head to head is fine, everyone values that against division rivals. But you mixed them up with overall successes regardless of head to head records in your post...then also gave head to head records WAY too much validity in determining which team was "better" during any given timespan. Well, take that back...you did when it suited your purpose lol ;)...
I don't think it's at all mixed up but will respect your opinion to say so.
Thanks...I love debating, especially when you get to use smack talk while doing so lol :cheers:
I do too.
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Hostile is a good poster.

It is clear he does not actually live in Dallas....

Thank you. I'd move to Dallas in a heartbeat. Unlike some, I realize that region of the country and even fan allegiance has nothing whatsoever to do with intelligence and class.
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I haven't responded to his Air-raid resume and probably won't unless you guys can think of something that can TRUMP all that CRAP he just said...So here it is...Oh ya... :dallasuck I'm too tired now to start pulling out all our stats against these guys...

just tell him he can take those season sweeps and super bowls and shove them up his *** because were sweeping them THIS year! :helmet:

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...never really been a fan of the toe in first to test the water approach, much rather just dive right in. Hey, you might get some water up your noes and you might get a bit winded, but it's a hell of a lot more fun :)

Just ignore the ones who try to get into pissing contests - don't take the bait - there are plenty of respectful posters there to keep you busy.

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I'd say that the moment you bring up the past, even the recent past, Cowboys fans can pretty much trump most franchises in the Super Bowl era. Notice I said Super Bowl era before someone jumps on me about NFL Championships before then. Your best bet is to just avoid discussions with Cowboys fans about the past. Focus on the present and future.

Also, not trying to tell you how to do whatever it is you're attempting to do over at CZ, but there's quite a few of us that post at both places and if you're trying to get in good graces and you run back here to make fun of them, well, it probably won't go over well.

Anyways, glad to have you over there if/when you do come back. It's always good to have another opinion on things.

I was gonna say this also. But I guess when you look at the rivalry, Dallass fans will always put it in the Redskins faces more than any other team. Sad to say, but the numbers don't lie. Wish it weren't true, but it is and Skins fans can never spin it. I won't.

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You seem cool too Hostile!

I hope I haven't ruffled any feathers over there...I actually plan on posting over their and starting up some good talks...

I don't normally post and copy(quote) other members posts,but I wanted others to aknowledge your site as good opposing fan rival message board,but most of all...I wanted to by the Charcoal to get this fire started for Week 11!

I will visit you guys as often as I can,whether I'm eating crow or not!

Nice to meet ya!Oh....You better beat the Giants cause we're coming for ya!!

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It's interesting when people talk about how successful a "newer" franchise is and use that as a badge, because by percentage they've won significantly more. That may be true.

The thing is, the NFL is an ever-changing beast. Rule changes, player conditioning, player contracts... there are so many things that have drastically changed the NFL landscape through the years of its existence. An successful team now is different from a successful team 20 years ago and it's different from a successful team 40 years ago. That's why in some sense there is a justification for drawing temporal boundaries on comparisons between teams.

That said, and obviously this doesn't specifically have to do with being a "better" team necessarily, but no team or fan should seek to devalue what the oldest franchises did for the NFL; we made it survive. Without us, there would be no NFL. And as someone else posted in a previous thread, specifically the Skins and its fans ensured the NFL's continued existence. To me, it is always strange when someone seeks to find any positive in comparing a younger franchise to a more storied, older franchise. Even if it's on the wrong end of that ridiculous Halas story... ugh

More info here (borrowed from another thread on ES):


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You seem cool too Hostile!

I hope I haven't ruffled any feathers over there...I actually plan on posting over their and starting up some good talks...

I don't normally post and copy(quote) other members posts,but I wanted others to aknowledge your site as good opposing fan rival message board,but most of all...I wanted to by the Charcoal to get this fire started for Week 11!

I will visit you guys as often as I can,whether I'm eating crow or not!

Nice to meet ya!Oh....You better beat the Giants cause we're coming for ya!!

Hey let's be real honest with each other. To some people on our forum the very fact that you are there will ruffle some feathers. Same as with me coming here. As long as you try to be respectful there, and I do the same here, do those opinions really matter?

Several people in this thread said crap about me and I didn't respond to it at all. One guy is pretty sure he'd feel better after he introduced me to some violence. I tend to doubt he'd like the violence returned at the same time he was sharing. Who cares about that stuff?

Good posters will always welcome good posters. My only objection to you was that you came there not to smack talk in post 1 and by post 4 that is exactly what you did. I'd expect the same thing to happen on any rival forum. It's the way of the world we live in.

All I did was respond to it. I'm damned good at the smack talk if that's the soup of the day. Personally, I prefer a good steak. That's what real football discussions are, steak. The rarer the better. If you get my metaphor.

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Thank you. I'd move to Dallas in a heartbeat. Unlike some, I realize that region of the country and even fan allegiance has nothing whatsoever to do with intelligence and class.

True - But I lived in Dallas....

There are low class and low intelligence.....

Well - Not all....

Only 95%

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The irony is killing me.

Now that's funny. :laugh:

As a 17 year old who's never really seen the Skins and Boys at their greatest moments (Dave Campo vs Steve Spurrier anyone?) I'm afraid this one area where I need to study up on. I know many things about the history of the rivalry as I love history and my team, but there's still a lot of things I don't know.

What I do know is that Hostile, though a Cowboys fan, seems to be a very respectable and knowledgable poster. I also know that they've owned us for as long as I can remember during the 1990's and early 2000's, and the first time I remember the Skins beating the Cowboys was in 2002 (I think...) when we finally snapped the streak of 15 losses. I can't tell you how much I hate them for that.

I also know we've beaten them 3 out of the last 4 times, albeit two of the victories coming on miracle like plays. Those two games were so sweet to watch, and I don't think I'll ever forget the Monday Night Miracle.

Lastly, I know that we're going to give them a game come week 11, and that when the Skins and Boys traditionally meet, it's a brawl with whoever wants it more winning.

Oh yeah, screw Dallas. :silly:

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Now that's funny. :laugh:

As a 17 year old who's never really seen the Skins and Boys at their greatest moments (Dave Campo vs Steve Spurrier anyone?) I'm afraid this one area where I need to study up on. I know many things about the history of the rivalry as I love history and my team, but there's still a lot of things I don't know.

What I do know is that Hostile, though a Cowboys fan, seems to be a very respectable and knowledgable poster. I also know that they've owned us for as long as I can remember during the 1990's and early 2000's, and the first time I remember the Skins beating the Cowboys was in 2002 (I think...) when we finally snapped the streak of 15 losses. I can't tell you how much I hate them for that.

I also know we've beaten them 3 out of the last 4 times, albeit two of the victories coming on miracle like plays. Those two games were so sweet to watch, and I don't think I'll ever forget the Monday Night Miracle.

Lastly, I know that we're going to give them a game come week 11, and that when the Skins and Boys traditionally meet, it's a brawl with whoever wants it more winning.

Oh yeah, screw Dallas. :silly:

Miracles happen both ways. You think I don't know 1974 and Clint Longley was providence defined? As one of my very own players described it, that game was the "triumph of an uncluttered mind." In other words Longley's head served the sole puprose of keeping his ears from slamming together. The miracle wins can be more sweet than a good old fashioned stomping. JMO.
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My response to this would get me banned most likely. I won't disrespect your forum.

Hey Hostile, :cool:

Just reading along enjoying quality repartee and saw this...

You could apply for temporary diplomatic immunity :laugh:

The truth doesn't hurt me. Cowboy fans have every right to be enormously proud of their record. Being on the short end of the head-to-head numbers against them never made me love my team less or feel one bit lesser than, even while acknowledging without excuses that we couldn't beat the other guy on any given loss. It just makes me want to win harder the next time and each next time. I have never felt in necessary to begrudge anyone their just due. Championships are championships. Every year everyone playing wants it, only one gets it. :cheers:

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