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I registered at "Cowboy zone" respectfully and I get their resume on page 3!


What do all of these folks have in common?  

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  1. 1. What do all of these folks have in common?

    • They're all dressed handsomely
    • They're all wealthy
    • None of them are serving in Iraq
    • All of the above

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I finally got DSL after being on "Dial up" for years and decided to register at our repected rivalries(giants,Bucs and Cowboys forums),but not as a troll...but to actually rub elbows with our most hated rivals!

If you check it out,My original thread is very respectful,but in no way cowardly bending over for the soap!

All is fine with maybe a little abuse,until some poster air-raids my butt and makes me respond to the fact that they haven't won a playoff game in decade and that we have won 2...and of course I get the Cowboys resume...I probably should have just ignored this poster named "Hostile" but he was a true....well...Cowboy!

But At least he was somewhat intellegent...(even for a Cowboy fan)and I thought I would share this with everybody as far as our history with them over the years..!

I haven't responded to his Air-raid resume and probably won't unless you guys can think of something that can TRUMP all that CRAP he just said...So here it is...Oh ya... :dallasuck I'm too tired now to start pulling out all our stats against these guys...

Originally Posted by Hostile

I will consider this post my invitation to join the fray.

When Redskins fans decide to talk trash, about the only thing they have to crow about is that our teams have met twice in the playoffs and they've won both games.

I do not buy the lame attempts to pigeon hole the discussion about the last 10 years only. That is about as lame as a 40 year old horse. It needs to have a merciful death and put out of its misery. Will Skins fan ever do this? I can't answer for them. Either look at the entire History of the 2 franchises or none of it. Don't pick and choose one tiny window and think it matters.

The fact is the only thing about our series that they have a right to crow about is the 2 playoff wins. Head to head in the playoffs they are 2-0 against the Cowboys, both in NFC Championship games for the right to represent the NFC in the Super Bowl. Both also played in Washington, meaning we were the wildcard team, they were the division champion, and favored to win. Still, Advantage Redskins. Congratulations. I stand here and give them credit for this fact.

<<<Me, acknowledging this feat.

In every other way their team's history compared to ours is inferior. Most of this is purely for the entertainment of our fans.

Super Bowls played... advantage Cowboys, 8 to 5.

Super Bowls won...advantage Cowboys, 5 to 3.

Their team began in 1932 as the Boston Braves, they became the Washington Redskins in 1937.

Our team began in 1960.

That means that when we were an expansion franchise they had a 23 year head start, minimum. It is 28 years in reality. Their franchise has played in 39 post season games.

We've won 32 post season games, not played in 32, won 32. We've played in 54. 15 more post season games played in 28 fewer years.

Advantage, Cowboys.

Still think that 2-0 mark is a big feather in your cap Redskins fans?

It gets worse.

When the decade of the 1960's ended the head to head record was advantage Cowboys 10-7-2. We were 5-2-2 in Dallas, 5-5 at Washington.

When the decade of the 1970's ended the head to head record was advantage Cowboys 12-8. We were 8-2 at home, 4-6 at Washington. The Redskins won our first playoff meeting in Washington in 1972.

The 80's was their decade right? I mean 2 of their 3 Super Bowl wins were in that decade, and we got shut out.

Yet when the decade of the 1980's ended it was advantage Cowboys 11-8. we were 4-5 at home, but 7-3 in Washington. The Redskins did win our 2nd playoff matchup in Washington in 1982.

Not even in their dominant decade, and our worst, were they better.

You know the decade of the 1990's was ours right? Yep...

When the decade ended it was advantage Cowboys 12-8. We were 8-2 at home, 4-6 in Washington.

Now we get to the current decade, still in progress. From 2000 through the game this season it is advantage Cowboys 10-4. We are 6-1 at home and 4-3 in Washington. Unless the Redskins sweep the rest of the decade they'll be behind once again.

All time series record...advantage Cowboys 55-35-2. That's 20 games folks. In other words to catch up they'd have to sweep us for the next 10 years. Just to pull even. It ain't gonna happen Sparky.

We are 31-12-2 at home. We are 24-23 in Washington, not counting their 2 playoff wins there. In their house. We win the matchups in their house more often than they do.

Advantage, Cowboys.

The Redskins fans that showed up in 2005 love to talk about the series sweep in 2005. They also swept the series in 1984, 1987, and 1995 for a total of 4 series sweeps.

Dallas had 2 sweeps in the 1960's... 1968, & 1969.

Dallas had 2 sweep in the 1970's...1970 & 1977.

Dallas had 3 sweeps in the 1980's...1980, 1981, & 1985.

Dallas had 3 sweeps in the 1990's...1994, 1998 & 1999.

Dallas has 4 sweeps this decade...2000, 2001, 2003, & 2004.

That's 14 season sweeps. Advantage Cowboys.

So, I'll acknowledge and congratulate the Redskins fans for the 2-0 record in the playoffs against us. The question is, can they acknowledge that in every other way, shape, and form, the Dallas Cowboys are the better franchise with more to crow about? Can they man up and do that? If they can then the message below is not for them, it's for the Redskins homers who want to come here and bring a flyswatter to a gunfight.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again, to any of the Redskins fans who want to come here and crow. Stand in our shadow and shiver from the cold.

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Hostile, while a Boys fan, is an intelligent fan. Somewhat of a paradox, but sometimes a blind squirrel finds a peanut.

Anyway if I were you I'd delete this thread. Hostile frequents ExtremeSkins and if he sees you've gone to your brethren for help you'll lose any credibility you hoped to earn over there.

You can argue all you want over there, friend, but they're all silver and blue hearted, just as we're burgundy and gold. No one's going to budge from they're original stance. It's fun for awhile, but really quite unproductive.

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wow, he pretty much OWNED your ass there. I'd just stop posting.

Or just say " Screw those stupid stats, what matter is the present, and in 2 weeks we are going to whoop your ass!"

Ya...But I really don't want to get banned from the site,the day I register either..!

I want to be able to post,when we kick their butts in a couple a weeks! :)

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That's good for smack talk I guess... but I dont really see why I should care what happened way back in the day. Is the fact that Dallas has however many more playoff wins supposed to make me feel bad about myself? Whatever, I just dont really care.

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Hostile, while a Boys fan, is an intelligent fan. Somewhat of a paradox, but sometimes a blind squirrel finds a peanut.

Anyway if I were you I'd delete this thread. Hostile frequents ExtremeSkins and if he sees you've gone to your brethren for help you'll lose any credibility you hoped to earn over there.

You can argue all you want over there, friend, but they're all silver and blue hearted, just as we're burgundy and gold. No one's going to budge from they're original stance. It's fun for awhile, but really quite unproductive.

Delete thread....Na...I'm not running with my tail between my legs..!

Just makes Week 11 that much more important...Hopefully,Hostile and I can become good friends when the season is over... :silly:

Who knows?Maybe he'll have to change the 3 SB wins to 4 after the season!I'll save my enthusiasm for "Cowboys Zone" in a couple of weeks! :D

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I'd say that the moment you bring up the past, even the recent past, Cowboys fans can pretty much trump most franchises in the Super Bowl era. Notice I said Super Bowl era before someone jumps on me about NFL Championships before then. Your best bet is to just avoid discussions with Cowboys fans about the past. Focus on the present and future.

Also, not trying to tell you how to do whatever it is you're attempting to do over at CZ, but there's quite a few of us that post at both places and if you're trying to get in good graces and you run back here to make fun of them, well, it probably won't go over well.

Anyways, glad to have you over there if/when you do come back. It's always good to have another opinion on things.

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I'd say that the moment you bring up the past, even the recent past, Cowboys fans can pretty much trump most franchises in the Super Bowl era. Notice I said Super Bowl era before someone jumps on me about NFL Championships before then. Your best bet is to just avoid discussions with Cowboys fans about the past. Focus on the present and future.

Also, not trying to tell you how to do whatever it is you're attempting to do over at CZ, but there's quite a few of us that post at both places and if you're trying to get in good graces and you run back here to make fun of them, well, it probably won't go over well.

Anyways, glad to have you over there if/when you do come back. It's always good to have another opinion on things.

I wasn't trying to make fun of anyone...(or hostile)..just merely wanting to show a couple of things...

1) It's nice to know that there are some fairly intellegent rival fans out there if you look for them (with the exception of Eagle fans...besides who Del)

2)That you can actually go to their site and not fall asleep on the keyboard...There are alot of bad,boring and dead forums out there and it will be nice to visit some rival boards and get a compeditors opinions or feedback.

I actually look forward to CZ for the future...Win or Lose,it should be very interesting there..!

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The only thing that you can say much.. he says in the 40some years the Cowboys have been around they're 20 games up and we'd need 10 straight sweeps to catch them.

All you can say to be a smartass is that you thought that a 10 year window meant nothing and that he'll have to wait for the next 47 years before it means anything.

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I think the thing most people don't understand when I get into arguments like this...

I understand my team is not the best time ever. But they are MY team.

I don't care if the Cowboys have 20 Super Bowls.

I would still be a Redskins fan.

Cowboys fans are always like they are trying to convince me to change sides or something.

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There is no point in trying to argue with them/him. If you bring up the other Championships, which you should since he wanted to throw in that we have been around so long before their franchise even started (never mind that they had to black mail our franchise just to become a franchise), they will over look it.

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Tell the only reason he is sitting here today touting his team horn is because someone at Skins FO forgot to copyright the HTTR song and his team owner bought the song only to give back to the Skins if they let him start a Cowpukes team or else he would currently be a Cardinals fan or something.

They should be thankful they have a team thanks to the Skins!!! He should be a very humble fan!

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Well, if he wants to bring up our history then we have 5 titles and 10 total apeances in the championship game

I saw that too. but I'm sure he'd say something like, Well the cowboys franchise didn't exist at the time, so it's irrelevant.but I see your point and I agree with you.

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Ya...But I really don't want to get banned from the site,the day I register either..!

I want to be able to post,when we kick their butts in a couple a weeks! :)

I don't know if I'm misinterpeting you here but it sounds like you are setting yourself up so you can Troll their board in case we beat them.....not too cool.

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Hostile is a smart guy, and he usually concedes a point if it's legitimate.

The only thing you could possibly say at this point is he says "Either look at the entire History of the 2 franchises or none of it. Don't pick and choose one tiny window and think it matters" and then ignores half our history. It's not our fault the Cowboys haven't been around as long as we have. We've got 9 Championship game appearances and 5 wins. Those game don't not count simply because Dallas wasn't around. Contrary to the opinion of Dallas fans, the world does not, in fact, revolve around their team.

But he's right. Straight up, they've got us head to head in the regular season. You may as well let him have that.

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well if it helps, when a cowboy fan brings up history sayin things like "we won the last 15 of 18" i say "well we won the last one out of one" and they usually shut up. the bottom line is they have the past, but we have the present. things will really heat up in 2 weeks.

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