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I registered at "Cowboy zone" respectfully and I get their resume on page 3!


What do all of these folks have in common?  

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  1. 1. What do all of these folks have in common?

    • They're all dressed handsomely
    • They're all wealthy
    • None of them are serving in Iraq
    • All of the above

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well if it helps, when a cowboy fan brings up history sayin things like "we won the last 15 of 18" i say "well we won the last one out of one" and they usually shut up. the bottom line is they have the past, but we have the present. things will really heat up in 2 weeks.

That's a good point, given the kind of fair-weather fans that team has. I mean, in Dallas, I suppose they are steady, but I can go to the mall in Salisbury and see all kinds of obnoxious Dallas gear on people when the Cowgirls are having a good season. When they aren't, those goobers are rooting for the Patriots or the Packers or whoever is doing well.

Regardless, in the next couple of weeks the situation in the NFC East is going to become much more clear. HTTR, no matter what.:eaglesuck :gaintsuck :dallasuck

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I finally got DSL after being on "Dial up" for years and decided to register at our repected rivalries(giants,Bucs and Cowboys forums),but not as a troll...but to actually rub elbows with our most hated rivals!

If you check it out,My original thread is very respectful,but in no way cowardly bending over for the soap!

All is fine with maybe a little abuse,until some poster air-raids my butt and makes me respond to the fact that they haven't won a playoff game in decade and that we have won 2...and of course I get the Cowboys resume...I probably should have just ignored this poster named "Hostile" but he was a true....well...Cowboy!

But At least he was somewhat intellegent...(even for a Cowboy fan)and I thought I would share this with everybody as far as our history with them over the years..!

I haven't responded to his Air-raid resume and probably won't unless you guys can think of something that can TRUMP all that CRAP he just said...So here it is...Oh ya... :dallasuck I'm too tired now to start pulling out all our stats against these guys...

Your original post was very respectful and I appreciated it very much. You promised not to troll. Here's what you said.
I do not want to be troll and plan on eating my crow if things don't go my way!

If you look close I welcomed you. You still are. Seem like a good guy to me.

But I felt with this post you did a little of exactly what you promised not to.

Well...considering we have won 2 playoff game in decade and you guy's haven't won any(1 with our current roster),I feel pretty good about it!

What's that...I hear something....Oh...That's the Redskins train getting ready to pass you guys in the East...!

That post is what brought the response from me. Not your original respectful post.

You want to talk rivalry, I will. I love the rivalry. You want to be respectful, I will too. You want to talk smack, I will too. I'm pretty damn good at it when invited. I won't need any help.

You noted that you haven't responded to me over there. I thought you said you'd eat crow if things don't go your way.

Just kidding. Good luck this week.

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That's good for smack talk I guess... but I dont really see why I should care what happened way back in the day. Is the fact that Dallas has however many more playoff wins supposed to make me feel bad about myself? Whatever, I just dont really care.

Wow, way to interpret a sophisticated argument as a personal attack.

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Hostile, while a Boys fan, is an intelligent fan. Somewhat of a paradox, but sometimes a blind squirrel finds a peanut.

Anyway if I were you I'd delete this thread. Hostile frequents ExtremeSkins and if he sees you've gone to your brethren for help you'll lose any credibility you hoped to earn over there.

You can argue all you want over there, friend, but they're all silver and blue hearted, just as we're burgundy and gold. No one's going to budge from they're original stance. It's fun for awhile, but really quite unproductive.

No, he won't lose any credibility with me. Like I said, he seems like a good guy.


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Well, for starters this Hostile guy belittles how a Skins fan mentions the "last 10 years" when comparing team successes...then goes on to use 10 year periods when trying to prove HIS point. So if he wanted to go by 10 year timespans, why not start at 2006, and work backwards every 10 years? Who was "better" between 1997 and 2006 is just as valid and relevant as who was better between 1990 and 2000...

Secondly, he contradicts himself like a mf by basically ignoring a little thing we call "context". For example, this doozy:

"The 80's was their decade right? I mean 2 of their 3 Super Bowl wins were in that decade, and we got shut out.

Yet when the decade of the 1980's ended it was advantage Cowboys 11-8. we were 4-5 at home, but 7-3 in Washington. The Redskins did win our 2nd playoff matchup in Washington in 1982.

Not even in their dominant decade, and our worst, were they better."

Uh, excuse me? lol :laugh:...He starts off saying we won two Super Bowls during the 80's while they won none, and that we beat them in the NFC Championship...as well as he leaves out that we had a HUGE advantage in overall records during that decade as well (Cowboys 79-73, Skins 97-55).

So in other words, his argument is that even though we absolutely obliterated the Cowboys during the 80s in terms of Super Bowl wins, Super Bowl appearances, playoff wins, playoff appearances, and overall record, all of those things are irrelevant because the Cowboys beat the Skins three more times than the Skins beat the Cowboys during that time span. Yet he starts off his post by saying Super Bowl wins and Super Bowl appearances DO INDEED matter, since the Cowboys have more of both overall than the Skins.

In other words, Super Bowl wins and Super Bowl appearances matter to this guy...except the ones that took place in the 80s lol :laugh:...Not to mention that he ridicules the Skins' 2-0 playoff win record against the Cowboys, as if it's nothing to brag about when placed in context, yet he actually brags about a whopping 3 game advantage in the regular season over a 10 year span in the 80s from within the context of being totally obliterated in every other facet of comparison between the two teams. And he does this with a straight face. Amazing.

I could go on, but I have to get ready for work... :)

At any rate, I can't BELIEVE how many Skins fans on this thread are laying down and saying the thread starter was "owned" or that he should delete the thread or whatever. What an embarrassing response to see.

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I went on that site to see a thread they had about Cooley and his "training camp shorts". You had to register to view threads. I got banned from that sight for simply saying "Cooley looks sharp in those shorts, it was hot out" and having the name Beat the Cowgirls. I didn't plan on posting again anyway, just thought it was funny they would ban someone for that. They emailed me saying they didn't want negative and hostile posters. I was perm. banned after 1 post.

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Hostile is a smart guy, and he usually concedes a point if it's legitimate.

The only thing you could possibly say at this point is he says "Either look at the entire History of the 2 franchises or none of it. Don't pick and choose one tiny window and think it matters" and then ignores half our history. It's not our fault the Cowboys haven't been around as long as we have. We've got 9 Championship game appearances and 5 wins. Those game don't not count simply because Dallas wasn't around. Contrary to the opinion of Dallas fans, the world does not, in fact, revolve around their team.

But he's right. Straight up, they've got us head to head in the regular season. You may as well let him have that.

How you doing Henry? Long time no rap with.

Indeed I will concede a good point and one poster here makes a legitimate one about the 1937 and 1942 NFL Championships. I do not discount those, nor do I do the lame thing about the strike years. A Championship is a Championship in my eyes and you earned them.

In the future I will certainly recognize the 5 Championships. My post was entirely about head to head stuff, but I did omit that fact and shouldn't have.

I tip my hat to the poster who points it out. Kudos.

I would like to point out that last year I did a primer thread for the last game and acknowledged all 5 of the Skins Championships. So I do recognize them.

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I may be a die hard Redskin fan, but I appreciate knowledge when it's dropped.
I do as well. It makes this great game even greater when discussed intellignetly.

Nice to rap with you. Enjoy Laron Landry. Anyone who knows me can tell you how badly I wanted that guy for the last 3 years. Best Defensive player in the Draft. IMO.

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They have us beat in head to head match-ups in the regular season. However, he doesn't want to include the advantages the Cowboys had. For example, building and maintaining a franchise back then was easier. You didn't have the parity then that you do now. Their success in the 70's was dependant on their HOF QB, Roger Staubach. Their success in the 90's was due to having the same HOF RB and QB the enitre tenure. Meanwhile, the Skins of the 80's and early 90's won 3 Superbowls, ALL with different QBs and RBs. The Skins are the only franchise in NFL history to win multiple championships within a decade with different QBs and RBs. The Cowboys success was due to stability, something many other teams have succeeded with. The Skins are the only team ever to have success without enjoying that stability in the key positions of QB and RB.

The fact the 80's Skins have only 1 player in the HOF speaks volumes about the teams themselves. While the 70's and 90's Cowboys have multiple players in the HOF.

You can bring up the argument that recent history only matters when judging the Skins and Cowboys of today. But the Cowboys fans will dismiss it because us winning 3 of the last 4 isn't in their favor.

The dude pointed out the Cowboys have won 5 Superbowls. You can counter we've won 5 championships, as past championships are essentially the same as Superbowls, they just didn't have that label yet. You can bring up the fact that the Skins franchise has contributed much more to football than the Cowboys franchise ever has. George Preston Marshall kept the league alive during the World War II era. If not for his persistence in keeping football going despite the draft (all the other owners wanted to shut it down for a few years) the league probably wouldn't have survived, and we'd be talking about the O's and the Nats right now.

In other words, both teams have been succesful. Both teams have had their advantages. But only one team has had success unlike the rest. Only one team has succeeded by non-traditional means. Only one team revolutionized the offensive line. Only one team kept football going in one of it's darkest hours.

Then you can point out were a much more loyal and knowledgable fanbase. You can use the fact only 5 people showed up to greet the players when they returned after their playoff loss to Seattle last season vs. Skins fans greeting the players after every single game; as evidence. You can use ES being one of the best, if not THE best, NFL team messageboards as evidence of our knowledge and honorability.

You can also point out that Cowboys players are traditionally viewed as dirty players who like cocaine, if you really want to ruffle some feathers.

This is all I can muster up right now.

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But to a cowboy fan the nfl failed to exist prior to them arriving in the league

Hostile fails because he specifically points to the Skins total history, and then only mentions SB appearences.

Fact of the matter is that the Skins have tied the Cowboys in number of NFL championships (regardless of what it was called at the time.) - Adv. EVEN

Fact of the matter is that the Skins have been in the NFL championship game more than the Cowboys (by a long shot.) Adv. SKINS

Yes we own them in the playoffs when we play against each other. Yes in the last ten years we've managed to win more playoff games then they have. Yes we've won 3 of the last four...all Adv. SKINS

They lead the overall head to head series, and they have been more efficient at winning titles in their total time of existence....all Adv. COWBOYS

Bottom line is both teams have alot for their fans to crow about...and none of it impacts this season.

I think Dallas is better than the Skins this year, but we'll find out in short order...and I think it won't matter, because anyone that represents the NFC this year is going to get steam rolled by the Pats or Colts.

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Well, for starters this Hostile guy belittles how a Skins fan mentions the "last 10 years" when comparing team successes...then goes on to use 10 year periods when trying to prove HIS point. So if he wanted to go by 10 year timespans, why not start at 2006, and work backwards every 10 years? Who was "better" between 1997 and 2006 is just as valid and relevant as who was better between 1990 and 2000...

Secondly, he contradicts himself like a mf by basically ignoring a little thing we call "context". For example, this doozy:

"The 80's was their decade right? I mean 2 of their 3 Super Bowl wins were in that decade, and we got shut out.

Yet when the decade of the 1980's ended it was advantage Cowboys 11-8. we were 4-5 at home, but 7-3 in Washington. The Redskins did win our 2nd playoff matchup in Washington in 1982.

Not even in their dominant decade, and our worst, were they better."

Uh, excuse me? lol :laugh:...He starts off saying we won two Super Bowls during the 80's while they won none, and that we beat them in the NFC Championship...as well as he leaves out that we had a HUGE advantage in overall records during that decade as well (Cowboys 79-73, Skins 97-55).

So in other words, his argument is that even though we absolutely obliterated the Cowboys during the 80s in terms of Super Bowl wins, Super Bowl appearances, playoff wins, playoff appearances, and overall record, all of those things are irrelevant because the Cowboys beat the Skins three more times than the Skins beat the Cowboys during that time span. Yet he starts off his post by saying Super Bowl wins and Super Bowl appearances DO INDEED matter, since the Cowboys have more of both overall than the Skins.

In other words, Super Bowl wins and Super Bowl appearances matter to this guy...except the ones that took place in the 80s lol :laugh:...Not to mention that he ridicules the Skins' 2-0 playoff win record against the Cowboys, as if it's nothing to brag about when placed in context, yet he actually brags about a whopping 3 game advantage in the regular season over a 10 year span in the 80s from within the context of being totally obliterated in every other facet of comparison between the two teams. And he does this with a straight face. Amazing.

I could go on, but I have to get ready for work... :)

At any rate, I can't BELIEVE how many Skins fans on this thread are laying down and saying the thread starter was "owned" or that he should delete the thread or whatever. What an embarrassing response to see.

My entire post was about the head to head rivalry. I broke it down by decades, because that is generally more accepted than picking and choosing. You know how they call the Packers the team of the 60's, Steelers the team of the 70's, 49ers the team of the 80's, and Cowboys the team of the 90's? That sort of thing wasn't invented by me, but I follow the format because it makes sense.

Suppose I admit this to you. If I could swap every stat with you in the decade of the 80's I would. I'd gladly accept you having more wins head to head than us in exchange for your 2 Lombardi trophies in that decade. In a heartbeat. Not even a 2nd thought. That's what it's supposed to be about.

I'll also acknowledge that cherry picking any 10 years at random would show that at times the Redskisn were the better and at times the Cowboys were. I'll also admit that in very rare circumstances that is probably true of every great rivalry. So if you want to tell me that you guys were the better team from 1997 to 2006 I won't argue with you. You were. No problem from me admitting a fact.

Head to head I appreciate my team's History against each of the division rivals. I hope that's cool with you. If not, not much I can do about it.

Nice post BTW.

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They have us beat in head to head match-ups in the regular season. However, he doesn't want to include the advantages the Cowboys had. For example, building and maintaining a franchise back then was easier. You didn't have the parity then that you do now. Their success in the 70's was dependant on their HOF QB, Roger Staubach. Their success in the 90's was due to having the same HOF RB and QB the enitre tenure. Meanwhile, the Skins of the 80's and early 90's won 3 Superbowls, ALL with different QBs and RBs. The Skins are the only franchise in NFL history to win multiple championships within a decade with different QBs and RBs. The Cowboys success was due to stability, something many other teams have succeeded with. The Skins are the only team ever to have success without enjoying that stability in the key positions of QB and RB.

The fact the 80's Skins have only 1 player in the HOF speaks volumes about the teams themselves. While the 70's and 90's Cowboys have multiple players in the HOF.

You can bring up the argument that recent history only matters when judging the Skins and Cowboys of today. But the Cowboys fans will dismiss it because us winning 3 of the last 4 isn't in their favor.

The dude pointed out the Cowboys have won 5 Superbowls. You can counter we've won 5 championships, as past championships are essentially the same as Superbowls, they just didn't have that label yet. You can bring up the fact that the Skins franchise has contributed much more to football than the Cowboys franchise ever has. George Preston Marshall kept the league alive during the World War II era. If not for his persistence in keeping football going despite the draft (all the other owners wanted to shut it down for a few years) the league probably wouldn't have survived, and we'd be talking about the O's and the Nats right now.

In other words, both teams have been succesful. Both teams have had their advantages. But only one team has had success unlike the rest. Only one team has succeeded by non-traditional means. Only one team revolutionized the offensive line. Only one team kept football going in one of it's darkest hours.

Then you can point out were a much more loyal and knowledgable fanbase. You can use the fact only 5 people showed up to greet the players when they returned after their playoff loss to Seattle last season vs. Skins fans greeting the players after every single game; as evidence. You can use ES being one of the best, if not THE best, NFL team messageboards as evidence of our knowledge and honorability.

You can also point out that Cowboys players are traditionally viewed as dirty players who like cocaine, if you really want to ruffle some feathers.

This is all I can muster up right now.

My response to this would get me banned most likely. I won't disrespect your forum.
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My only counter-argument would be based on overall stats. Hostile has the upper hand as far as the head-to-head argument goes, but as far as overall performance I would value total wins-losses more than skins/boys wins-losses. Who has the most winning seasons? Who has the most division championships? A team can go 2-14 with its only 2 wins being a sweep of its greatest rival, a 14-2 team. The 14-2 team is still better. Of course, I haven't researched that and in all probability, the boys have a leg up on us there as well. Still, I think that goes further in deciding which team is more respectable than head-to-head stats do.

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My response to this would get me banned most likely.

Just curious, but which part? The last tidbit I said, in not as many words, was just something to use to anger Cowboys fans.

Or was it the part on loyalty? That part is true. I know there are many of you Cowboy fans who are die-hard and have always been loyal. However, I also know for that every one of those, there is probably 2-3 bandwagoners. This comes down to quantity(Cowboys) vs. quality (Redskins).

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How you doing Henry? Long time no rap with.

Indeed I will concede a good point and one poster here makes a legitimate one about the 1937 and 1942 NFL Championships. I do not discount those, nor do I do the lame thing about the strike years. A Championship is a Championship in my eyes and you earned them.

In the future I will certainly recognize the 5 Championships. My post was entirely about head to head stuff, but I did omit that fact and shouldn't have.

I tip my hat to the poster who points it out. Kudos.

I would like to point out that last year I did a primer thread for the last game and acknowledged all 5 of the Skins Championships. So I do recognize them.

Oh I know you do. I was just trying to help my man talk some smack to you. Having traded jabs with you in the past I know it's a daunting task. :)

Anyway, enough with the group hugging. Your team sucks and I loathe it with all my being.

There. I feel better now. :)

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